
Showing posts from April, 2021

Adding L1/L2 Regularization In PyTorch?

Answer : Following should help for L2 regularization: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4, weight_decay=1e-5) This is presented in the documentation for PyTorch. Have a look at You can add L2 loss using the weight decay parameter to the Optimization function. For L2 regularization, l2_lambda = 0.01 l2_reg = torch.tensor(0.) for param in model.parameters(): l2_reg += torch.norm(param) loss += l2_lambda * l2_reg References:

Chelsea Transfer Now News Code Example

Example: chelsea transfer news Timo Werner and Hakim Ziyech in. Also, Willian and Pedro Out. Kai might come too!

Cannot Remove HyperV VEthernet (Default Switch)

Answer : Use the Hyper-V management console or Device Manager aka. devmgmt.msc to remove virtual NIC. Do not remove NIC via registries You remove virtual switch via PowerShell like it's specified here: Also as a workaround, you can try these steps.

Java Script Array Leng Code Example

Example: array length javascript var numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] ; var length = numbers . length ; for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) { numbers [ i ] *= 2 ; } // numbers is now [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Can A Figcaption Be Restricted To The Width Of A Responsively Sized Image?

Answer : Old question, but I came across the same issue and was able to come up with a fairly neat solution, inspired by this. HTML: <figure> <img src="" alt="" /> <figcaption>Make me as long as you like</figcaption> </figure>​ CSS: figure { background-color: #fff; padding: 5px; font-size: .875em; display: table; } figure img { display: block; width: 100%; } figcaption { display: table-caption; caption-side: bottom; background: #fff; padding: 0 5px 5px; }​ This ensures the figcaption does not exceed the width of the figure , whilst allowing you to keep max-width on the image. Works in all good browsers and IE8+. There's a Firefox bug that prevents max-width working within elements that are set to display: table . So, instead of using max-width on the image, setting its width to 100% means this works cross-browser. The figure's width will...

BLE Scan Is Not Working When Screen Is Off On Android 8.1.0

Answer : As of Android 8.1, unfiltered bluetooth scans are blocked when the screen is turned off. While it is surprising for such a dramatic change to be made in a minor release of Android, this is certainly an intended change based on the comments in the commit: Stop unfiltered BLE scans when the screen goes off. The workaround is to use a ScanFilter with all scans. The new 8.1 operating system code simply verifies that any scans active when the screen is off have at least one scan filter. If those conditions are met the scan results are delivered as in Android 8.0.x and earlier. In order to set up such a scan, you must use the APIs introduced in Android 5.0 and create a ScanFilter with each scan. Below is a filter that will find manufacturer advertisements for any device from Apple with manufacturer ID 0x004c (this will include iBeacons): ScanFilter.Builder builder = new ScanFilter.Builder(); builder.setManufacturerData(0x004c, new byte[] {}); ScanFilter filter = buil...

Maximum Value Of Long Java Code Example

Example 1: long max value java Long . MAX_VALUE == 9 _223_372_036_854_775_807L // (9223372036854775807) Long . MIN_VALUE == - 9 _223_372_036_854_775_808L // (-9223372036854775808) Example 2: max long value java /** * A simple application that looks up the value of Long.MAX_VALUE and outputs it to the user. **/ public class Test { public static void main ( String [ ] args ) { System . out . println ( "The maximum Long value is: " + Long . MAX_VALUE ) ; } }

Apple - Changing Emoji Shortcut

Answer : This will work everywhere that Emoji & Symbols has a menu item... System Prefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts Click 'All Applications' (hidden in the picture) Click + Type Emoji & Symbols in the first box Type your replacement trigger in the second Click Add

Can MySQL Replace Multiple Characters?

