Change CSS Variable Using JQuery

Answer :

You may change the css variable using plain JavaScript"variableName", "variableProp");

$("html").on('click', function() {      $("body").get(0).style.setProperty("--color", "hotpink");    });
body {   --color: blue;   background-color: var(--color); }
<script src=""></script>  click me!

Simplest solution IMHO: Change a class, that in turn changes the default color:

html {   --defaultColor: teal; } html.someOtherDefaultColor {   --defaultColor: rebeccapurple; } 
$("#clickToChange").click(function(){   $(html).toggleClass("someOtherDefaultColor"); }); 

See question Setting a CSS custom property (aka CSS variable) through JavaScript or jQuery

The method in question is$property, value); where $property is the CSS variable.


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