
Showing posts from September, 2009

How To Put Only Border Colour To A Circle Avatar In Flutter Code Example

Example: border at circleAvatar flutter CircleAvatar ( radius : 30 , backgroundColor : Colors . teal , child : CircleAvatar ( backgroundImage : AssetImage ( 'assets/appdev.png' ) , radius : 28 , ) , ) ,

Available Yeoman Generator For Angular 2

Answer : The Official tool for scaffolding Angular2 project is Angular-Cli There are few generators for Angular2 Please try them and post some feedback or issues in the github ( ( ( Generator for creating Angular2 library or plugin Angular2 Fullstack generator Ionic2 generator (Gulp; comes in ES6 and TS varieties) Here's what I...

Access Violation Reading Location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Code Example

Example: read access violation. _Pnext was 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. if (this->loginbuttons["Login"]->isclicked()) { std::string name = this->key["username"]->getText(); std::string password = this->key["password"]->getText(); password = enc.Encrypt_Data(password); for (auto& it : this->key) { it.second->set_RequiredError(); } //if (this->key["username"]->Check_requirements() && this->key["password"]->Check_requirements()) { this->quer["login"] = new Query(std::ostringstream().flush() << "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username=Bruh AND password=Bruh LIMIT 1" , this->con->get_Connection()); if (this->quer["login"]->string_Res() != "") { this->states->push(new MainMenu(this->window, this->keys, this->states)); std::cout << "Logged in"; } else...

Border Table Css Example

Example: table border css table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; }

What Is 1000 Factorial Code Example

Example 1: factorial of 0 factorial ( 0 ) = 1 Example 2: factorial unsigned long long factorial ( unsigned long long num ) { if ( num <= 0 ) return 1 ; return num * factorial ( num - 1 ) ; }

Apply Italic Css Code Example

Example: font-style h1 { font-family : "Times New Roman" , Times , serif ; }

Aggregate Mongodb Example

Example 1: how to write the aggragation in mongodb > db . mycol . aggregate ( [ { $group : { _id : "$by_user" , num_tutorial : { $ sum : 1 } } } ] ) { "_id" : "tutorials point" , "num_tutorial" : 2 } { "_id" : "Neo4j" , "num_tutorial" : 1 } > Example 2: MONGODB AGGREGATION tutorials db . stocks . aggregate ( [ { $match : { "price" : 2000 } } ] ) Example 3: MONGODB AGGREGATION tutorials db . stocks . insertMany ( [ { name : "Infosys" , qty : 100 , price : 800 } , { name : "TCS" , qty : 100 , price : 2000 } , { name : "Wipro" , qty : 2500 , price : 300 } ] ) Example 4: MONGODB AGGREGATION tutorials db . stocks . find ( ) . pretty ( )

Check If File Exists Php Code Example

Example 1: php file exist < ? php $filename = ' / path / to / foo . txt' ; if ( file_exists ( $filename ) ) { echo "The file $filename exists" ; } else { echo "The file $filename does not exist" ; } ? > Example 2: file exist php if ( file_exists ( $filePath ) ) { // todo acction } Example 3: php check if file exists if ( ! file_exists ( 'http : / / mysite . com / images / thumbnail_1286954822 . jpg' ) ) { $filefound = '0' ; } Example 4: file exist php file_exists ( string $filename ) : bool

Bootstrap 5 Sticky Footer Code Example

Example 1: sticky footer bootstrap 3 < style > .footer { position : fixed ; left : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; width : 100 % ; background-color : red ; color : white ; text-align : center ; } </ style > Example 2: sticky footer not working bootstrap /* 2020 - bootstrap 4.5+ Note: - The flex-fill utility was included in Bootstrap 4.1 at later release. So after that release the extra CSS for flex-fill won't be needed. Additionally min-vh-100 is included in newer Bootstrap 4 releases */ < div class = " d-flex flex-column min-vh-100 " > < nav > </ nav > < main class = " flex-fill " > </ main > < footer > </ footer > </ div >

Bootstrap Datepicker Format Code Example

Example 1: date picker for bootstrap 4 $('.datepicker').datepicker({ format: 'mm/dd/yyyy', startDate: '-3d' }); Example 2: date picker for bootstrap 4 < div class = " input-group date " data-provide = " datepicker " > < input type = " text " class = " form-control " > < div class = " input-group-addon " > < span class = " glyphicon glyphicon-th " > </ span > </ div > </ div > Example 3: bootstrap datepicker < div class = " container " > < div class = " row " > < div class = ' col-sm-6 ' > < div class = " form-group " > < div class = ' input-group date ' id = ' datetimepicker1 ' > < input type = ' text ' class = " form-control " /> < ...

