
Showing posts from February, 2019

27 Inches In Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

An Inline Function Is Expanded During ______________ Code Example

Example: inline function in c++ # include <iostream> using namespace std ; inline int Max ( int x , int y ) { return ( x > y ) ? x : y ; } // Main function for the program int main ( ) { cout << "Max (20,10): " << Max ( 20 , 10 ) << endl ; cout << "Max (0,200): " << Max ( 0 , 200 ) << endl ; cout << "Max (100,1010): " << Max ( 100 , 1010 ) << endl ; return 0 ; }

Arduino Get Array Length Code Example

Example: length arduino String myString = "text"; //make a stirng int stringLength = myString.length(); //get length from string

Bootstrap Gender Radio Button Using - Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap radio button < div class = " form-check " > < input class = " form-check-input " type = " radio " name = " exampleRadios " id = " exampleRadios1 " value = " option1 " checked > < label class = " form-check-label " for = " exampleRadios1 " > Default radio </ label > </ div > < div class = " form-check " > < input class = " form-check-input " type = " radio " name = " exampleRadios " id = " exampleRadios2 " value = " option2 " > < label class = " form-check-label " for = " exampleRadios2 " > Second default radio </ label > </ div > < div class = " form-check disabled " > < input class = " form-check-input " type = " radio " name = " exampleRadios ...

Bootstrap Scrollbar Code Example

Example 1: custom scrollbar body ::-webkit-scrollbar { width : 12 px ; /* width of the entire scrollbar */ } body ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background : orange ; /* color of the tracking area */ } body ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color : blue ; /* color of the scroll thumb */ border-radius : 20 px ; /* roundness of the scroll thumb */ border : 3 px solid orange ; /* creates padding around scroll thumb */ } Example 2: bootstrap overflow hidden <div class= "overflow-auto" >...</div> <div class= "overflow-hidden" >...</div> Example 3: make a container scrollable bootstrap .anyClass { height : 150 px ; overflow-y : scroll ; } Example 4: custom scrollbar ::-webkit-scrollbar { /* 1 */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-button { /* 2 */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track { /* 3 */ } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { /* 4 */ } ::-we...

Asc Sql Query Code Example

Example 1: sql asc Used with ORDER BY to return the data in ascending order . Example: Apples , Bananas , Peaches , Raddish Example 2: MySQL ORDER BY SELECT select_list FROM table_name ORDER BY column1 [ ASC | DESC ] , column2 [ ASC | DESC ] , . . . ;

59 Prime Number Code Example

Example: first prime numbers #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std ; bool Is_Prime ( long long x ) { if ( x % 2 == 0 ) return false ; for ( int i = 3 ; i * i <= x ; i += 2 ) if ( x % i == 0 ) return false ; return true ; } int main ( ) { // first n prime numbers int n ; cin >> n ; int i = 1 ; while ( n - - ) { while ( !Is_Prime ( + + i ) ) ; cout << i << " " ; } }

Apache SSL: Server Cert Does Not Include ID Which Matches Server Name

Answer : Okay, I noticed that this post is viewed quite often recently and so it seems that a lot of people are facing the same issue that I did. If so then this might help you. I have followed a simple step-by-step tutorial to create a SSL-certification for my webserver. Like so many tutorials out there the outcome of the tutorial I followed was a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL. Yep self-signed , that was the problem. The browser could not trust the server due to it's certificate which is signed by itself. Well I wouldn't do either... A certificate has to be signed by an external trustworthy certificate authority (CA). So I stumbled upon Let's Encrypt which does all the work for you and is even easier to set up and the best is: it is absolutely free. Installation 1) Delete your old ssl cert files which you have created by using OpenSSL 2) Open backports to get certbot client on Debian. You should know that this will open a hole for unfinished software!...

Angular 2 Custom Validator That Depends On Another Form Control

Answer : You are one step closer. You need to attach your custom validator to the FormGroup instead, because it needs to know two FormControl ( categories and mealTypes ), so attaching to FormGroup will give the validator more broad view and access to the entire FormControl To achieve that, change your ngOnInit to ngOnInit() { this.findForm = new FormGroup({ mealTypes : new FormControl(null, Validators.Required), categories : new FormControl(null) // others form control here }, validateMealType); // <-- see here is your custom function } On above code, you actually have to use FormGroup constructor instead of FormBuilder , so you can attach your custom validation in the parameters. Also, move your custom validator outside the component class. Take a look at this Plunker to get more insight for your specific case here. The solution proposed by @Michael worked for me with a minor change for the Angular 4. In the validation function...

Bruh Meaning Code Example

Example 1: bruh meaning bruuuuuuuuuh Example 2: bruh bruh meas bruh . bruh is a slang reference to "brother" its a thing that cool people say. Say it and then YOUR.CoolLevel = max;

Add Css Styles To Button Javafx Code Example

Example 1: add css to javafx fxml <?xml version= "1.0" encoding= "UTF-8" ?> <?import java.lang.*?> <?import javafx.scene.control.*?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.*?> <?import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane?> <AnchorPane xmlns= "" xmlns : fx= "" fx : controller= "application.view.RootLayoutController" > <children> <Pane layoutX= "0.0" layoutY= "0.0" prefHeight= "200.0" prefWidth= "200.0" > <children> <Button fx : id= "sunButton" layoutX= "74.0" layoutY= "88.0" mnemonicParsing= "false" onAction= "#handleSunButtonClick" styleClass= "sun-button" stylesheets= "@../css/toolbar.css" text= "Button" /> </children> </Pane> </children> ...

Bootstrap 3 Carousel Not Working

Answer : There are just two minor things here. The first is in the following carousel indicator list items: <li data-target="carousel" data-slide-to="0"></li> You need to pass the data-target attribute a selector which means the ID must be prefixed with # . So change them to the following: <li data-target=" # carousel" data-slide-to="0"></li> Secondly, you need to give the carousel a starting point so both the carousel indicator items and the carousel inner items must have one active class. Like this: <ol class="carousel-indicators"> <li data-target="#carousel" data-slide-to="0" class="active" ></li> <!-- Other Items --> </ol> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="item active "> <img src="" alt="Slide 1" /> </d...