Checkout SVN With Credentials In Jenkins Pipeline?

Answer :

You can use the Snippet Generator for General SCM step. This displays the familiar Subversion configuration options, and takes credentials as parameter as usual.

The Snippet Generator will produce a tad ugly representation of your parameter selections and looks something like this:

checkout([$class: 'SubversionSCM',            additionalCredentials: [],            excludedCommitMessages: '',            excludedRegions: '',            excludedRevprop: '',            excludedUsers: '',            filterChangelog: false,            ignoreDirPropChanges: false,            includedRegions: '',            locations: [[credentialsId: '34761a89-1402-47d7-96e2-aec22ffdc50b',                         depthOption: 'infinity',                         ignoreExternalsOption: true,                         local: 'cable_branch',                         remote: "$SVN_BRANCH"]],            workspaceUpdater: [$class: 'UpdateUpdater']]) 

Notice that the remote section uses double quotes, so that the variable $SVN_BRANCH gets substituted correctly.

Just adding some screen shots for OltzU's answer:

Step 1:

enter image description here

Step 2:

enter image description here


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