
Showing posts from August, 2017

Black Color Hex Number Code Example

Example: black hex The hex for the colour black is #000000

Best Vehicle For Each Stage In Hill Climb Racing

Answer : Some hints for each stage, and my 3 best vehicles below. As far as money, either take the fully upgraded Truck to highway and take your time with it (can get millions per run this way if you are careful/patient, but the runs are slow), or take something like Motocross Bike to the moon and just rack up the air/flips. Countryside Most vehicles can do ok here. Once you hit 2000m, there are a couple of hills that are very tricky, and one in particular that is very hard to not break your neck when you land. Dune Buggy 2223m Monster Truck 2156m Jeep 2154m Xmas The trees don't really get in the way here. I don't have much fun with this stage, so I haven't put much time into it. Gas becomes the limiting factor. Tank 3073m Dune Buggy 2590m Truck 1921m Desert Traction is key for this one. Monster Truck 3638m Tank 3051m Truck 2872m Arctic Again traction is the main concern. The hill at around 2340m stops most vehicles that get that far. Dune B...

Android Studio - Google Map Still Blank On Real Android Device On Release Apk

Answer : Make sure you enter your release API key in the google_maps_api.xml under the release folder. First, switch to Project view by using the dropdown in the upper left of the Project Explorer. Then, expand app/src/ , and you will see subfolders debug and release . Under there, you should see two separate google_maps_api.xml files under debug/res/values and release/res/values . Make sure that the release API key is in the google_maps_api.xml file under the release/res/values folder, since this is the one that will be used for the signed release apk. i was tired of trying over and over again, it turns out that PlayStore has something called App signing certificate , and the map works after i copy that sha1 and paste it in the google console for the android map. Go to and then to App signing : Maybe you will see this: If that is the case, maybe you are a developer and not the account owner. You will have to contact the ac...

Chrome's Fonts Look Off

Answer : On Windows 10 & Chrome version 52 I could not find any "DirectWrite" option in the experiments tab. However, I was able to resolve the issue by disabling a different experiment: Set "Accelerated 2D Canvas" to "Disabled" (In the browser's address bar, go to chrome://flags#disable-accelerated-2d-canvas , change the setting, relaunch the browser.) Since the fix for this issue has clearly changed, I would suggest in general turning off any hardware-accelerated text-rendering/2D-rendering features in the future if this fix stops working. On Google Chrome 55, this issue appears to have cropped up again. As anticipated, the fix was disabling hardware acceleration, it just changed locations. The new fix (for me) appears to be: Settings -> Show advanced settings... -> System UNCHECK "Use hardware acceleration when available" This worked for me: Open Google Chrome Open a new tab and enter the following in the ...

Infix To Postfix Using Stack In Java Code Example

Example: Infix to postfix converstion using stack /* Infix to postfix conversion in C++ Input Postfix expression must be in a desired format. Operands and operator, both must be single character. Only '+' , '-' , '*', '/' and '$' (for exponentiation) operators are expected. */ # include <iostream> # include <stack> # include <string> using namespace std ; // Function to convert Infix expression to postfix string InfixToPostfix ( string expression ) ; // Function to verify whether an operator has higher precedence over other int HasHigherPrecedence ( char operator1 , char operator2 ) ; // Function to verify whether a character is operator symbol or not. bool IsOperator ( char C ) ; // Function to verify whether a character is alphanumeric chanaracter (letter or numeric digit) or not. bool IsOperand ( char C ) ; int main ( ) { string expression ; cout << "Enter Inf...

Check Python Version Windows 10 Code Example

Example 1: how to check python version # To check your Python version in the command line use: python -- version # To check your Python verson inside a script use: import sys print ( sys . version ) Example 2: check python version # To check Python version python - V -- -- or -- -- python -- version Example 3: how to check python version python -- version

Breaking Out Of A Recursive Query In Postgres 11

Answer : WITH RECURSIVE cte AS ( SELECT id, domain_name, valid FROM domains WHERE parent_id IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT, domains.domain_name, domains.valid FROM domains JOIN cte ON domains.parent_id = WHERE NOT cte.valid -- stop recursion when valid node reached ) SELECT id, domain_name FROM cte WHERE valid fiddle

Can I Install Portage, Pacman Or Other Package Managers On Ubuntu?

Answer : You don't. A package manager is central to a specific distribution. Gentoo, Arch, Redhat -- they all use different packaging systems. Gentoo's portage packages usually compile from source, Arch uses its own binary package format, Redhat uses RPM as packaging system -- and Debian as well as Ubuntu and Linux Mint use Debian Packages (.deb). Managing your local installation takes place using graphical frontends like Synaptic and Adept, or command-line tools like apt-get, aptitude and dpkg. Though it is possible to install other package managers on Ubuntu (else they wouldn't be in the repositories), this is not to be recommended for the unexperienced user. One should be quite familiar with packages and package managers, how they work, etc. before even thinking about using them alongside. Otherwise it is very likely to end up with a very broken system -- as one package manager is not aware of the others, they would e.g. overwrite each others files/configurations,...

