Bypass Vs Unrestricted Execution Policies

Answer :

Per the comments, there should be no particular difference with how these execution policies behave. However Bypass is intended to be used when you are temporarily changing the execution policy during a single run of Powershell.exe, where as Unrestricted is intended to be used if you wish to permanently change the setting for the exeuction policy for one of the system scopes (MachinePolicy, UserPolicy, Process, CurrentUser, LocalMachine).

Some examples:

  1. You are on a system where you want to change the execution policy to be permanently unrestricted so that any user could run any PowerShell script without issue. You would run:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 
  2. You are on a system where the exeuction policy blocks your script but you want to run it via PowerShell and ignore the execution policy when run. You would run:

    powershell.exe .\yourscript.ps1 -executionpolicy bypass 
  3. You run Powershell.exe on a system where the execution policy blocks the exeuction of scripts, but you want to change the policy just for the life of the interactive powershell.exe session you are in. You would run:

     Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process 


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