Are There Alternatives To Software Center?

Answer :

Yes, there is an alternative to the Ubuntu Software Center named appgrid. It's a very lightweight application center for Ubuntu and it will let you purchase applications too. You can install it in Ubuntu with these following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:appgrid/stable sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install appgrid 

It was only a 100KB download for me.

Comparison between appgrid and Ubuntu Software Center:

Feature                                                | appgrid  | Ubuntu Software Center -------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------------------- Programming language                                   | Python 3 | Python 2 Warm start to home screen                              | 2.7s     | 20s Warm start to details screen (eg opening an apt: link) | 2.3s     | 30s Full database build                                    | 58s      | 6min24 Initial database size                                  | 36.7MB   | 96.5MB Memory usage after startup to home screen              | 20MB     | 53.6MB Lines of code (including tests)                        | 5900     | 56960 

You can sign in with Ubuntu One ID also:

Ubuntu One sign in screenshot

appgrid screenshot

You can use synaptic , a front-end for apt-get.

Yes. Try the Lubuntu Software Center. It is very fast and light-weight.

sudo apt-get install lubuntu-software-center

enter image description here


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