Answer : You can achieve this by defining the order of Timepoints in a dendrogram after you have applied hclust to your data: data <- scale(t(data)) ord <- hclust( dist(data, method = "euclidean"), method = "ward.D" )$order ord [1] 2 3 1 4 8 5 6 10 7 9 The only thing you have to do then is transforming your Time-column to a factor where the factor levels are ordered by ord : pd <- data ) pd$Time <- sub("_.*", "", rownames(pd)) pd.m <- melt( pd, id.vars = "Time", = "Gene" ) pd.m$Gene <- factor( pd.m$Gene, levels = colnames(data), labels = seq_along( colnames(data) ) ) pd.m$Time <- factor( pd.m$Time, levels = rownames(data)[ord], labels = c("0h", "0.25h", "0.5h","1h","2h","3h","6h","12h","24h","48h") ) The rest is done by ggplot automatically: ggplot( pd....