
Showing posts from July, 2020

Cat Command For Windows Code Example

Example: cat in windows Just use type command in Windows as follows: C:\>echo hi > a.txt C:\>echo bye > b.txt C:\>type a.txt b.txt > c.txt C:\>type c.txt

Add Space Between Paragraphs In Beamer

Answer : I had the same problem: blank lines in latex articles produces a clearly separated paragraph, but in Beamer, with the limited space and no indentation, the default new paragraph is does not strikingly separate the paragraphs. My hack solution was to append the following latex code to the end of the paragraph that should have the space. \\~\ For example, try inserting this into a Beamer latex file: \frame{ This is text that should have a blank line after it. \\~\\ Here is text following a blank line. } I've noticed this too when preparing slides. Rather than have two paragraphs and separate them with vertical space explicitly, I've often used one of the following workarounds: convert each of the paragraphs you want to split to a block-like environment such as theorem , question , answer , etc. That way (in my theme, at least) they get boxed and visually separated. if the two paragraphs are supporting material to the same point, use an itemize env...

Check Wsl Version Code Example

Example 1: get wsl version wsl -l -v # If version 2 is installed properly, you will see the version number. # If you don't see a version number, or if you see an error message # you have version 1 Example 2: wsl version wsl --list --verbose wsl --set-version Example 3: enable wsl2 dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart Example 4: how to check wsl version dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

Change Drawer Size Flutter Code Example

Example: flutter drawer size // wrap drawer with Container drawer: Container( width: 50, child: Drawer( child: ListView( padding:, children: < Widget > [ UserAccountsDrawerHeader( accountName: Text('Test123'), accountEmail: Text(''), ListTile( title: Text('data'), ), ], ), ), ),

Android Beginner Difference Between Padding And Margin

Answer : Margin Margins make up the vertical and horizontal areas between elements. If elements have no margins around them, they will bump right up against each other. In other words, he space outside of, or between, elements is what comprises the margin areas. Padding The padding of an element is the horizontal and vertical space that’s set around the content area of the targeted element. So padding is on the inside of a box, not the outside. Padding is for inside/within components. Eg. TextView , Button , EditText etc. Eg. space between the Text and Border Margin is to be applied for the on-outside of the components. Eg. space between left edge of the screen and border of your component Visual representation is great in : Difference between a View's Padding and Margin With Padding , i have seen a difference in 2.2, 2.3 and say 4.3, 4.4 in such cases: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns...

How Will You Print Hello World In C Language Without Semicolon? Code Example

Example: hello world without semicolon in c //there are many methods to print hello world or something else without semicolon: //here are some.... # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { if ( printf ( "hello world" ) ) return 0 ; } //OR # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { while ( ! printf ( "hello world" ) ) { } //if '!' symbol is not placed then it will be an infinite loop return 0 ; } //OR # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { switch ( printf ( "hello world" ) ) { } return 0 ; } //Code By Dungriyal

Clearcontents Vba Code Example

Example: excel vba clear contents and formatting of cell with a single command 'To clear a worksheet range from VBA, use one of 'the 'Clear' methtods: [A1] . Clear '<-- clears everything in the Range cells [A1] . ClearFormats '<-- clears only the formats [A1] . ClearContents '<-- clears values but not formats [A1] . ClearHyperlinks '<-- clears hyperlinks only [A1] . ClearNotes '<-- clears notes only

Capturing Window.onbeforeunload

Answer : You have to return from the onbeforeunload : window.onbeforeunload = function() { saveFormData(); return null; } function saveFormData() { console.log('saved'); } UPDATE as per comments, alert does not seem to be working on newer versions anymore, anything else goes :) FROM MDN Since 25 May 2011, the HTML5 specification states that calls to window.showModalDialog() , window.alert() , window.confirm() , and window.prompt() methods may be ignored during this event. It is also suggested to use this through the addEventListener interface: You can and should handle this event through window.addEventListener() and the beforeunload event. The updated code will now look like this: window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function (e) { saveFormData(); (e || window.event).returnValue = null; return null; }); There seems to be a lot of misinformation about how to use this event going around (even in upvoted answer...

Button With Href Link Html Code Example

Example 1: href on a button < button onclick = "window.location.href='/page2'" > Continue < / button > Example 2: html button link < button > < a href = '' alt = 'Broken Link' > This is a button < / a > < / button > Example 3: html button with link < a href = "" > < button > Go to Google < / button > < / a > Example 4: button href a . button { - webkit - appearance : button ; - moz - appearance : button ; appearance : button ; text - decoration : none ; color : initial ; }

Can We Define Min-margin And Max-margin, Max-padding And Min-padding In Css?

