Binary To Decimal Python Code Example

Example 1: binary to decimal in python

int(binaryString, 2)

Example 2: how to convert decimal to binary python

a = 5 #this prints the value of "a" in binary print(bin(a))

Example 3: python binary string to int

>>> int('11111111', 2) 255

Example 4: convert binary string to base 10 value in python

def getBaseTen(binaryVal): 	count = 0  	#reverse the string     binaryVal = binaryVal[::-1]      #go through the list and get the value of all 1's 	for i in range(0, len(binaryVal)):     	if(binaryVal[i] == "1"):             count += 2**i          return count

Example 5: binary to decimal python

format(decimal ,"b")


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