
Showing posts from June, 2005

Angular.js Ng-repeat Filter By Property Having One Of Multiple Values (OR Of Values)

Answer : Best way to do this is to use a function: <div ng-repeat="product in products | filter: myFilter"> $scope.myFilter = function (item) { return item === 'red' || item === 'blue'; }; Alternatively, you can use ngHide or ngShow to dynamically show and hide elements based on a certain criteria. For me, it worked as given below: <div ng-repeat="product in products | filter: { color: 'red'||'blue' }"> <div ng-repeat="product in products | filter: { color: 'red'} | filter: { color:'blue' }"> I thing ng-if should work: <div ng-repeat="product in products" ng-if="product.color === 'red' || product.color === 'blue'">

Bee Swarm Simulator Get Any Bee Script Code Example

Example: Bee swarm simulator description [ To celebrate the first anniversary of Bee Swarm Sim, you can use the code "AnniversaBee" for 48 hours of x2 Pollen and Conversion Rate (this weekend only)! Sorry the update wasn't finished in time - it's almost there though and I expect to release it next weekend. You can use the code to save up honey for upcoming items. ] Grow your own swarm of bees, collect pollen, and make honey in Bee Swarm Simulator! Meet friendly bears, complete their quests and get rewards! As your hive grows larger and larger, you can explore further up the mountain. Use your bees to defeat dangerous bugs and monsters. Look for treasures hidden around the map. Discover new types of bees, all with their own traits and personalities! Join Bee Swarm Simulator Club for free Honey, Treats and Codes!:

Online Gdb C++ Code Example

Example 1: c++ online compiler This two are good C ++ compilers : https : // https : // Example 2: cpp online compiler Best Site With auto compile : https : //

Cache Busting Index.html In A .Net Core Angular 5 Website

Answer : Here's what I ended up with after combining a bunch of answers. My goal was to never cache index.html. While I was in there, and since Angular nicely cache-busts the js and css files, I had it cache all other assets for a year. Just make sure you're using a cache-busting mechanism for assets, like images, that you're managing outside of Angular. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) { // ... app.UseStaticFiles(); if (env.IsDevelopment()) { // no caching app.UseSpaStaticFiles(); } else { app.UseSpaStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions { OnPrepareResponse = context => { context.Context.Response.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "max-age=31536000"); context.Context.Response.Headers.Add("Expires", "31536000"); } }); } // ... app.UseSpa(spa => { spa.Options.DefaultPageStaticFileOptions = new StaticFileOptions ...

Colorhex Red Code Example

Example: color red everyone knows you search this to see blue!

Arctan Derivative And Integral Code Example

Example: derivative of arctan d/dx arctan(x) = 1/(1+x^2)

Assistant Professor Vs Associate Professor

Answer : In a typical university in the United States : An assistant professor is an entry-level faculty member. They are generally on the tenure track (although the term "assistant professor" does not guarantee this) but do not have tenure yet. Typically, within about seven years an assistant professor will either be promoted to associate professor or will leave the university, although the timing can vary a little and it's theoretically possible to remain an assistant professor forever. An associate professor is one step up from an assistant professor. This promotion is usually the same as getting tenure, but not always. (Some universities, like MIT, frequently have non-tenured associate professors.) The final step for most faculty is a full professorship. As for what an associate professor can do that an assistant professor can't, that varies even more than the terminology. In many US universities, the only additional power an associate professor has...

Canvas Arc Js Code Example

Example 1: make a circle in javascript function draw ( ) { var canvas = document. getElementById ( 'circle' ) ; if ( canvas .getContext ) { var ctx = canvas. getContext ( '2d' ) ; var X = canvas.width / 2 ; var Y = canvas.height / 2 ; var R = 45 ; ctx. beginPath ( ) ; ctx. arc ( X , Y , R , 0 , 2 * Math.PI , false ) ; ctx.lineWidth = 3 ; ctx.strokeStyle = '#FF0000' ; ctx. stroke ( ) ; } } Example 2: make a circle in javascript <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=utf-8 /> <title>Draw a circle</title> </head> <body onload= "draw();" > <canvas id= "circle" width= "150" height= "150" ></canvas> </body> </html>

66 Inches In Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

Beamer Change Frametitle Font Size Just For One Slide

Answer : The {} will ensure, that the change is only done for the slides within the {} . \documentclass{beamer} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \frametitle{normal title} abc \end{frame} { \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{size=\small} \begin{frame} \frametitle{extra extra extraextra extra extraextra extra extra extra extra extra long title} abc \end{frame} } \begin{frame} \frametitle{normal title} abc \end{frame} \end{document}

Bootstrap Form Template W3schools Code Example

Example: bootstrap form templates < form > < div class = " form-row " > < div class = " col-md-4 mb-3 " > < label for = " validationDefault01 " > First name </ label > < input type = " text " class = " form-control " id = " validationDefault01 " placeholder = " First name " value = " Mark " required > </ div > < div class = " col-md-4 mb-3 " > < label for = " validationDefault02 " > Last name </ label > < input type = " text " class = " form-control " id = " validationDefault02 " placeholder = " Last name " value = " Otto " required > </ div > < div class = " col-md-4 mb-3 " > < label for = " validationDefaultUsername " > Username </ label > ...

