Example 1: how to filter object in javascript
let arr = [ {name: "John", age: 30}, {name: "Grin", age: 10}, {name: "Marie", age: 50}, ]; let newArr = arr.filter((person)=>(return person.age <= 40));
Example 2: how to filter an array of objects in javascript
let arr=[{id:1,title:'A', status:true}, {id:3,title:'B',status:true}, {id:2, title:'xys', status:true}]; let x = arr.filter((a)=>{if(a.title=='B'){return a}}); console.log(x)
Example 3: js filter array of objects by value
var heroes = [ {name: “Batman”, franchise: “DC”}, {name: “Ironman”, franchise: “Marvel”}, {name: “Thor”, franchise: “Marvel”}, {name: “Superman”, franchise: “DC”} ]; var marvelHeroes = heroes.filter(function(hero) { return hero.franchise == “Marvel”; });
Example 4: js filter object
function filterObj( obj, predicate ) { var result = {}, key; for ( key in obj ) { if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) && predicate( key, obj[ key ] ) ) { result[ key ] = obj[ key ]; } } return result; }; var obj = { name : 'john', lastName : 'smith', age : 32 } var filteredObj = filterObj( obj, function( key, value ) { return key !== 'age' && value !== 'smith' }); console.log( filteredObj );
Example 5: array filter
const words = ['spray', 'limit', 'elite', 'exuberant', 'destruction', 'present']; const result = words.filter(word => word.length > 6); console.log(result);
Example 6: javascript filter array of objects
function isBigEnough(value) { return value >= 10 } let filtered = [12, 5, 8, 130, 44].filter(isBigEnough)
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