Answer : You can chain REPLACE functions: select replace(replace('hello world','world','earth'),'hello','hi') This will print hi earth . You can even use subqueries to replace multiple strings! select replace(london_english,'hello','hi') as warwickshire_english from ( select replace('hello world','world','earth') as london_english ) sub Or use a JOIN to replace them: select group_concat(newword separator ' ') from ( select 'hello' as oldword union all select 'world' ) orig inner join ( select 'hello' as oldword, 'hi' as newword union all select 'world', 'earth' ) trans on orig.oldword = trans.oldword I'll leave translation using common table expressions as an exercise for the reader ;) Cascading is the only simple and straight-forward solution to mysql for multiple character replacement. UPDATE table1...

Process Finished With Exit Code -1073740940 (0xC0000374) Code Example

Example: Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409) class serialThreadC ( QThread ) : updateOutBox = QtCore . pyqtSignal ( str ) updateStatus = QtCore . pyqtSignal ( int ) def __init__ ( self ) : super ( serialThreadC , self ) . __init__ ( ) self . ser = False self . state = 0 self . _mutex = QMutex ( ) self . serialEnabled = False def ConnDisconn ( self ) : self . _mutex . lock ( ) self . serialEnabled = not self . serialEnabled self . _mutex . unlock ( ) def run ( self ) : while True : if self . state == - 3 or self . state == - 2 : self . _mutex . lock ( ) if self . serialEnabled : self . updatePB ( 20 ) self . _mutex . unlock ( ) elif self . state == 0 : self . _mutex . lock ( ) if self . serialEnabled : ...

Accept="video Html Code Example

Example: input type file select only video accept="video/mp4,video/x-m4v,video/*"

Digitalwrite Digitalread Arduino Code Example

Example 1: arduino digitalread digitalRead ( pin number ) ; // can also be used to debug with Serial . println ( digialRead ( pin number ) ) ; Example 2: arduino digitalwrite digitalWrite ( pin number , LOW / HIGH )

Animating Max-height With CSS Transitions

Answer : Fix delay solution: Put cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1) transition function for element. scss .text { overflow: hidden; max-height: 0; transition: max-height 0.5s cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1); &.full { max-height: 1000px; transition: max-height 1s ease-in-out; } } css .text { overflow: hidden; max-height: 0; transition: max-height 0.5s cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1); } .text.full { max-height: 1000px; transition: max-height 1s ease-in-out; } This is an old question but I just worked out a way to do it and wanted to stick it somewhere so I know where to find it should I need it again :o) So I needed an accordion with clickable "sectionHeading" divs that reveal/hide corresponding "sectionContent" divs. The section content divs have variable heights, which creates a problem as you can't animate height to 100%. I've seen other answers suggesting animating max-height instead but this means sometimes you get delays when th...

Formula Of Rubidium Nitride Code Example

Example 1: formula of rubidium nitride formula of rubidium nitride Example 2: formula of rubidium nitride formula of rubidium nitride

Delete Index Of Array Javascript Code Example

Example 1: remove a particular element from array var colors = [ "red" , "blue" , "car" , "green" ] ; var carIndex = colors . indexOf ( "car" ) ; //get "car" index //remove car from the colors array colors . splice ( carIndex , 1 ) ; // colors = ["red","blue","green"] Example 2: javascript remove from array by index //Remove specific value by index array . splice ( index , 1 ) ; Example 3: js remove from array by value const index = array . indexOf ( item ) ; if ( index != = - 1 ) array . splice ( index , 1 ) ; Example 4: js remove element from array const array = [ 2 , 5 , 9 ] ; console . log ( array ) ; const index = array . indexOf ( 5 ) ; if ( index > - 1 ) { array . splice ( index , 1 ) ; } // array = [2, 9] console . log ( array ) ; Example 5: remove element from javascript array const array = [ 2 , 5 , 9 ] ; console . log ( array ) ...

Axis Limits Matlab Plot Code Example

Example: axis limits matlab xlim ( [ 0 10 ] ) ylim ( [ - 0.4 0.8 ] )

Bootstrap Header And Footer Template Code Example

Example: bootstarp simple footer © 2020 Copyright: