
Showing posts from July, 2000

Auto Start Navigation With React Native Google Maps Directions Package

Answer : The react-native-maps-directions uses the Directions API to display routes. Please note that Directions API doesn't include any real-time navigation, it is meant only to show routes. The real-time navigation additionally is prohibited in the Google Maps APIs. Have a look at the Google Maps API Terms of Service paragraph 10.4 (c, iii). It reads No navigation. You will not use the Service or Content for or in connection with (a) real-time navigation or route guidance; or (b) automatic or autonomous vehicle control. source: In order to be compliant with Google Maps API Terms of Service you should open the Google Maps app installed in your device using the Google Maps URLs in navigation mode. var url = ""; Linking.canOpenURL(url).then(supported => { if (!supported) {...

Delay Function In C Not Working Code Example

Example: C delay /** really not much to say... just a way to program a delay between commands in your code. **/ //C library statement # include <time.h> //Driver program void dealy ( int numOfSec ) { /* the delay itself runs with milli seconds so here we multiply the seconds by 1000. */ int numOfMilliSec = 1000 * numOfSec ; /* Making the time pass with nothing running until the time is up. */ time_t startTime = clock ( ) ; while ( clock ( ) < startTime + numOfMilliSec ) ; } /*To use the delay just use the command: delay(x); you need to replace x with the number of seconds that you want the delay to be. */ ///The code itself without the details: # include <time.h> void delay ( int numOfSec ) { int numOfMilliSec = 1000 * numOfSec ; time_t startTime = clock ( ) ; while ( clock ( ) < startTime + numOfMilliSec ) ; }

Angular NgTemplateOutlet Example

directive Inserts an embedded view from a prepared TemplateRef . See more... Exported from CommonModule Selectors [ ngTemplateOutlet] Properties Property Description @ Input() ngTemplateOutletContext : Object | null A context object to attach to the EmbeddedViewRef . This should be an object, the object's keys will be available for binding by the local template let declarations. Using the key $implicit in the context object will set its value as default. @ Input() ngTemplateOutlet : TemplateRef<any> | null A string defining the template reference and optionally the context object for the template. Description You can attach a context object to the EmbeddedViewRef by setting [ngTemplateOutletContext] . [ngTemplateOutletContext] should be an object, the object's keys will be available for binding by the local template let declarations. <ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="templateRefExp; context: contextExp"...

Background Transparent With Css Code Example

Example 1: css how to make background transparent /* Use RGBA */ background-color : rgba ( 255 , 255 , 0 , 0.75 ) ; /* Transparent Yellow */ Example 2: transparent background css div { width : 200 px ; height : 200 px ; display : block ; position : relative ; } div ::after { content : "" ; background : url ( image.jpg ) ; opacity : 0.5 ; top : 0 ; left : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; right : 0 ; position : absolute ; z-index : -1 ; }

My Cpp Code Example

Example: my cpp # include <iostream> using namespace std ; int main ( ) { cout << "Micael Illos" << endl ; return 0 ; }

Bootstrap 3 Modal Window Code Example

Example 1: modal dismiss < ! -- Button trigger modal -- > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary" data - toggle = "modal" data - target = "#exampleModalCenter" > Launch demo modal < / button > < ! -- Modal -- > < div class = "modal fade" id = "exampleModalCenter" tabindex = "-1" role = "dialog" aria - labelledby = "exampleModalCenterTitle" aria - hidden = "true" > < div class = "modal-dialog modal-dialog-centered" role = "document" > < div class = "modal-content" > < div class = "modal-header" > < h5 class = "modal-title" id = "exampleModalLongTitle" > Modal title < / h5 > < button type = "button" class = "close" data - dismiss = "modal" aria - label = "Close...

C Print Bool As True Or False Code Example

Example: how to print boolean in c printf ( "%s" , x ? "true" : "false" ) ;

Build A Killer Sudoku Solver

Answer : GolfScript, 138 characters n%~[~]:N;1/:P.&:L;9..*?{(.[{.9%)\9/}81*;]:§;L{.`{\~@@=*}+[P§]zip%{+}*\L?N==}%§9/\3/{{3/}%zip{{+}*}%}%{+}*+{.&,9=}%+1-,!{§puts}*.}do; This is a killer sudoku solver in GolfScript. It expects input on STDIN in two rows as given in the example above. Please note: Since the puzzle description does not make any restrictions on execution time I preferred small code size over speed. The code tests all 9^81 grid configurations for a solution which may take some time on a slow computer ;-) R - 378 characters Assuming x="AABBBCDEFGGHHCCDEFGGIICJKKFLMMINJKOFLPPQNJOORSPTQNUVVRSTTQWUUXXSYZWWaaXXSYZWbbbcc" y="3 15 22 4 16 15 25 17 9 8 20 6 14 17 17 13 20 12 27 6 20 6 10 14 8 16 15 13 17" 378 characters: z=strsplit v=sapply R=rep(1:9,9) C=rep(1:9,e=9) N=1+(R-1)%/%3+3*(C-1)%/%3 G=z(x,"")[[1]] M=as.integer(z(y," ")[[1]])[order(unique(G))] s=c(1,rep(NA,80)) i=1 repeat if({n=function(g)!any(v(split(s,...

