Angularjs Select Option Selected Code Example

Example 1: angularjs dropdown

<select ng-options=" for v in variants | filter:{type:2}" ng-change="calculateServicesSubTotal(item)" ng-model="item.selectedVariant" ng-show="" name="posterVariants" ng-required=" && item.quantity > 0" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-valid-required">     <option value="?" selected="selected"></option>     <option value="0">set of 6 traits</option>     <option value="1">5 complete sets</option> </select>

Example 2: selectangularjs

<select   ng-model="string"   [name="string"]   [multiple="string"]   [required="string"]   [ng-required="string"]   [ng-change="string"]   [ng-options="string"]   [ng-attr-size="string"]> ... </select>


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