Android Studio - Keystore Was Tampered With, Or Password Was Incorrect

Answer :

I had a similar problem while updating my app. The keytool was not reading the correct keystore file and instead pointing to an older keystore file that I created months ago and not used. Searched for some solutions online but didn't find one. Almost gave up but I thought about cleaning the project by clicking Build then Clean Project. This last resort worked for me.

Apparently I just found another post posted few months ago that solved my issues I struggled for days...

Simply need to change the keystore and key alias password to be the same for it to work. Though I still don't know why the same keystore worked before when I was publishing updates; then not working anymore until I changed the passwords.

If anyone has answer for that, please let everyone know!

Apparently Google decided to set the default keystore password to be android.

The keytool utility prompts you to enter a password for the keystore. The default password for the debug keystore is android. The keytool then prints the fingerprint to the terminal.



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