Cmd Move Folder Code Example

Example 1: cmd move file to folder

move filename directoryname

Example 2: move into folder cmd

The cd command can be used to change into a subdirectory,  cd subdirectory_name						-> To go one level into subdir cd subdirectory_name/subsubdirectory_name	-> To go two levels into subdir  move back into the parent directory,  cd ..\       -> To go back one level cd ..\..\    -> To go back two levels  move to previos directory,  cd -  move all the way back to the root directory or move to any given directory  cd C:/Give_Path_to_directory

Example 3: cmd move directory to another directory

move directory newDirectoryPath

Example 4: move to folder in command line windows

# move to a directory: cd myFolder  # move out of a directory cd ..  # move to another hard disk # in this example i want to move to drive F, just type: f: # and hit enter


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