Can Yarn Be Considered A Viable Option As A Replacement For Bower And Npm?

Answer : It depends on your exact use case, but... probably . Currently, the major trend seems to be towards module bundlers such as Webpack and Browserify (and hence either npm or Yarn) and away from Bower. You can read an excellent overview of the situation at NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack, along with some reasons why you might want Webpack instead of Bower. At the minute, you're probably using HTTP, where it works out faster to have one JavaScript bundle file rather than lots of source files (as would occur with Bower). That's why Webpack and Browserify are so popular (among other reasons) — they should increase performance and simplify development a lot. Side note: HTTP/2 will diminish the value of module bundling, because multiple requests will become far less costly. See What is the value of using Webpack with HTTP/2 for a more detailed description of the issues involving HTTP/2. If you use npm or Yarn, it shouldn't really m...

Syntax For Pure Virtual Function Is Code Example

Example 1: pure virtual function in c++ # include <iostream> # include <string> //Pure virtual function or inteface allows us to define a function in a base class that doesn't have an implementation or definition in the base class and force sub classes to implement that function //Pure virtual function is also called an interface in other languages class Entity { public : //virtual std::string GetName() { return "Entity"; }//This is a function that is just virtual .Overriding this function in sub class is optional we can instantiate subcllass without overriding or implementing this function //Below is an example a Pure Virtual Function //It is an unimplemented function ant it forces the sub class to implement it and define it //You will not be able to instantiate sub class without implementing or defining the function in sub class virtual std :: string GetName ( ) = 0 ; //the pure virtual function must have virtual writ...

Are There Differences Between SM, MS, MSc, MSci Degrees?

Answer : There is no difference: M.S., M.Sc., and S.M. all mean Master of Science. The difference for S.M. is that it is in Latin: scientiae magister . I have no idea whether it will actually help anybody's confusion to translate back to MS, but there is certainly no question of honesty. For anybody with a Ph.D., however, I expect it will not make the least shred of difference, as a Ph.D. supersedes it quite effectively.

Math Papa Code Example

Example: math papa anyone else tryna do their math homework ?

Base64 Encoded Image Is Not Showing In Gmail

Answer : base64 encoded images are not well supported in email. They aren't supported in most web email clients (including Gmail) and are completely blocked in Outlook. Apple Mail is one of the few clients that does support them, that's why you're able to see them there but not elsewhere. Another thing to be mindful of with base64 encoded images is email file size. Gmail App (iOS, Android) and Outlook (iOS) truncate email messages whose file size exceeds 102KB. Remotely referenced images (Eg. <img src=""> do not count towards the email's file size, but base64 encoded images do and can quickly blow out an email's file size past the 102KB limit. Just something else to consider. It looks like that direct encoded images (non-bease64 ) are also not supported by gmail :( - I write below snippet to convert image from base64 to direct form and send it in email - but still not see any image :( . To solve this issue ...

Setup Glide Android Code Example

Example: android glide dependency dependencies { implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.11.0' annotationProcessor 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.11.0' }

Malloc In C++ Geeksforgeeks Code Example

Example 1: malloc in c # include <stdlib.h> void * malloc ( size_t size ) ; void exemple ( void ) { char * string ; string = malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * 5 ) ; if ( string == NULL ) return ; string [ 0 ] = 'H' ; string [ 1 ] = 'e' ; string [ 2 ] = 'y' ; string [ 3 ] = '!' ; string [ 4 ] = '\0' ; printf ( "%s\n" , string ) ; free ( string ) ; } /// output : "Hey!" Example 2: malloc c++ void * malloc ( size_t size ) ; Example 3: how to use malloc in c ptr = ( cast - type * ) malloc ( byte - size )

Bash Clear Screen Code Example

Example: bash command to clear screen Ctrl+L shortcut key

Bootstrap 4 Card Slider W3Schools Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap carrocel < div id = " carouselExampleSlidesOnly " class = " carousel slide " data-ride = " carousel " > < div class = " carousel-inner " > < div class = " carousel-item active " > < img class = " d-block w-100 " src = " ... " alt = " First slide " > </ div > < div class = " carousel-item " > < img class = " d-block w-100 " src = " ... " alt = " Second slide " > </ div > < div class = " carousel-item " > < img class = " d-block w-100 " src = " ... " alt = " Third slide " > </ div > </ div > </ div > Example 2: carousel < div id = " carouselExampleSlidesOnly " class = " carousel slide " data-ride = " carousel " > ...

Chmod --recursive Code Example

Example 1: chmod recursive -R , --recursive chmod -R 755 /path/to/directory Example 2: chmod folder recursive chmod -R MODE DIRECTORY #Example chmod -R 755 /var/www/html