Brew Install Nvm. Nvm: Command Not Found

Answer :

There are two steps to installing nvm with brew.

First use brew to install the application:

brew install nvm

Then take a look at the brew info "caveats" section, to see what else you have to do:

brew info nvm

You might see something like (this can change!):

You should create NVM's working directory if it doesn't exist:    mkdir ~/.nvm  Add the following to ~/.bash_profile or your desired shell configuration file:    export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"   . "/usr/local/opt/nvm/" 

If you do not have a ~/.bash_profile file, then you can simply create one.

Make sure to restart your terminal before trying the command.

From the docs:

Your system may not have a [.bash_profile file] where the command is set up. Simply create one with touch ~/.bash_profile and run the install script again

you might need to restart your terminal instance. Try opening a new tab/window in your terminal and retry.

Restarting worked for me...Why can't all bugs be so easy?!!


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