
Showing posts from August, 2016

Bootstrap 4 - Glyphicons Migration?

Answer : You can use both Font Awesome and Github Octicons as a free alternative for Glyphicons. Bootstrap 4 also switched from Less to Sass, so you might integerate the font's Sass (SCSS) into you build process, to create a single CSS file for your projects. Also see to find out how to set up your tooling: Download and install Node, which we use to manage our dependencies. Navigate to the root /bootstrap directory and run npm install to install our local dependencies listed in package.json. Install Ruby, install Bundler with gem install bundler , and finally run bundle install . This will install all Ruby dependencies, such as Jekyll and plugins. Font Awesome Download the files at Copy the font-awesome/scss folder into your /bootstrap folder Open your SCSS /bootstrap/bootstrap.scss and write down the following SCSS code at the end of this fil...

Begin Cases Latex Code Example

Example: tex cases $$ X(m,n)= \begin{cases} x(n),\\ x(n-1)\\ x(n-1) \end{cases} $$

Fetch Api Request Basic Authentication Code Example

Example: how to send basic auth using fetch fetch ( url , { ...options , headers : { 'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + btoa ( `${username} : ${password}` ) } } ) . then ( response = > response.json ( ) ) . then ( json = > console. log ( json ) ) ;

Change Image Source In Code Behind - Wpf

Answer : None of the above solutions worked for me. But this did: myImage.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"/Images/foo.png", UriKind.Relative)); You just need one line: ImageViewer1.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"\myserver\folder1\Customer Data\sample.png")); The pack syntax you are using here is for an image that is contained as a Resource within your application, not for a loose file in the file system. You simply want to pass the actual path to the UriSource: logo.UriSource = new Uri(@"\\myserver\folder1\Customer Data\sample.png");

Android SDK Manager Install Specific Version Of NDK Bundle

Answer : You can just download the android-NDK from their archives and integrate it with your android studio. You can download android-NDK 15 from the given URL: To connect it with android studio, extract it into your drive and in android studio, go to File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location -> NDK Path (Put extracted path here) If you're using Gradle plugin 3.5 or later (in beta at time of writing, but will be out soon), add the following to your build.gradle: android { ndkVersion "19.2.5345600" // NDK r19c } If you're using an older Gradle plugin, you can download old NDK releases from and point ndk.dir in your file at that instead. As stated in the docs: Use the sdkmanager tool to view versions of CMake and NDK packages that are available: sdkmanager --list Pass the sdkmanager the strings...

Are There Any Grubs Not Present On The Collector Map?

Answer : I got it. The Collector's map doesn't display grubs that are in areas, for which you don't have a regular map (didn't purchase it from Conifer). For the longest time, I didn't have the map for Fog Canyon, and as soon as I purchased it, the missing grub showed up above Teacher's Archives. The Collector's Map indeed shows the locations of all 46 Grubs on the map, marked by a pin. It's possible that one of your Grubs is just in a really weird spot. Scour the map! (You can also watch this video and skip to 7:22, where he scrolls through the whole map.) For example, this one tripped me up on my own playthrough for the longest time: To save this grub, there's a fake wall you need to break in Deepnest. In my own playthrough I would never have known that without the map.

Bootstrap Transparent Navbar

Answer : I just figured it out. For anyone who needs this in the future. I added a css override that was: .navbar.transparent.navbar-inverse .navbar-inner { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); } And my html syntax looks like: <div class="navbar transparent navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top"> <nav class="navbar-inner"> ... </div> </div> You can even use like this .navbar-default { background: none; } or .navbar { background: none; } You'll get transparent background. For a transparent navbar, it's pretty easy. In the CSS document you can do one of three things. A. The easy way, but you don't learn too much with this method. You can literally type in the CSS document that the background of the navbar is transparent. Pretty simple: .navbar { background-color: transparent; } B. You can indirectly set the alpha channel for the RGBA background color to something in between 0 and 1. The R, G, and B...

Background Image In Card In Flutter Code Example

Example: flutter card background image Card( child: Container( decoration: BoxDecoration( image: DecorationImage( image: AssetImage("images/image.png"), fit: BoxFit.fitWidth, alignment: Alignment.topCenter, ), ), child: Text("YOUR TEXT"), ), ),

Badlion Client Minecraft Download Code Example

Example: badlion client good choice my dude

13 Minute Timer Code Example

Example: 20 minute timer for good eyesight every 20 minutes look out the window at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds

Ansible And Wget

Answer : Don't use shell-module when there is specialized modules available. In your case: Create directories with file-module: - name: create project directory {{ common.project_dir }} file: state=directory path={{ common.project_dir }} Download files with get_url-module: - name: download sources get_url: url={{ opencv.url }} dest={{ common.project_dir }}/{{ opencv.file }} Note the new module call syntax in the examples above. If you have to use sudo with password remember to give --ask-sudo-pass when needed (see e.g. Remote Connection Information).

Autocomplete Support Fragment On Map Fragments Code Example

Example: autocomplete support fragment card < LinearLayout xmlns: android = " " xmlns: map = " " map: uiZoomControls = " true " map: uiZoomGestures = " true " map: mapType = " normal " xmlns: tools = " " android: layout_width = " match_parent " android: layout_height = " match_parent " android: orientation = " vertical " tools: context = " .MapsActivity " > < fragment android: id = " @+id/map " android: name = " " android: layout_width = " match_parent " android: layout_height = " match_parent " tools: context = " com.greenfeetsurvival.greenfeetaviator.MapsActivity " >...