Auto Rob Jailbreak Script Pastebin 2020 Code Example

Example: autorob loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://1461971147")[1].Source)()

Class Variable In Javascript Code Example

Example 1: es6 class example class Polygon { constructor ( height , width ) { this . height = height ; this . width = width ; } } Example 2: variables in js class constructor ( ) { this . foo = bar } Example 3: class declaration in javascript class NameOfClass { //class declaration first letter should be capital it's a convention obj = "text" ; obj2 = "some other text" ; } //always call class with "new" key word console . log ( new NameOfClass ) ; Example 4: how to create class in javascript class ClassName { }

Bash Script Runs Manually, But Fails On Crontab

Answer : The problem is probably that your $PATH is different in the manual environment from that under which crontab runs. Hence, which can't find your executables. To fix this, first print your path in the manual environment ( echo $PATH ), and then manually set up PATH at the top of the script you run in crontab. Or just refer to the programs by their full path. Edit: Add this near the top of your script, before all the which calls: export PATH="/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/opt/android-sdk-linux/tools:/opt/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools:~/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6/bin" Another more generic way is to have cron run the user's bash logon process. In addition to the PATH, this will also pick up any LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LANG settings, other environment variables, etc. To do this, code your crontab entry like: 34 12 * * * bash -l /home/db-backup/ My Issue was ...

Convert From String To Int In Js Code Example

Example 1: how to convert string to int js let string = "1" ; let num = parseInt ( string ) ; //num will equal 1 as a int Example 2: Javascript string to int var myInt = parseInt ( "10.256" ) ; //10 var myFloat = parseFloat ( "10.256" ) ; //10.256 Example 3: how to change a string to number in javascript let theInt = parseInt ( "5.90123" ) ; //5 let theFloat = parseFloat ( "5.90123" ) ; //5.90123 Example 4: string to int javascript var text = '42px' ; var integer = parseInt ( text , 10 ) ; // returns 42 Example 5: string to int javascript // Convert strings Number ( '123' ) ; // returns 123 Number ( '12.3' ) ; // returns 12.3 Number ( '3.14someRandomStuff' ) ; // returns NaN Number ( '42px' ) ; // returns NaN

4chan (/x/) Code Example

Example 1: 4chan Tumblr is worst and i dont even use either. Example 2: 4chan Remember, this website is the dark hairy asshole of the internet. But sometimes cool stuff happens here.

BC Command Not Working In CYGWIN

Answer : On Windows Cygwin, run setup.exe and search for "bc" in the "Math" category, click on it and hit Next to install. On Unix/Linux you'll probably be needed to install this package Using: sudo apt install bc You need to select the bc package for installation from the "Select Packages" window. By default setup installs only base category that is ~ 50 packages, while the full availability is ~ 4000.

Calculate Value Of N Choose K

Answer : Here is my version, which works purely in integers (the division by k always produces an integer quotient) and is fast at O(k): function choose(n, k) if k == 0 return 1 return (n * choose(n - 1, k - 1)) / k I wrote it recursively because it's so simple and pretty, but you could transform it to an iterative solution if you like. You could use the Multiplicative formula for this: Probably the easiest way to compute binomial coefficients (n choose k) without overflowing is to use Pascal's triangle. No fractions or multiplications are necessary. (n choose k) . The nth row and kth entry of Pascal's triangle gives the value. Take a look at this page. This is an O(n^2) operation with only addition, which you can solve with dynamic programming. It's going to be lightning fast for any number that can fit in a 64-bit integer.

Better Foliage 1.12.2 Crash Code Example

Example: better foliage 1.12.2 crash Download the forgelin library for betterfoliage to work

Codeacade Code Example

Example: codecademy Console.WriteLine("Why tho main");