Angular-Material Sidenav CdkScrollable

Answer :

  1. Add to your app module imports: ScrollDispatchModule.
  2. Add cdkScrollable to your mat-sidenav-content:

<mat-sidenav-content cdkScrollable> </mat-sidenav-content>

  1. In your root component:

a) inject ScrollDispatcher from @angular/cdk/overlay and subscribe to scrolling:

constructor(public scroll: ScrollDispatcher) {      this.scrollingSubscription = this.scroll           .scrolled()           .subscribe((data: CdkScrollable) => {             this.onWindowScroll(data);           }); } 

c) do something when scrolling, e.g. check the offset

private onWindowScroll(data: CdkScrollable) {     const scrollTop = data.getElementRef().nativeElement.scrollTop || 0;     if (this.lastOffset > scrollTop) {       // console.log('Show toolbar');     } else if (scrollTop < 10) {       // console.log('Show toolbar');     } else if (scrollTop > 100) {       // console.log('Hide toolbar');     }      this.lastOffset = scrollTop;   } 


Update Angular 9 :

Use import {ScrollingModule} from '@angular/cdk/scrolling', ScrollDispatchModule is deprecated

I opened an Issue on @angular/material some time ago and they now expose the CdkScrollable-Instance.
To use it, you need to access the MatSidenavContainer using @ViewChild(MatSidenavContainer. This instance has a public member scrollable, which is the CdkScrollable instance.
An example can be found here

Edit: As the example is not very complete and a few people are having difficulties implementing it, I'll write my own example here:


<mat-sidenav-container>     <mat-sidenav #sidenav>         Sidenav Content     </mat-sidenav>     <div>         Main Content     </div> </mat-sidenav-container> 


import { Component, AfterViewInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { MatSidenavContainer } from '@angular/material';  @Component({   selector: 'my-app',   templateUrl: './app.component.html',   styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ] }) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit  {   @ViewChild(MatSidenavContainer) sidenavContainer: MatSidenavContainer;      constructor() {     }      ngAfterViewInit() {       console.log(this.sidenavContainer.scrollable);     } } 


  1. Don't use <mat-sidenav-content>. This tag is generated automatically and it has the cdkScrollable directive attached to it. If you use <mat-sidenav-content> in your own template, the scrollable will be undefined.
  2. Use AfterViewInit instead of OnInit. As much as I know, @ViewChild is resolved in AfterViewInit, OnInit is probably too early.


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