Adobe Reader Command Line Reference

Answer :

You can find something about this in the Adobe Developer FAQ. (It's a PDF document rather than a web page, which I guess is unsurprising in this particular case.)

The FAQ notes that the use of the command line switches is unsupported.

To open a file it's:

AcroRd32.exe <filename> 

The following switches are available:

  • /n - Launch a new instance of Reader even if one is already open
  • /s - Don't show the splash screen
  • /o - Don't show the open file dialog
  • /h - Open as a minimized window
  • /p <filename> - Open and go straight to the print dialog
  • /t <filename> <printername> <drivername> <portname> - Print the file the specified printer.

I found this:

Open a PDF file with navigation pane active, zoom out to 50%, and search for and highlight the word "batch":

AcroRd32.exe /A "zoom=50&navpanes=1=OpenActions&search=batch" PdfFile 

To open a PDF at page 100 the follow works

<path to Adobe Reader> /A "page=100" "<Path To PDF file>" 

If you require more than one argument separate them with &

I use the following in a batch file to open the book I'm reading to the page I was up to.

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe /A "page=149&pagemode=none" "D:\books\MCTS(70-562) ASP.Net 3.5 Development.pdf" 

The best list of command line args for Adobe Reader I have found is here.

It's for version 7 but all the arguments I tried worked.

As for closing the file, I think you will need to use the SDK, or if you are opening the file from code you could close the file from code once you have finished with it.


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