
Showing posts from October, 2018

Javascript Toint Code Example

Example 1: how to convert string to int js let string = "1" ; let num = parseInt ( string ) ; //num will equal 1 as a int Example 2: intval js parseInt ( value ) ; let string = "321" console . log ( string ) ; // "321" <= string let number = parseInt ( string ) ; console . log ( number ) // 321 <=int Example 3: Javascript string to int var myInt = parseInt ( "10.256" ) ; //10 var myFloat = parseFloat ( "10.256" ) ; //10.256 Example 4: how to change a string to number in javascript let theInt = parseInt ( "5.90123" ) ; //5 let theFloat = parseFloat ( "5.90123" ) ; //5.90123 Example 5: converst strig in number in js const numberInString = "20" ; console . log ( typeof ( numberInString ) ) // typeof is string this is string in double quote " " const numInNum = parseInt ( numberInString ) // now numberInStrings variable converted in an Integer due to ...

Bulma Css With Select2 Jquery Plugin

Answer : I made it work, maybe my example can help you. View <div class="field"> <label class="label">Hair</label> <div class="control"> <select2 class="is-medium" v-model="" :options="{}"> @foreach (config('') as $id => $value) <option value="{{ $id }}">{{ __($value) }}</option> @endforeach </select2> </div> </div> SASS .select2-wrapper { .select2-container { .select2-selection { transition: border-color $speed; font-family: $family-sans-serif; height: 2.285em; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 1rem; outline: none !important; display: inline-flex; align-items: center; width: 100%; border-color: $border; ...

Youtube To Mp4 Online Free Code Example

Example 1: youtube mp4 downloader I suggest videovor . com , it's really great and you even get an option to choose if you want the whole video or just the audio ! Example 2: youtube to mp4 ytmp3 . cc is the best by far

Angular 9 Scroll To Element Id Code Example

Example 1: on button click scroll to div angular / ? css or scss / html { scroll - behavior : smooth ; } / ? typescript / //use ViewportScroller in angular //in constructor private _vps : ViewportScroller //function scrollFn ( anchor : string ) : void { this . _vps . scrollToAnchor ( anchor ) } / ? HTML / < button ( click ) = "scrollFn('about')" > Scroll to div < / button > ///About section < div id = "about" > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit . Optio , quasi nostrum labore sequi neque sed nihil consequuntur ? Ea , dolorum minima , cumque explicabo dicta est sit harum dolores , assumenda ex non . < / div > Example 2: scrollto angular //there are a few options you can go with, the basic one being css only //css or scss html { scroll - behavior : smooth ; } //You could also user ViewportScroller - available in angular //..... private _vps : ViewportScroller ...

Breakneck Speed Meaning Code Example

Example: breakneck speed meaning If you say that something happens or travels at breakneck speed, you mean that it happens or travels very fast.

Mongodb Delete All Documents Code Example

Example 1: mongodb remove all from collection db . collection . remove ( { } ) Example 2: mongodb delete all documents db . collection . delete_many ( { } ) ; Example 3: mongodb delete all documents # To remove all documents in a collection , call the remove method with an empty query # document { } . The following operation deletes all documents from the bios collection : db . bios . remove ( { } ) Example 4: find All and delete in mongodb db . products . remove ( { qty : { $gt : 20 } } )

Border Radius Container Flutter Width Code Example

Example 1: container flutter border radius Container ( decoration : BoxDecoration ( color : Colors . blue , borderRadius : BorderRadius . all ( Radius . circular ( 10 ) ) ) ) Example 2: container border radius flutter Container ( child : Text ( 'This is a Container' , textScaleFactor : 2 , style : TextStyle ( color : Colors . black ) , ) , decoration : BoxDecoration ( borderRadius : BorderRadius . circular ( 10 ) , color : Colors . white , border : Border ( left : BorderSide ( color : Colors . green , width : 3 , ) , ) , ) , height : 50 , ) ,

Android Manifest Permission Internet Code Example

Example 1: android how to add permission to manifest < manifest xlmns: android... > ... < uses-permission android: name = " android.permission.INTERNET " /> <application ... </ manifest > Example 2: allow internet permission android //add to AndroidManifest.xml < uses-permission android: name = " android.permission.INTERNET " /> Example 3: internet permission android < uses-permission android: name = " android.permission.INTERNET " /> Example 4: android studio Manifest.xml internet permissionm < uses-permission android: name = " android.permission.INTERNET " />

Bootstrap Nav Classes Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap navbar < nav class = " navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light " > < a class = " navbar-brand " href = " # " > Navbar </ a > < button class = " navbar-toggler " type = " button " data-toggle = " collapse " data-target = " #navbarNavAltMarkup " aria-controls = " navbarNavAltMarkup " aria-expanded = " false " aria-label = " Toggle navigation " > < span class = " navbar-toggler-icon " > </ span > </ button > < div class = " collapse navbar-collapse " id = " navbarNavAltMarkup " > < div class = " navbar-nav " > < a class = " nav-item nav-link active " href = " # " > Home < span class = " sr-only " > (current) </ span > </ a > < a class = " nav-item nav-li...

Chrome On Ipad Extensions Code Example

Example: chrome extension on ipad No, Chrome extensions do not work on iPad or iPhone. There is no web browser for the iPad that allows a desktop-level extension. It is not Apple’s policy to allow developers to include downloadable module engines in their apps, for multiple reasons which also include Apple’s security restrictions.