Apache Server Ignores .htaccess

Answer : <Directory "/home/page_url/www/"> AllowOverride None This AllowOverride None disables .htaccess files from being read. See the manual. Also, please bear in mind that there's nothing magical about .htaccess files. They are a crude workaround for not having full access to the server configuration. All they are is a piece of Apache configuration. If you have full access to the server configuration, you should be putting stuff like this into the vhost configuration, not .htaccess files. As Jim said, if you have full access to your server, you should just put everything in the server configuration files. I reached here because I thought my server was ignoring my own htaccess/server configuration files. However, it turned out I had mod_expires and mod_rewrite disabled. After I had those two looked into, everything was working again as it should. You can enable them by executing these commands: sudo a2enmod expires sudo a2enmod rewrite ...

164 Cm In Feet Code Example

Example 1: cm to foot 1 cm = 0.032808399 foot Example 2: cm to foot # 1 cm = 0.0328084 foot # Divide the cm value by 30.48 def cm_to_foot(cm): return cm/30.48 print(cm_to_foot(1)) # Result- 0.0328084

Apple - Can't Start Xcode - Stuck On Installing State

Answer : There is a small progress bar under the Launchpad icon in the Menu Bar. You can also see the current download progress by hovering over the icon. Wait for it to end. In the Updates tab of the Apple App Store, after waiting 1 hour for "2 minutes left," I hit CMD+R to refresh and that seemed to "jump start" it. It finished within 60s after that. Could have been coincidence though (YMMV). In launch pad hold the Xcode icon until the X appears and click the X to delete Xcode then go back to the app store and get a fresh copy.

Enter Message In C Code Example

Example: read enter in c char prev = 0 ; while ( 1 ) { char c = getchar ( ) ; if ( c == '\n' && prev == c ) break ; // double return pressed! prev = c ; }

Strcmp And Strcmpi In C Code Example

Example 1: strcmp c // use: strcmp(string1, string2); string a = "words" ; string b = "words" ; if ( strcmp ( a , b ) == 0 ) { printf ( "a and b match" ) ; // strcmp returns 0 if both strings match } else { printf ( "a and b don't match" ) ; // strcmp returns anything else if the strings dont match } Example 2: strcmp in c # include <stdio.h> # include <string.h> int main ( ) { char str1 [ ] = "abcd" , str2 [ ] = "abCd" , str3 [ ] = "abcd" ; int result ; // comparing strings str1 and str2 result = strcmp ( str1 , str2 ) ; printf ( "strcmp(str1, str2) = %d\n" , result ) ; // comparing strings str1 and str3 result = strcmp ( str1 , str3 ) ; printf ( "strcmp(str1, str3) = %d\n" , result ) ; return 0 ; }

Abstraction Synonym Code Example

Example 1: what is abstraction it is process of hiding implementation details and only showing the functionality to the user. Abstraction focus on what the object does instead of how it does. It is achieved by using Abstract class and Interface. abstract methods (methods without body, cannot be static and final), interface must implemented and abstract classes must be extended by regular classes in order to achieve abstraction (because abstract methods can only be exist in abstract class and interface). A class can implement multiple interfaces, but it can extend only single abstract class. Ex: In my framework I have achieve abstraction by using collections or Map, because it’s all interface. Most of the cases I come across using List. If we want to access elements frequently by using index, List is a way to go. ArrayList provides faster access if we know index. If we want to store elements and want them to maintain an order, List is a better choice. i)List < Str...

Bootstrap Button Disable Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap 4 button < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-primary" > Primary < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-secondary" > Secondary < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-success" > Success < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-danger" > Danger < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-warning" > Warning < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-info" > Info < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-light" > Light < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-dark" > Dark < / button > < button type = "button" class = "btn btn-link" > Link < / button > Example 2: bo...

Color Picker For Css Code Example

Example 1: color selector html <input type= "color" value= "#f6f82" id= "colorPicker" > Example 2: hex color picker For anyone wondering , hex color is just in base 16 . So 255 ( max color ) is FF. The 6 long string of characters is just the Red Green and Blue channels ( RRGGBB ) . Which means you shouldn 't have to look it up unless you' re going for an exact color. Hex numbers : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 A 1 B 1 C 1 D 1 E 1 F 20 21 .. etc. Example 3: color in html <!-- Color in HTML by inline-css --> <p style= "color: red; background-color: blue;" > This text is red and the background is blue </p>

Find All Indexes Of Element In List Python Code Example

Example 1: get all indices of a value in list python indices = [ i for i , x in enumerate ( my_list ) if x == "whatever" ] Example 2: get all occurrence indices in list python a_list = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 ] indices = [ ] for i in range ( len ( a_list ) ) : if a_list [ i ] == 1 : indices . append ( i ) # more concise way a_list = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 1 ] indices = [ index for index , element in enumerate ( a_list ) if element == 1 ] Example 3: find an index of an item in a list python # Example List list = [ 'apples' , 'bannas' , 'grapes' ] # Use Known Entites In The List To Find The Index Of An Unknown Object Index_Number_For_Bannas = list . index ( 'apples' ) # Print The Object print ( list [ Index_Number_For_Bannas ] ) Example 4: get index of item in list list . index ( element , start , end ) Example 5: python search list of lists for value return index [ ( i , colour . index ( c ) ) ...