Answer : UPDATE 2020 With the new (yet in Editor's draft) CSS 4 properties you can achieve this by using min() and max() (also you can use clamp() as a - kind of - shorthand for both min() and max() clamp(MIN, VAL, MAX) is resolved as max(MIN, min(VAL, MAX)) min() syntax: min( <calc-sum># ) where <calc-sum> = <calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]* where <calc-product> = <calc-value> [ '*' <calc-value> | '/' <number> ]* where <calc-value> = <number> | <dimension> | <percentage> | ( <calc-sum> ) max() syntax: max( <calc-sum># ) where <calc-sum> = <calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]* where <calc-product> = <calc-value> [ '*' <calc-value> | '/' <number> ]* where <calc-value> = <number> | <dimension> | <percentage>...

Class Nav Bootstrap Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap4 navbar < nav class = " navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light " > < a class = " navbar-brand " href = " # " > Navbar </ a > < button class = " navbar-toggler " type = " button " data-toggle = " collapse " data-target = " #navbarNav " aria-controls = " navbarNav " aria-expanded = " false " aria-label = " Toggle navigation " > < span class = " navbar-toggler-icon " > </ span > </ button > < div class = " collapse navbar-collapse " id = " navbarNav " > < ul class = " navbar-nav " > < li class = " nav-item active " > < a class = " nav-link " href = " # " > Home < span class = " sr-only " > (current) </ span > </ a > </ li > ...

Migrate Meaning Code Example

Example: migration meaning Migration is the movement of people from one place to another in search of better shelter or greener pastures

AttributeError: Module 'tensorflow' Has No Attribute 'gfile'

Answer : Simple Tensorflow Serving is not ready for Tensorflow 2.0, since it is using the old API. In Tensorflow 2.0 the gfile package has been moved into . Then, you have to downgrade your Tensorflow instance to TF 1.13 use Simple Tensorflow Serving In 2.0, tf.gfile.* is replaced by*. when I get error: File "/Users/MRJ/anaconda3/envs/python37-tf2.1/lib/python3.7/ site-packages/object_detection/utils/", line 137, in load_labelmap with tf.gfile.GFile(path, 'r') as fid: AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'gfile' 1.Find line 137. 2.Replace tf.gfile.GFile to It's worked for me. tensorflow issue #31315

Using Atoi In C Code Example

Example 1: atoi # include <stdlib.h> //atoi's library # include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { string input = "9" ; int output = atoi ( input ) ; printf ( "%i" , output ) ; //this will print out 9 as an int not a string } Example 2: atoi c # include <stdio.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <string.h> //CONVERT STRING TO INT int main ( ) { int val ; char str [ 20 ] ; strcpy ( str , "98993489" ) ; val = atoi ( str ) ; printf ( "String value = %s, Int value = %d\n" , str , val ) ; strcpy ( str , "" ) ; val = atoi ( str ) ; printf ( "String value = %s, Int value = %d\n" , str , val ) ; return ( 0 ) ; } Example 3: what is atoi in strinf The C library function int atoi ( const char * str ) converts the string argument str to an integer ( type int ) . Note : It is...

Can I Put Anything Inside DL/DT/DDs?

Answer : Updated answer based on comments: This was originally answered in 2011 for HTML 4, but the answer is different for HTML5: dt Flow content, but with no header, footer, sectioning content, or heading content descendants. dd Flow content. dt element reference on W3C dd element reference on W3C Original answer: DT elements should contain inline content. DD elements should contain block-level content. Definition lists vary only slightly from other types of lists in that list items consist of two parts: a term and a description. The term is given by the DT element and is restricted to inline content. The description is given with a DD element that contains block-level content. Source: W3C This question is also an interesting read: Why use definition lists (DL,DD,DT) tags for HTML forms instead of tables? Inside a DL you can only put DT and DD tags. A DT tag is an inline tag, so you should not put block elements in it. A DD tag can contain basically anyt...

An Infinite Limit?

