Bash Dynamic (variable) Variable Names
Answer :
If you want to reference a bash variable while having the name stored in another variable you can do it as follows:
$ var1=hello $ var2=var1 $ echo ${!var2} hello
You store the name of the variable you want to access in, say, var2 in this case. Then you access it with ${!<varable name>}
where <variable name>
is a variable holding the name of the variable you want to access.
First of all there can not be any space around =
in variable declaration in bash
To get what you want you can use eval
For example a sample script like yours :
#!/bin/bash i=0 for name in FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH FIFTH; do eval "$name"="'$(( $i + 1 ))q;d'" printf '%s\n' "${!name}" i=$(( $i + 1 )) done
Prints :
1q;d 2q;d 3q;d 4q;d 5q;d
Use eval
cautiously, some people call it evil for some valid reason.
would work too :
#!/bin/bash i=0 for name in FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH FIFTH; do declare "$name"="$(( $i + 1 ))q;d" printf '%s\n' "${!name}" i=$(( $i + 1 )) done
also prints :
1q;d 2q;d 3q;d 4q;d 5q;d
What I get from your code and your desired output (correct me if I'm wrong):
There is no use of the "FIRST"/"SECOND"/... variable names, you just need a loop with an index...
This will do the job:
for i in {1..5} ; do echo $i"q;d" ; done
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