6 Factorial Is Code Example

Example 1: factorial of 8

function getFactorial($int) {         $factorial = 1;     for ($i = $int; $i > 1; $i--)     {         $factorial *= $i;     }     echo "The factorial of " . $int . " is " . $factorial . '<br>'; }

Example 2: Factorial Number

// METHOD ONE const factorialNumber = num => {     let factorials = []     for(let i = 1; i <= num; i++) factorials.push(i)     return factorials.reduce((acc , curr) => acc * curr, 1) }  // METHOD TWO const factorialNumber = num => {     let factorial = 1, i = 1     while(i <= num){ factorial *= i; i++ }     return factorial } // METHOD THREE function factorialNumber(num) {     if(num < 1) return 1     else return factorialNumber(num - 1) * num }


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