Codingbat Blackjack Code Example

Example: blackjack codingbat public int blackjack(int a, int b) { if (a>21){ if (b>21){ return 0; } return b; } else if(b>21) return a; return Math.max(a,b); }

Append Value To String Java Code Example

Example: java concatenate strings public class Concat { String cat ( String a , String b ) { a += b ; return a ; } }

AWS EFS Vs EBS Vs S3 (differences & When To Use?)

Answer : One word answer: MONEY :D 1 GB to store in US-East-1: (Updated at 2016.dec.20) Glacier: $0.004/Month (Note: Major price cut in 2016) S3: $0.023/Month S3-IA (announced in 2015.09): 0.0125 / M o n t h ( + 0.0125/Month (+ 0.0125/ M o n t h ( + 0.01/gig retrieval charge) EBS: $0.045-0.1/Month (depends on speed - SSD or not) + IOPS costs EFS: $0.3/Month Further storage options, which may be used for temporary storing data while/before processing it: SNS SQS Kinesis stream DynamoDB, SimpleDB The costs above are just samples. There can be differences by region, and it can change at any point. Also there are extra costs for data transfer (out to the internet). However they show a ratio between the prices of the services . There are a lot more differences between these services: EFS is: Generally Available (out of preview), but may not yet be available in your region Network filesystem (that means it may have bigger latency but it c...

Cast Int Javascript Code Example

Example 1: how to convert string to int js let string = "1" ; let num = parseInt ( string ) ; //num will equal 1 as a int Example 2: Javascript string to int var myInt = parseInt ( "10.256" ) ; //10 var myFloat = parseFloat ( "10.256" ) ; //10.256 Example 3: how to change a string to number in javascript let theInt = parseInt ( "5.90123" ) ; //5 let theFloat = parseFloat ( "5.90123" ) ; //5.90123 Example 4: string to number js let myNumber = Number ( "5.25" ) ; //5.25 Example 5: javascript type casting int Number ( "3.14" ) // returns 3.14 false . toString ( ) // returns "false" String ( false ) // returns "false" Example 6: convert a string to number in javascript var x = Number ( "1000" )

Mirzapur Season 2 Episode List Code Example

Example: mirzapur 2 October 23 rd , 2020

Can I Use The Analog Pins On The Arduino For My Project As Digital?

Answer : You can always use the analog pins for digital writing. digitalRead() works on all pins. It will just round the analog value received and present it to you. If analogRead(A0) is greater than or equal to 512, digitalRead(A0) will be 1, else 0. digitalWrite() works on all pins, with allowed parameter 0 or 1. digitalWrite(A0,0) is the same as analogWrite(A0,0) , and digitalWrite(A0,1) is the same as analogWrite(A0,255) analogRead() works only on analog pins. It can take any value between 0 and 1023. analogWrite() works on all analog pins and all digital PWM pins. You can supply it any value between 0 and 255. The analog pins let you read/write analog values - basically, instead of giving out a voltage of 0 or 5 (as with digital), they can give a range of voltages between 0 and 5 (both as input and output). Note that the voltage during analog output is only the observed voltage with a multimeter. In reality, the analog pins send pulses of 0V and 5V signals to ...

Yootube To Mp3 Code Example

Example: yt to mp3 Youtube - DL works great . Download from https : // To use, type youtube-dl <url> --audio-format mp3

Bootstrap 5 Range Slider With Labels Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap range slider with 2 handles No, the HTML5 range input only accepts one input. I would recommend you to use something like the jQuery UI range slider for that task. Example 2: bootstrap range slider < label for = " customRange3 " class = " form-label " > Example range </ label > < input type = " range " class = " form-range " min = " 0 " max = " 5 " step = " 0.5 " id = " customRange3 " >

Android How To Create Intent Filter For Custom File Extension That Does NOT Make It Part Of A Chooser For Everything On The Phone

Answer : The only way to solve this problem is add scheme and host attributes to your intent filter: <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" /> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> <data android:scheme="file" /> <data android:mimeType="*/*" /> <data android:pathPattern=".*\\.tgtp" /> <data android:host="*" /> </intent-filter> That is because in documentation says that android:pathPattern only works if has an scheme and host defined. Hope it helps. I've been struggling with this quite a bit for a custom file extension, myself. After a lot of searching, I found this web page where the poster discovered that Android's patternMatcher class (which is used for the pathPattern matching in Intent-Filters) has unexpected behavior when y...

Change View-command In Emacs And AUCTeX (pdf Mode)

Answer : Solution: to use `TeX-view-program-list' in order to define a new viewer description (which contains an Evince command without sync). This new command will override the description of Evince defined in `TeX-view-program-list-builtin' (which contains the problematic command TeX-evince-sync-view ). To do so : M-x customize-variable <RET> TeX-view-program-list <RET> <INS> Name = Evince Command = evince --page-index=%(outpage) %o I have no idea why this code in .emacs does not work: (setq TeX-view-program-list '(("Evince" "evince --page-index=%(outpage) %o"))) Via configuration, I find the following works: (defun my-LaTeX-mode() (add-to-list 'TeX-view-program-list '("Evince" "evince --page-index=%(outpage) %o")) (setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "Evince"))) ; Other mode specific config ) (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'my-LaTeX-mode)