Change Branch Name Git Code Example

Example 1: git rename branch

git branch -m <oldname> <newname> # Any Branch git branch -m <newname> # Current Branch  # For windows if you get "Branch already exists" error git branch -M <newname>

Example 2: git rename remote branch

# Rename the local branch to the new name git branch -m <old_name> <new_name>  # Delete the old branch on remote - where <remote> is, for example, origin git push <remote> --delete <old_name>  # Or shorter way to delete remote branch [:] git push <remote> :<old_name>  # Push the new branch to remote git push <remote> <new_name>  # Reset the upstream branch for the new_name local branch git push <remote> -u <new_name>

Example 3: rename branch git

git branch -m <new_name>

Example 4: Git change remote branch name

1. Verify the local branch has the correct name: git branch -a  2. Next, delete the branch with the old name on the remote repository: git push origin ––delete old-name  3. Finally, push the branch with the correct name, and reset the upstream branch: git push origin –u new-name  Alternatively, you can overwrite the remote branch with a single command: git push origin :old-name new-name Resetting the upstream branch is still required: git push origin –u new-name

Example 5: git rename local branch

git branch -m <oldname> <newname>

Example 6: edit branch name git

$ git checkout Branch-Name-You-Want-to-Change $ git branch -m New-Branch-Name


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