
Showing posts from December, 2016

Bcrypt Npm Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap npm npm install bootstrap //OR npm install bootstrap@latest Example 2: npm bcrypt npm install bcrypt Example 3: bcryptjs npm i bcryptjs # yarn yarn add bcryptjs Example 4: install bcrypt >> npm install bcrypt const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); Example 5: install bcrypt npm install bcrypt Example 6: install bcrypt npm install bcryptjs

Behaviour Of Increment And Decrement Operators In Python

Answer : ++ is not an operator. It is two + operators. The + operator is the identity operator, which does nothing. (Clarification: the + and - unary operators only work on numbers, but I presume that you wouldn't expect a hypothetical ++ operator to work on strings.) ++count Parses as +(+count) Which translates to count You have to use the slightly longer += operator to do what you want to do: count += 1 I suspect the ++ and -- operators were left out for consistency and simplicity. I don't know the exact argument Guido van Rossum gave for the decision, but I can imagine a few arguments: Simpler parsing. Technically, parsing ++count is ambiguous, as it could be + , + , count (two unary + operators) just as easily as it could be ++ , count (one unary ++ operator). It's not a significant syntactic ambiguity, but it does exist. Simpler language. ++ is nothing more than a synonym for += 1 . It was a shorthand invented because C compilers ...

Admin Lte Git Code Example

Example: adminlte npm install admin-lte@^3.0 --save

Android Studio Rendering Problems

Answer : Change your android version on your designer preview into your current version depend on your Manifest. rendering problem caused your designer preview used higher API level than your current android API level. Adjust with your current API Level. If the API level isn't in the list, you'll need to install it via the SDK Manager. In new update android studio 2.2 facing rendering issue then follow this steps. I fixed it - in styles.xml file I changed "Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" to "Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" It's some kind of hack I came across a long time ago to solve similar rendering problems in previous Android Studio versions. Open AndroidManifest.xml Change: android:theme="@style/AppTheme" to something like: android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light" Hit "refresh" button in the "Previev" tab.

Anaconda Vs. Miniconda

Answer : Per the original docs: Choose Anaconda if you: Are new to conda or Python Like the convenience of having Python and over 1500 scientific packages automatically installed at once Have the time and disk space (a few minutes and 3 GB), and/or Don’t want to install each of the packages you want to use individually. Choose Miniconda if you: Do not mind installing each of the packages you want to use individually. Do not have time or disk space to install over 1500 packages at once, and/or Just want fast access to Python and the conda commands, and wish to sort out the other programs later. I use Miniconda myself. Anaconda is bloated. Many of the packages are never used and could still be easily installed if and when needed. Note that Conda is the package manager (e.g. conda list displays all installed packages in the environment), whereas Anaconda and Miniconda are distributions. A software distribution is a collection of packages, pre-built and pre-configured, ...

Chart.js - Increase Spacing Between Legend And Chart

Answer : If you want do increase spacing in all charts you can put this code before creating : Chart.Legend.prototype.afterFit = function() { this.height = this.height + 50; }; Of course, I don't try but i think you can change it (or copy the original Chart object before, to keep the original padding). Bye, If you want to apply padding below legend for some charts only in your app: ChartJS >= 2.1.0 Chart.plugins.register({ id: 'paddingBelowLegends', beforeInit: function(chart, options) { chart.legend.afterFit = function() { this.height = this.height + 50; }; } }); // ---------------------------------- // disable the plugin only for charts // where you DO NOT WANT the padding // ---------------------------------- // for raw ChartJS use: var chart = new Chart(ctx, { config: { plugins: { paddingBelowLegends: false } } }); // for angular-chartjs: $scope.myChart.options.plugins = { paddingBelowLegends: false } // the...

Browsers' Default CSS For HTML Elements

Answer : It's different for each browser, so: Firefox (Gecko): Or, browse to resource://gre-resources/ and look at html.css . Chrome/Safari (WebKit): Chrome (Blink): Internet Explorer (Trident) , older versions: You can also look at the HTML5 Boilerplate stylesheet, which "normalizes the display of a lot of stuff without being a reset in the traditional sense". It also fixes quite a few bugs/inconsistencies. It's also worth looking at: A GitHub repository of all W3C HTML spec and vendor default CSS stylesheets can be found here 1. Default Styles for Firefox 2. Default Styles for Internet Explorer ...

Change Youtube Country Code Example

Example: how to change your youtube country Click your profile icon. It's in the upper-right side of the YouTube page. A drop-down menu will appear. Click Location. This option is near the bottom of the drop-down menu. Select a country. Click the country from which you want to view content.

Matrix Multiplication In C Using Function Code Example

Example 1: how to do matrix multiplication in c double [ ] [ ] c = new double [ N ] [ N ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < N ; i ++ ) { for ( int j = 0 ; j < N ; j ++ ) { for ( int k = 0 ; k < N ; k ++ ) { c [ i ] [ j ] += a [ i ] [ k ] * b [ k ] [ j ] ; } } } Example 2: matrix multiplication in c # include <stdio.h> void enterData ( int first [ ] [ 10 ] , int second [ ] [ 10 ] , int r1 , int c1 , int r2 , int c2 ) ; void multiplyMatrices ( int first [ ] [ 10 ] , int second [ ] [ 10 ] , int multResult [ ] [ 10 ] , int r1 , int c1 , int r2 , int c2 ) ; void display ( int mult [ ] [ 10 ] , int r1 , int c2 ) ; int main ( ) { int first [ 10 ] [ 10 ] , second [ 10 ] [ 10 ] , mult [ 10 ] [ 10 ] , r1 , c1 , r2 , c2 ; printf ( "Enter rows and column for the first matrix: " ) ; scanf ( "%d %d" , & r1 , & c1 ) ; printf ( "Enter ro...

How To Add Two Variables In Python To Make 1 Variable Code Example

Example: how to add 2 variables in python var1 = 5 var2 = 5 result = var1 + var2

Chrome Fps Meter No Longer Shows Frame Rate

Answer : There is an chromium issue about it [link], and it seems they have decided to remove the old fps meter and rename it to "Frame Rendering Stats" . I find this on twitter . old fps meter is deleted i think

/aos.js Code Example

Example 1: animate on scroll github < script src = " " > </ script > < script > AOS . init ( ) ; </ script > Example 2: animate on scroll github < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " /> Example 3: aos js CSS < link href = " " rel = " stylesheet " > JS < script src = " " > </ script > INITIALIZE AOS: < script > AOS . init ( ) ; </ script > Example 4: aos animate < script src = " " > </ script > Example 5: aos animate < script > AOS . init ( ) ; </ script > Example 6: aos css animation < div data-aos = " zoom-in-left " > </ div >