CMake Support "make Uninstall"?

Answer :

If you want to add an uninstall target you can take a look to the official CMake FAQ at:

If you just want a quick way to uninstall all files, just run:

xargs rm < install_manifest.txt 

install_manifest.txt file is created when you run make install.

No there is not. See in the FAQ from CMake wiki:

By default, CMake does not provide the "make uninstall" target, so you cannot do this. We do not want "make uninstall" to remove useful files from the system.

If you want an "uninstall" target in your project, then nobody prevents you from providing one. You need to delete the files listed in install_manifest.txt file. [followed by some example code]

Remove files and folders (empty only) added by make install from a cmake project:

cat install_manifest.txt | sudo xargs rm cat install_manifest.txt | xargs -L1 dirname | sudo xargs rmdir -p 

The second command will print a bunch of errors because it recursively deletes folders until it finds one that is not empty. I like seeing those errors to know which folders are left. If you want to hide these errors you can add --ignore-fail-on-non-empty to rmdir.


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