If Else In Assembly Language 8086 Code Example

Example: if statement in assembly x86

INCLUDE asmlib.inc			 .data	 	prompt BYTE "Enter a number",0 	evenMsg BYTE "That number is even ", 0 	oddMsg BYTE "That number is odd", 0  	divisor DWORD 2 	 .code  main PROC  	mov edx, OFFSET prompt			;output the prompt 	call writeLine 	call readInt				; read in a number 	mov edx, 0				; clear the edx for division 	div divisor				; can't divide by an immediate 						; use a variable 	.IF edx == 0				; if the remainder is 0 		mov edx, OFFSET evenMsg		; it is an even number		 	.ELSE 		mov edx, OFFSET oddMsg 	.ENDIF 	call writeLine				; write the message to the screen.  	exit       main ENDP  END main


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