Change Flutter Drawer Background Color

Answer :

When you build your ListView in the child property of your Drawer, you can wrap your different sections of the Drawer inside a Container and use the color property of the Container.

enter image description here

drawer: new Drawer(         child: new ListView(           children: <Widget>[             new Container(child: new DrawerHeader(child: new CircleAvatar()),color: Colors.tealAccent,),             new Container (               color: Colors.blueAccent,               child: new Column(                 children: new List.generate(4, (int index){                   return new ListTile(                     leading: new Icon(,                   );                 }),               ),             )           ],         ),       ), 

A better alternative if you already have a consistent coloring design in your mind, is to define your ThemeData under the theme property of the root of your app, the DrawerHeader and the body will follow your canvasColor, so you need to override the value of one of them to change the color:

enter image description here

return new MaterialApp( .... theme: new ThemeData(        canvasColor: Colors.redAccent,         ....), ) 

Best way to wrap Drawer with Theme,

For example:

  @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return Scaffold(         //other scaffold items         drawer: Theme(            data: Theme.of(context).copyWith(                  canvasColor:, //This will change the drawer background to blue.                  //other styles               ),               child: Drawer(                  child: Column(                     children: <Widget>[                        //drawer stuffs                     ],                  ),              ),         );   } 

The easiest way would probably be to just wrap the ListView inside a Container and specify its color like following:

drawer: Drawer(   child: Container(color:,     child: new ListView(       ...     )   ) ) 


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