Application.Quit Unity Editor Code Example

Example 1: application.stop unity

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;// Quits the player when the user hits escapepublic class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {     void Update()     {         if (Input.GetKey("escape"))         {             Application.Quit();         }     } }

Example 2: unity application quit


Example 3: unity exit script

//C#  public static class AppHelper  {      #if UNITY_WEBPLAYER      public static string webplayerQuitURL = "";      #endif      public static void Quit()      {          #if UNITY_EDITOR          UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false;          #elif UNITY_WEBPLAYER          Application.OpenURL(webplayerQuitURL);          #else          Application.Quit();          #endif      }  }


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