Algorithm Package Latex Code Example

Example: using latex to write algorithm

\begin{program} \mbox{A fast exponentiation procedure:} \BEGIN \\ %   \FOR i:=1 \TO 10 \STEP 1 \DO      |expt|(2,i); \\ |newline|() \OD % \rcomment{This text will be set flush to the right margin} \WHERE \PROC |expt|(x,n) \BODY           z:=1;           \DO \IF n=0 \THEN \EXIT \FI;              \DO \IF |odd|(n) \THEN \EXIT \FI; \COMMENT{This is a comment statement};                 n:=n/2; x:=x*x \OD;              \{ n>0 \};              n:=n-1; z:=z*x \OD;           |print|(z) \ENDPROC \END \end{program}


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