\arccos(1/2) Arccos(1/2) Products

Answer :

Note thattan(x)=2sin(x)    sin(x)cos(x)=2sin(x)    sin(x)=0cos(x)=12.\begin{align}\tan(x)=2\sin(x)&\iff\frac{\sin(x)}{\cos(x)}=2\sin(x)\\&\iff\sin(x)=0\vee\cos(x)=\frac12.\end{align}Andcos(x)=12    x=π3+2nπx=π3+2nπ,\cos(x)=\frac12\iff x=\frac\pi3+2n\pi\vee x=-\frac\pi3+2n\pi,with nZn\in\Bbb Z.

In particular, although arccos(12)(=π3)\arccos\left(\frac12\right)\left(=\frac\pi3\right) is indeed a solution of the equation cos(x)=12\cos(x)=\frac12, it is not the only one.

Let x[π3,π3] x\in[-\frac{\pi}{3},\frac{\pi}{3}] .

tan(x)=2sin(x)    \tan(x)=2\sin(x) \iff

sin(x)(12cos(x))=0    \sin(x)(1-2\cos(x))=0\iff

cos(x)=12=cos(π3)    \cos(x)=\frac 12 =\cos(\frac{\pi}{3})\iff

x=±π3+2kπx=\pm \frac{\pi}{3}+2k\pi

but, if k0 k\ne 0, then x x is out of the domain [π3,π3] [-\frac{\pi}{3},\frac{\pi}{3}]. So, k=0 k=0 andx=±π3x=\pm \frac{\pi}{3}

The Cosine function is positive is Quadrants I and IV. Therefore, given cos(x)=12\cos(x)=\dfrac{1}{2}, x=π3x=\dfrac{\pi}{3} is the solution from Quadrant I and x=π3x=-\dfrac{\pi}{3} (or x=5π3x=\dfrac{5\pi}{3}) is the solution from Quadrant IV.

In high school, I remembered this using the acronym "All Students Take Calculus".


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