Apache ZooKeeper WEB-UI

Answer :

Yes there is. ZooNavigator is a web app that enables you to browse and edit data in ZooKeeper.

The upcoming Zookeeper 3.5.0 will have a built in "Admin Server" interface at localhost:8080. You may have to enable or configure it to get it running. As of 2017-01-30 the current/stable version is 3.4.9 and 3.5.0 is labeled as being "alpha".

Update: as of 2018-02-20 this feature still has't been released. It's now in 3.5.3 beta. The links have been updated but they may not remain active as the version number changes.

Admin Server Documentation

Admin Server Configuration

zk-web is a git project that will help you. Check below link for more



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