Answer : In your very first step, you cannot break a limit into the subtraction of two limits unless both of the other limits exist. The theorem: lim ⁡ x → a ( f ( x ) + g ( x ) ) = lim ⁡ x → a f ( x ) + lim ⁡ x → a g ( x ) \lim _{x\to a} (f(x)+g(x))=\lim _{x\to a}f(x) +\lim _{x\to a}g(x) lim x → a ​ ( f ( x ) + g ( x )) = lim x → a ​ f ( x ) + lim x → a ​ g ( x ) is ONLY valid if the two limits on the right hand side exist. In your case, the second limit clearly does not exist, because it goes to infinity. Edit for clarity, neither does the first limit. So in effect, what you tried to do was make this an ∞ − ∞ \infty - \infty ∞ − ∞ , which doesn't work as seperate limits, but does work together (sometimes)

What Is The Best Case Time Complexity Of Insertion Sort Code Example

Example: what is time complexity of insertion sort Time Complexity is : If the inversion count is O ( n ) , then the time complexity of insertion sort is O ( n ) . Some Facts about insertion sort : 1. Simple implementation : Jon Bentley shows a three - line C version , and a five - line optimized version [ 1 ] 2. Efficient for ( quite ) small data sets , much like other quadratic sorting algorithms 3. More efficient in practice than most other simple quadratic ( i . e . , O ( n2 ) ) algorithms such as selection sort or bubble sort 4. Adaptive , i . e . , efficient for data sets that are already substantially sorted : the time complexity is O ( kn ) when each element in the input is no more than k places away from its sorted position 5. Stable ; i . e . , does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys 6. In - place ; i . e . , only requires a constant amount O ( 1 ) of additional memory space Online ; i . e . , can sort a list a...

Cd Android Chmod +x Gradlew ./gradlew AssembleRelease Code Example

Example: macos gradlew clean permission denied chmod +x gradlew

Symbol For Square Root Latex Code Example

Example: square root latex \sqrt [ n ] { expression }

Adb Command Not Found

Answer : In my case with Android Studio 1.1.0 path was this /Users/wzbozon/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools Add the following to ~/.bash_profile export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/tools:$PATH export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH Is adb installed? To check, run the following command in Terminal: ~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb If that prints output, skip these following install steps and go straight to the final Terminal command I list: Launch Android Studio Launch SDK Manager via Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager Check Android SDK Platform-Tools Run the following command on your Mac and restart your Terminal session: echo export "PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile Note: If you've switched to zsh, the above command should use .zshenv rather than .bash_profile Make sure adb is in your user's $PATH variable. or You can try to locate it with whereis and run it wit...

C++ Terminate Called Without An Active Exception

Answer : When a thread object goes out of scope and it is in joinable state, the program is terminated. The Standard Committee had two other options for the destructor of a joinable thread. It could quietly join -- but join might never return if the thread is stuck. Or it could detach the thread (a detached thread is not joinable). However, detached threads are very tricky, since they might survive till the end of the program and mess up the release of resources. So if you don't want to terminate your program, make sure you join (or detach) every thread. How to reproduce that error: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string> #include <thread> using namespace std; void task1(std::string msg){ cout << "task1 says: " << msg; } int main() { std::thread t1(task1, "hello"); return 0; } Compile and run: el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading $ g++ -o s s.cpp -pthread -std=c++11 el@defiant ~/foo4/39_threading ...

Belle Delphine Instagram Code Example

Example 1: belle delphine Don't. Just, don't. Example 2: belle delphine W-What are you doing here?? Example 3: belle delphine instagram Y are u a simp ? Example 4: belle delphine instagram Please Dont, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO Example 5: belle delphine instagram Please Dont, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

32-bit Integer Max Value Code Example

Example: 32 bit integer limit (2,147,483,647)10 (7FFFFFFF)16 (11111111111111111111111111111111)2

Cluster Data In Heat Map In R Ggplot

Answer : You can achieve this by defining the order of Timepoints in a dendrogram after you have applied hclust to your data: data <- scale(t(data)) ord <- hclust( dist(data, method = "euclidean"), method = "ward.D" )$order ord [1] 2 3 1 4 8 5 6 10 7 9 The only thing you have to do then is transforming your Time-column to a factor where the factor levels are ordered by ord : pd <- data ) pd$Time <- sub("_.*", "", rownames(pd)) pd.m <- melt( pd, id.vars = "Time", = "Gene" ) pd.m$Gene <- factor( pd.m$Gene, levels = colnames(data), labels = seq_along( colnames(data) ) ) pd.m$Time <- factor( pd.m$Time, levels = rownames(data)[ord], labels = c("0h", "0.25h", "0.5h","1h","2h","3h","6h","12h","24h","48h") ) The rest is done by ggplot automatically: ggplot( pd....

Airpods Keep Disconnecting From Pc Windows 10 Code Example

Example: airpods connecting and then disconnecting I opened Bluetooth preferences on my MAC and told it to forget my AirPods. I then plugged the AirPods case directly into my MAC using the lightening cable. I held down the button on the AirPods case until it flashed white, then on my MAC selected the AirPods and clicked connect.