Cheerio: Extract Text From HTML With Separators

Answer :

This seems to do the trick:

var t = $('html *').contents().map(function() {     return (this.type === 'text') ? $(this).text() : ''; }).get().join(' ');  console.log(t); 


One Two 

Just improved my solution a little bit:

var t = $('html *').contents().map(function() {     return (this.type === 'text') ? $(this).text()+' ' : ''; }).get().join(''); 

You can use the TextVersionJS package to generate the plain text version of an html string. You can use it on the browser and in node.js as well.

var createTextVersion = require("textversionjs");  var yourHtml = "<h1>Your HTML</h1><ul><li>goes</li><li>here.</li></ul>";  var textVersion = createTextVersion(yourHtml); 

Download it from npm and require it with Browserify for example.

You can use the following function to extract the text from an html separated by a whitespace :

function extractTextFromHtml(html: string): string {   const cheerioStatic: CheerioStatic = cheerio.load(html || '');    return cheerioStatic('html *').contents().toArray()     .map(element => element.type === 'text' ? cheerioStatic(element).text().trim() : null)     .filter(text => text)     .join(' '); } 


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