
Showing posts from April, 2006

Chrome Dev Tools - Can I Always Have Pretty Print Enabled?

Answer : Yes! This has become available: At chrome://flags/#enable-devtools-experiments enable the Developer Tools experiments ; restart Chrome. In Dev Tools:  ⋮ > Settings ( F1 ) > Experiments > Automatically pretty print in the Sources Panel .

Anonymous Class In Kotlin Code Example

Example: kotlin anonymous class from interface interface OnItemClickListener { fun onItemClick(item : String) : Unit } MyItemRecyclerViewAdapter(object : OnItemClickListener { override fun onItemClick(item: String) { ... } })

Bootstrap Container-fluid Example

Example 1: bootstrap container-fluid Use .container-fluid for a full width container , spanning the entire width of the viewport. <div class= "container-fluid" > ... </div> Example 2: container in bootstrap Containers Containers are the most basic layout element in Bootstrap and are required when using our default grid system. Choose from a responsive , fixed-width container ( meaning its max-width changes at each breakpoint ) or fluid-width ( meaning it’s 100 % wide all the time ) . While containers can be nested , most layouts do not require a nested container. Syntax : <div class= "container" > <!-- Content here --> </div> Example 3: bootstrap container Our default .container class is a responsive , fixed-width container , meaning its max-width changes at each breakpoint. <div class= "container" > <!-- Content here --> </div> Example 4: container class in bootstrap meaning it’s 1...

Are There Different Endings For Antichamber?

Answer : Nope, there is only one ending. The timer is explicitly there to demonstrate how pointless it is. Much of the game is about breaking gaming conventions. There is only one intended ending. However, if you like seeing another, likely unintended ending, try to perform the last action in the game while jumping backwards out of the sphere. If you succeed, you then can watch the ending unfold from the outside, and keep roaming around the final map until the screen fades and the credits come on.

Android ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION Permission SDK 28 Running On Android 10/Q (SDK 29)

Answer : Solved: In App Api Level 28 + <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION"/> The app should check if the permission is granted already: if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(thisActivity, Manifest.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { // Permission is not granted } To request the permission: ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(thisActivity, arrayOf(Manifest.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION), MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION); Learn more about requesting Android runtime permissions. If your app targets SDK level 28 or below, it must specify the permission in its manifest file. Not sure if it helps for your issue but it helps us with similar problem. First check if your app/user has Physical activity permitted - most probably not. If you permit it - your code should run w...

Can I Use Pagespeed Insights For My Local Host Website Or Offline?

Answer : Yes. Use the "Lighthouse" tab from your google chrome dev tools. This is a great starter tutorial on how to do that: Edit: user izogfif pointed out the "Audit" tab was replaced by "Lighthouse".

Can I Connect A SATA Disk On A SAS Connector On The Motherboard?

Answer : Can I connect SATA drives to SAS connectors? Yes , well known question / answer Does the 6 Gb/s transfer rate means that I'll get an equivalent of SATA 3 (which is important if I use SATA 3 SSDs)? Yes . They will negotiate the speed, slower device wins (12G sas ctrl will lower speed to sata 2 drive if needed) or drive will lower speed to older SAS controller. MSM software (or BIOS) can show you negotiated speeds. Are there drawbacks using SAS connectors instead of SATA 3 ones for SATA 2 and SATA 3 drives? In other words, if the motherboard has both SATA 3 and SAS connectors, what is the reason, if any, to use SATA 3 connectors for SATA drives? Use SAS . Usually SATA connector are part of Intel southbridge. Tests I've done show throughput drops proportionally to number of SATA drives connected to southbridge and results were horrific for 6 drives used simultaneously on Intel southbridge. SAS controller on your motherboard is probably LSI using...

Android Development Blogs Code Example

Example: blogs: android development This is test

Add A Drop Shadow Css Code Example

Example: image shadow css <!Doctype > <html > <head > <style > .img { width : 400 px ; height : 200 px ; border : 2 px solid #fff ; background : url ( img/tiger.png ) no-repeat ; box-shadow : 10 px 10 px 5 px #ccc ; -moz-box-shadow : 10 px 10 px 5 px #ccc ; -webkit-box-shadow : 10 px 10 px 5 px #ccc ; -khtml-box-shadow : 10 px 10 px 5 px #ccc ; } </style> </head> <body> <div class= "img" ></div> </body> </html>

Beauty And The Brains Nielson Lyrics Code Example

Example: beauty and the brains lyrics Ben niet zo'n held van mezelf, maar ik heb een superwoman bij me. En alle mannen staan versteld, wat doet ze met die jongen ik zie ze kijken. Ik weet ook niet wat het is, zo'n meisje zo'n lijf en zo'n gezicht. Zo'n goede vriend omdat ze altijd bij me is. Het is goed want ik herken geluk met me ogen dicht. Ik zou wel blind en doof zijn niet goed bij mijn hoofd zijn. Niet alles op een rijtje, als ik niet zag wat ik hier voor me had. Want zij is alles alles alles alles in een. Ze klopt van top tot teen, schatje wat doe je met me? Wat doe je met me? Ja zij is alles alles alles alles alles alles in een. Ze heeft de beauty en de brains en oh oh oh het voelt goed. Het doet me weinig of niks als andere mannen naar haar kijken. Laat die ogen maar rollen jongens kom op, want deze is de mijne. Ik weet echt niet hoe het komt, ze is zo lekker het is bijna niet gezond. En zelfs haar naam rolt lekker over de tong. Ik weet niet hoe maar ze ...

