Check If Key Exists In Dictionary Of Type [Type:Type?]
Answer :
Actually your test dictionary[key] == nil
can be used to check if a key exists in a dictionary. It will not yield true
if the value is set to nil
let dict : [String : Int?] = ["a" : 1, "b" : nil] dict["a"] == nil // false, dict["a"] is .Some(.Some(1)) dict["b"] == nil // false !!, dict["b"] is .Some(.None) dict["c"] == nil // true, dict["c"] is .None
To distinguish between "key is not present in dict" and "value for key is nil" you can do a nested optional assignment:
if let val = dict["key"] { if let x = val { println(x) } else { println("value is nil") } } else { println("key is not present in dict") }
I believe the Dictionary type's indexForKey(key: Key)
is what you're looking for. It returns the index for a given key, but more importantly for your proposes, it returns nil if it can't find the specified key in the dictionary.
if dictionary.indexForKey("someKey") != nil { // the key exists in the dictionary }
Swift 3 syntax....
if dictionary.index(forKey: "someKey") == nil { print("the key 'someKey' is NOT in the dictionary") }
You can always do:
let arrayOfKeys = dictionary.allKeys if arrayOfKeys.containsObject(yourKey) { } else { }
However I really dislike the idea of creating an NSDictionary which can contain optionals.
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