Android Studio How To Run Gradle Sync Manually?

Answer :

Android studio should have this button in the toolbar marked "Sync project with Gradle Files"

EDIT: I don't know when it was changed but it now looks like this:

enter image description here

EDIT: This is what it looks like on 3.3.1 enter image description here
OR by going to File -> Sync Project with Gradle Files from the menubar.

WARNING: --recompile-scripts command has been deprecated since gradle's version 5.0. To check your gradle version, run gradle -v.

./gradlew --recompile-scripts 

it will do a sync without building anything.

Alternatively, with command line in your root project

./gradlew build

It will sync and build your app, and take longer than just a Gradle sync

To see all available gradle task, use ./gradlew tasks

In Android Studio 3.3 it is here:

enter image description here

According to the answer in Android Studio 3.1 it is here:

enter image description here

This command is moved to File > Sync Project with Gradle Files.

enter image description here


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