Azure Webjobs Vs Azure Functions : How To Choose

Answer : There are a couple options here within App Service. I won't touch on Logic Apps or Azure Automation, which also touch this space. Azure WebJobs This article is honestly the best explanation, but I'll summarize here. On Demand WebJobs aka. Scheduled WebJobs aka. Triggered WebJobs Triggered WebJobs are WebJobs which are run once when a URL is called or when the schedule property is present in schedule.job. Scheduled WebJobs are just WebJobs which have had an Azure Scheduler Job created to call our URL on a schedule, but we also support the schedule property, as mentioned previously. Summary: + Executable/Script on demand + Scheduled executions - Have to trigger via .scm endpoint - Scaling is manual - VM is always required Continuous WebJobs (non SDK) These jobs run forever and we will wake them up when they crash. You need to enable Always On for these to work, which means running them in Basic tier and above. Summary: + Executable/Scr...

Aspects For Creating Indexes In Sql Server Code Example

Example: create index sql server syntax -- Create a nonclustered index on a table or view CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1 ( col1 ) ; -- Create a clustered index on a table and use a 3-part name for the table CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX i1 ON d1 . s1 . t1 ( col1 ) ; -- Syntax for SQL Server and Azure SQL Database -- Create a nonclustered index with a unique constraint -- on 3 columns and specify the sort order for each column CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i1 ON t1 ( col1 DESC , col2 ASC , col3 DESC ) ;

Bit Barg Code Example

Example: bitcoin i should've invested in 2010

Attack On Titan 137 Code Example

Example 1: Attack on titan U can Watch it on Example 2: Attack on titan Written by Eren Yaeger

Bash Check If String Contains Substring Code Example

Example 1: checking if a substring exists in a string bash string='Haystack'; if [[ $string =~ "Needle" ]] then echo "It's there!" fi Example 2: bash substring test #!/bin/bash STR='GNU/Linux is an operating system' SUB='Linux' if grep -q "$SUB" <<< "$STR"; then echo "It's there" fi Example 3: bash substring test #!/bin/bash STR='GNU/Linux is an operating system' SUB='Linux' case $STR in *"$SUB"*) echo -n "It's there." ;; esac

Chrome Shortcuts Console Code Example

Example 1: mac open developer tools chrome Command + Option + i Example 2: how to open console in google chrome SHFT+CTRL+J

Autohotkey Tutorial Code Example

Example 1: ahk send Send Sincerely,{enter}John Smith ; Types a two-line signature. Send !fs ; Select the File->Save menu (Alt+F followed by S). Send {End}+{Left 4} ; Jump to the end of the text then send four shift+left-arrow keystrokes. SendInput {Raw}A long series of raw characters sent via the fastest method. Example 2: autohotkey hotkeys #^!s:: ;This occurs when pressed Windows Button+Control+Alt+s Send Sincerely,{enter}John Smith ; This line sends keystrokes to the active (foremost) window. return Example 3: autohotkey toggle = 0 #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2 F8:: Toggle := !Toggle While Toggle{ Click sleep 100 } return

Android Studio + Volley = NoClassDefFound?

Answer : Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Found the fix here. Basically, open a command prompt (or terminal) and navigate to your project directory. Use the following command on Windows: For Windows users: gradlew.bat clean And for mac users type: ./gradlew clean Then reload Android Studio and try again!

Angular Material: MatDatepicker: No Provider Found For DateAdapter

Answer : You need to import both MatDatepickerModule and MatNativeDateModule under imports and add MatDatepickerModule under providers imports: [ MatDatepickerModule, MatNativeDateModule ], providers: [ MatDatepickerModule, ], Angullar 8,9 import { MatDatepickerModule } from '@angular/material/datepicker'; import { MatNativeDateModule } from '@angular/material/core'; Angular 7 and below import { MatDatepickerModule, MatNativeDateModule } from '@angular/material'; You need to import both MatDatepickerModule and MatNativeDateModule under imports and add MatDatepickerModule under providers imports: [ MatDatepickerModule, MatNativeDateModule ], providers: [ MatDatepickerModule, MatNativeDateModule ], Just import the MatNativeDateModule along with the MatDatepickerModule at the app.module.ts or app-routing.module.ts. @NgModule({ imports: [ MatDatepickerModule, MatNative...

After Windows 10 Upgrade I Can No Longer Access BIOS

Answer : This is a common problem in all Lenovo laptops. I also have faced this problem so many times. For solving this please go to the link(link of official Lenovo's support site) and download latest bios setup and install it. It will update your bios and all will be all right. Download bios set for window 8.1 and install it. The manual also is given in PDF format. Update: After this again the same problem happens with me but this time I already have latest BIOS version installed in my system and the Lenovo don't allow the installation of same or lower version of the BIOS in existing latest BIOS. So I stuck there and can not do anything. I also approached to the Lenovo service center but they are also helpless they suggest me to change the motherboard which cost me around 10000 INR.

Batch - Copy File Using Relative Path

Answer : if you start your path with \ , it's an absolute, not a relative path. Try copy "Debug\text.txt" "..\..\new" instead

Anaconda Torch Code Example

Example 1: conda install pytorch conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch Example 2: torch conda conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch Example 3: install torch anaconda conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch

Android Studio - Keystore Was Tampered With, Or Password Was Incorrect

Answer : I had a similar problem while updating my app. The keytool was not reading the correct keystore file and instead pointing to an older keystore file that I created months ago and not used. Searched for some solutions online but didn't find one. Almost gave up but I thought about cleaning the project by clicking Build then Clean Project . This last resort worked for me. Apparently I just found another post posted few months ago that solved my issues I struggled for days... Simply need to change the keystore and key alias password to be the same for it to work. Though I still don't know why the same keystore worked before when I was publishing updates; then not working anymore until I changed the passwords. If anyone has answer for that, please let everyone know! Apparently Google decided to set the default keystore password to be android . The keytool utility prompts you to enter a password for the keystore. The default password for the debug keystore is ...