Angular - Is There List Of HostListener-Events?

Answer :

Open angular dom element schema


  • (no prefix): property is a string.
  • *: property represents an event.
  • !: property is a boolean.
  • #: property is a number.
  • %: property is an object.

Then press ctrl+F and write *

enter image description here

@HostListener(and also (customEvent)="handler()") can also listen to custom events


The list of events you can listen to can be found here

and I believe this one is the same, but better organized (I'm not sure if all are valid)

Sorry, I think you ask about a list of properties. You can use e.g.

@HostListener("focus", ["$"])   onFocus(target) {     console.log(target.value)   }    @HostListener("blur", ["$"])   onBlur(target) {     console.log(target.value)    }   @HostListener("input", ["$"])   onInput(value) {     console.log(value)    } 


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