Angular 2 Material Design Expand All / Collapse All
Answer :
1- You should remove the mat-accordion
to enable multiple expanded panels.
2- Use the expanded
parameter to change multiple states at the same time.
Here is a running example.
From version 6.0.0-beta-0 you can use multi
parameter and the openAll
and closeAll
functions :
1- Change the mat-accordion
element to set the muti
to true and get the MatAccordionComponent
instance :
<mat-accordion #accordion="matAccordion" [multi]="true">
2- Then use the openAll
and closeAll
functions to open or close all panels :
<button (click)="accordion.openAll()">Expand All </button> <button (click)="accordion.closeAll()">Collapse All </button>
Here is a running example.
Source Link
For the latest version of Angular material 8
<button mat-flat-button color="primary" (click)="openAllPanels()"><b>Open Panels</b></button> <button mat-flat-button color="primary" (click)="closeAllPanels()"><b>Close Panels</b></button> <mat-accordion [multi]="true" #accordion="matAccordion" > <mat-expansion-panel #mapanel="matExpansionPanel" > <mat-expansion-panel-header> <b>Title</b> </mat-expansion-panel-header> <p>Description</p> <mat-action-row> <button mat-flat-button (click)="mapanel.close()">Click to close</button> </mat-action-row> </mat-expansion-panel> </mat-accordion>
import { MatAccordion } from '@angular/material'; ... ... @ViewChild('accordion',{static:true}) Accordion: MatAccordion ... ... closeAllPanels(){ this.Accordion.closeAll(); } openAllPanels(){ this.Accordion.openAll(); } ... ...
To use a toggle button (instead of 2 buttons like ibenjelloun's answer), you can use this in the template:
<button (click)="toggleExpandState()">{{ allExpandState ? "Collapse All" : "Expand All" }}</button>
and add this in the component:
toggleExpandState() { this.allExpandState = !this.allExpandState; }
This introduces a problem where if you expand all the panels manually, the button will still say "Expand All" and vice versa, so you could add a listener when expanding/collapsing a single panel to check if all the panels are expanded or collapsed, and change the variable allExpandState
Also, you don't have to remove the mat-accordian
, just add multi="true"
to it.
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