Cisco Anyconnect Keeps Disconnecting And Reconnecting

Answer : For me what solved this is to work only on wifi or only on wired ethernet connection (I disabled the wifi adapter (in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network Connections in win10) Now everything is stable! I had the same issue and inspired by thedrs answer, I disabled all network adapters I didn't need for the VPN connection. It turned out that the Hyper-V machine (and the corresponding virtual Ethernet adapter) I had running were causing it. After shutting down the virtual machine, no more reconnects occurred.

A Symbol For The Quotient Of Two Objects

Answer : How about using \left , \right , and \raisebox ? \newcommand{\bigslant}[2]{{\raisebox{.2em}{$#1$}\left/\raisebox{-.2em}{$#2$}\right.}} \begin{equation} \bigslant{\mathcal{O}_{(V',0)}}{\mathcal{O}_{(V,0)}} \end{equation} which gives The only problem is that I need to re-enter mathmode inside the \raisebox es. Anyone know how to avoid that? If you want to invoke the Someone Else's Problem principle, there's also the faktor package, which ostensibly was designed to do what you want, and which implements using the AMS symbol \diagup . But IMHO the slash is a bit small. For in-line expressions, you can also consider the nicefrac package, which makes both the "denominator" and "numerator" small. As already mentioned, there are two packages to solve this problem: xfrac - typeset fractions in the form n/d generally faktor - especially to typeset factor structures Here is a comparison between the \sfrac{n}{d} and \faktor{n}{d} ...

Check Postgresql Version Code Example

Example 1: check postgres version psql --version Example 2: check postgres version in ubuntu $ locate bin / postgres / usr / lib / postgresql / 9.3 / bin / postgres Example 3: get postgres version postgres - V // or psql --version Example 4: postgresql version command # SSH psql --version # SQL SELECT version ( ) ; Example 5: postgres version command SELECT version ( ) ;

Bypass Vs Unrestricted Execution Policies

Answer : Per the comments, there should be no particular difference with how these execution policies behave. However Bypass is intended to be used when you are temporarily changing the execution policy during a single run of Powershell.exe , where as Unrestricted is intended to be used if you wish to permanently change the setting for the exeuction policy for one of the system scopes (MachinePolicy, UserPolicy, Process, CurrentUser, LocalMachine). Some examples: You are on a system where you want to change the execution policy to be permanently unrestricted so that any user could run any PowerShell script without issue. You would run: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted You are on a system where the exeuction policy blocks your script but you want to run it via PowerShell and ignore the execution policy when run. You would run: powershell.exe .\yourscript.ps1 -executionpolicy bypass You run Powershell.exe on a system where the execution policy blocks the exeuction of scri...

Bind Mwheeldown Jump Code Example

Example 1: csgo mouse wheel jump bind bind mwheelup +jump;bind mwheeldown +jump;bind space +jump Example 2: bind mousewheel jump csgo bind "mwheelup" "+jump"; bind "mwheeldown" "+jump";

[range] Unity Code Example

Example: how to set a range for public int or float unity using UnityEngine ; public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // This integer will be shown as a slider, // with the range of 1 to 6 in the Inspector [ Range ( 1 , 6 ) ] public int integerRange ; // This float will be shown as a slider, // with the range of 0.2f to 0.8f in the Inspector [ Range ( 0.2f , 0.8f ) ] public float floatRange ; }

Best Way To Format Moment Date Code Example

Example 1: moment format date moment.locale(); // en moment().format('LT'); // 12:25 PM moment().format('LTS'); // 12:25:27 PM moment().format('L'); // 03/26/2021 moment().format('l'); // 3/26/2021 moment().format('LL'); // March 26, 2021 moment().format('ll'); // Mar 26, 2021 moment().format('LLL'); // March 26, 2021 12:25 PM moment().format('lll'); // Mar 26, 2021 12:25 PM moment().format('LLLL'); // Friday, March 26, 2021 12:25 PM moment().format('llll'); // Fri, Mar 26, 2021 12:25 PM Example 2: moment format date moment().format(); // "2019-08-12T17:52:17-05:00" (ISO 8601, no fractional seconds) moment().format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a"); // "Monday, August 12th 2019, 5:52:00 pm" moment().format("ddd, hA"); // "Mon, 5PM"

After `npm Install` An Error About A Syntax Error In Python Appears?

Answer : Try this in cmd administrator (or Windows Powershell Administrator if cmd freezes) npm install --global windows-build-tools In case the answer(s) provided doesn't work for you, here are some tips you can follow in order to mitigate related problems for windows OS. NOTE: If you already tried installing the build tools via npm command with no success, it is probably a good idea to delete everything before applying any of the tips below. You can find the build tools here and just delete the folders (but I don't know if they are installed somewhere else): C:\Users\'yourUser'\.windows-build-tools\ C:\Users\'yourUser'\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\windows-build-tools After ensuring that the folders specified above are deleted, then you can try applying any of the following tips. First Tip : Run CMD or PowerShell as Administrator Install node-gyp using the following command: npm install -g node-gyp Download and install windows b...