Strip Function In Python 3 Code Example

Example 1: python strip characters

# Python3 program to demonstrate the use of  # strip() method       string = " python strip method test "     # prints the string without stripping  print(string)      # prints the string by removing leading and trailing whitespaces  print(string.strip())        # prints the string by removing strip  print(string.strip(' strip'))  Output:  python strip method test  python strip method test python method test

Example 2: strip in python

txt = "     banana     " x = txt.strip() #x will be "banana"

Example 3: python strip

txt = "  test    "  txt.strip() #Output: "test"  txt.lstrip() #Output: "test    "  txt.rstrip() #Output: "  test"

Example 4: python strip

# removes outside whitespace/characters '  hey  '.strip()     # "hey" '  hey  '.lstrip()    # "hey  " '  hey  '.rstrip()    # "  hey" '_.hey__'.strip('._') # "hey"

Example 5: strip()

txt = ",,,,,rrttgg.....banana....rrr" x = txt.strip(",.grt") #outputs banana print(x)

Example 6: .strip() python

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