Change GIT Account Of Visual Studio Team Explorer

Answer :

Look in the Windows Credential manager and remove/update your credentials there:

enter image description here

In my case just removing credentials from Windows Credential didn't fix it. I first removed all git and azure related accounts from Windows Credential, then removed accounts from VS>Files>Account Settings, and then VS asked me new credentials and connected to the project. But my commits were still made with the old account! Finally I found out that it was the git config:

C:\Users\[USER NAME]\.gitconfig 

I deleted the whole user section in that file which looks like this:

[user]     name = [OLD ACCOUNT NAME]     email = [OLD ACCOUNT EMAIL] 

On next commit VS asked me git account information and done.

If you want to work with different accounts for different projects on same machine, read this.

I am using VS 2017 and this is how I updated my Password for TFS, using Git repository.

  1. From the Menu: Team -> manage Connection
  2. Click on Manage Connection Link -> Connect to Project

enter image description here

It will then open window to connect to your project, here you can update your password.


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