Chrome Standalone Silent Install Code Example

Example: silent install google chrome # This assumes you have the msi located in the script directory # Batch msiexec /i googlechromeenterprise64.msi /qn # Powershell Start-Process . \ googlechromeenterprise64.msi -ArgumentList "/qn" -Wait

Array Splice Js Code Example

Example 1: javascript splice let arr = [ 'foo' , 'bar' , 10 , 'qux' ] ; // arr.splice(<index>, <steps>, [elements ...]); arr . splice ( 1 , 1 ) ; // Removes 1 item at index 1 // => ['foo', 10, 'qux'] arr . splice ( 2 , 1 , 'tmp' ) ; // Replaces 1 item at index 2 with 'tmp' // => ['foo', 10, 'tmp'] arr . splice ( 0 , 1 , 'x' , 'y' ) ; // Inserts 'x' and 'y' replacing 1 item at index 0 // => ['x', 'y', 10, 'tmp'] Example 2: splice javascritp let colors = [ 'red' , 'blue' , 'green' ] ; let index_element_to_be_delete = colors . indexOf ( 'green' ) ; colors . splice ( index_element_to_be_delete ) ; //Colors now: ['red', 'blue'] Example 3: splice javascript const months = [ 'Jan' , 'March' , 'April' , 'June' ] ; m...

Bootstrap Table Scroll Vertical Code Example

Example 1: table bootstrap with scrool <div style= "height: 600px;overflow: scroll;" > <!-- change height to increase the number of visible row --> <table></table> </div> Example 2: how to set the scroll in bootstrap4 table body table { display : flex ; flex-flow : column ; width : 100 % ; } thead { flex : 0 0 auto ; } tbody { flex : 1 1 auto ; display : block ; overflow-y : auto ; overflow-x : hidden ; } tr { width : 100 % ; display : table ; table-layout : fixed ; }

Codeigniter 3 Remove Index.php Code Example

Example 1: how to remove index.php in codeigniter <?php #By default, the index.php file will be included in your URLs: # Create a .htaccess file in your root folder and paste the below code RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L] ?> Example 2: .htaccess file for codeigniter RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L] Example 3: how to remove index.php in codeigniter 1. Change $config['index_page'] = "index.php" to $config['index_page'] = "" in config.php 2. Change $config['uri_protocol'] ="AUTO" to $config['uri_protocol'] = "REQUEST_URI" in config.php 3. Create .htaccess file in root dir of your application and paste the following code RewriteEngine on RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|resources|robots\.txt) RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FIL...

Codeigniter 3 Documentation Index.php Remove Code Example

Example: removing index.php in codeigniter //find the below code $config['index_page'] = "index.php" //replace with the below code $config['index_page'] = ""

C# Linq Select Distinct By Property Code Example

Example 1: c# distinct comparer multiple properties List distinctPeople = allPeople .GroupBy(p => new {p.PersonId, p.FavoriteColor} ) .Select(g => g.First()) .ToList(); Example 2: c# distinct comparer multiple properties public static IEnumerable DistinctBy (this IEnumerable source, Func keySelector) { HashSet seenKeys = new HashSet (); foreach (TSource element in source) { if (seenKeys.Add(keySelector(element))) { yield return element; } } }

Angular 2 Is Not Sending The Request

Answer : Since the post method of the Http class returns an observable you need to subscribe it to execute its initialization processing. Observables are lazy. You should have a look at this video for more details: You must subscribe to the returned observable if you want the call to execute. See also the Http documentation. Always subscribe! An HttpClient method does not begin its HTTP request until you call subscribe() on the observable returned by that method. This is true for all HttpClient methods . The AsyncPipe subscribes (and unsubscribes) for you automatically. All observables returned from HttpClient methods are cold by design. Execution of the HTTP request is deferred , allowing you to extend the observable with additional operations such as tap and catchError before anything actually happens. Calling subscribe(...) triggers execution of the observable and causes HttpClient to compose an...

Bubble Sort Geeksforgeeks Code Example

Example: bubble sort in java public static void bubbleSort ( int arr [ ] ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < arr . length ; i ++ ) //number of passes { //keeps track of positions per pass for ( int j = 0 ; j < ( arr . length - 1 - i ) ; j ++ ) //Think you can add a -i to remove uneeded comparisons { //if left value is great than right value if ( arr [ j ] > arr [ j + 1 ] ) { //swap values int temp = arr [ j ] ; arr [ j ] = arr [ j + 1 ] ; arr [ j + 1 ] = temp ; } } } }

C++ Erase Vector Element By Value Rather Than By Position?

Answer : How about std::remove() instead: #include <algorithm> ... vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 8), vec.end()); This combination is also known as the erase-remove idiom. You can use std::find to get an iterator to a value: #include <algorithm> std::vector<int>::iterator position = std::find(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), 8); if (position != myVector.end()) // == myVector.end() means the element was not found myVector.erase(position); You can not do that directly. You need to use std::remove algorithm to move the element to be erased to the end of the vector and then use erase function. Something like: myVector.erase(std::remove(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), 8), myVec.end()); . See this erasing elements from vector for more details.

Can I Make An Enchantment Table Which Can Enchant To Higher Levels Then 30?

Answer : Sadly, it's impossible to enchant to higher levels than 30 on an enchantment table. In fact, it's only possible to get items enchanted with higher levels in the End Cities. I think this is not possible in minecraft any more, the only way would be, that you check if the player entchants something and put a higher entchantment level on it and take levels from him. But you would have to check for each item type and each entchandment combination. No, sadly you can't. There are mods that allow you to make a special enchantment table with special and unique enchantments, but back in the days in the beta of Minecraft you could enchant with way more levels and you can use the /echant command.

75 Cm In Inches Code Example

Example: cm to inch 1 cm = 0.3937 inch

Barear Token Example

Example: bearer token header Authorization: Bearer < token >