
Showing posts from May, 2016

Mp3 Yt Converter Code Example

Example 1: youtube mp3 converter You can use WebTools , it's an addon that gather the most useful and basic tools such as a synonym dictionary , a dictionary , a translator , a youtube convertor , a speedtest and many others ( there are ten of them ) . You can access them in two clics , without having to open a new tab and without having to search for them ! - Chrome Link : https : // Firefox link : https : // Example 2: yt to mp3 Youtube - DL works great . Download from https : // To use, type youtube-dl <url> --audio-format mp3

Bootstrap Hr Color Code Example

Example 1: how to change the color of the hr tag in html <style > hr { height : 1 px ; background-color : #ccc ; border : none ; } </style> Example 2: html horizontal line style <!-- HTML --> <!-- You can change the style of the horizontal line like this : --> <hr style= "width:50%" , size= "3" , color= black > <!-- Or like this : --> <hr style= "height:2px; width:50%; border-width:0; color:red; background-color:red" > Example 3: how to style an hr tag /* Red border */ hr .new1 { border-top : 1 px solid red ; } /* Dashed red border */ hr .new2 { border-top : 1 px dashed red ; } /* Dotted red border */ hr .new3 { border-top : 1 px dotted red ; } /* Thick red border */ hr .new4 { border : 1 px solid red ; } /* Large rounded green border */ hr .new5 { border : 10 px solid green ; border-radius : 5 px ...

Noindent Latex Global Code Example

Example: latex noindent for whole document % In preamble : \setlength\parindent { 0 pt }

Azure Firewall Vs Azure Network Security Group

Answer : Azure Firewall features Azure Firewall vs NSG I use NSG to limit access within a vNET and Azure Firewall to limit access to a vNET from the outside. There are some good detailed explanation in the docs articles

Bash CLI Remove Quotes From Output Of A Command

Answer : You can use the tr command to remove the quotes: my_json=$(cat ~/Downloads/json.txt | jq '.name' | tr -d \") In the particular case of jq , you can specify that the output should be in raw format: --raw-output / -r: With this option, if the filter´s result is a string then it will be written directly to standard output rather than being formatted as a JSON string with quotes. This can be useful for making jq fil‐ ters talk to non-JSON-based systems. To illustrate using the sample json.txt file from your link: $ jq '.name' json.txt "Google" whereas $ jq -r '.name' json.txt Google

Bastion Finder Minecraff Code Example

Example: types of bastion minecraft hey , are you into modding or something ?

Hide Ui Elements Unity Code Example

Example: how to hide ui elements unity GameObject . Find ( "the object name" ) . SetActive ( false ) ;

Boku No Pico Creator Code Example

Example 1: boku no pico I am telling you don't do it Example 2: Boku No Pico Please no.. Example 3: boku no pico creator DONT LISTEN TO THEM, JOIN THE DARK SIDE

Can I Use A PS4 Controller On A PS3?

Answer : Yes, it is possible to use a DualShock 4 on a PS3. You can plug it in directly to the USB port by default, but if your PS3 has the correct system firmware, it can be used wirelessly as well. There are a few features and games that aren't 100% compatible, the instructions for connecting the controller to the console and the compatibiliy list is in this post: First, plug the micro usb cable into your PS3. Next, plug your Dualshock 4 into the micro usb cable. Turn on your PS3, and then hit the button on your Dualshock 4. Note: make sure your Dualshock 4 is assigned as Controller 1 You can now navigate the XMB, load games, and use it as a controller for games listed below! (additional step if a PS3 controller is required) Lastly, turn on your PS3 controller, and make sure it's assigned as Controller 2. In certain games' menus, you will need to use on this controller before you can use your Dualshock 4. For wireless: Go to Acce...

Blender Fbx Import From Ascii Format

Answer : For some reason Blender import doesn't support FBX models that are serialized to text. As a workaround the model can be changed to binary FBX model and imported to Blender. At least I am able to use Autodesk FBX 2013.3 Converter even I don't have any other Autodesk software installed. Other option that might work is to use Bos FBX Importer. PS. If you want to export FBX models from Blender and be able to import them again, you can choose version: FBX 7.4 binary not FBX 6.1 ASCII in the export settings panel. If you have Visual Studio installed try to open the original file then save it and import in Blender. This should work. Unfortunately I can't comment yet but here's an update to maZZZu's answer: The Bos FBX Importer will also not open ASCII .fbx files, however Autodesk's FBX Converter still does. Here's the updated URL:

Cobertura Code Coverage Report For Jenkins Pipeline Jobs

Answer : There is a way to add a pipeline step to publish your coverage report but it doesn't show under the BlueOcean interface. It will show fine in the normal UI. pipeline { agent any stages { ... } post { always { junit '**/nosetests.xml' step([$class: 'CoberturaPublisher', autoUpdateHealth: false, autoUpdateStability: false, coberturaReportFile: '**/coverage.xml', failUnhealthy: false, failUnstable: false, maxNumberOfBuilds: 0, onlyStable: false, sourceEncoding: 'ASCII', zoomCoverageChart: false]) } } } Note that one of the parameters to the Cobertura plugin is the XML that it will use ('**/coverage.xml' in the example). If you are using python, you will want to use something like: nosetests --with-coverage --cover-xml --cover-package=pkg1,pkg2 --with-xunit test Nowadays you can also use the cobertura command directly in a Jenkinsfile stage ("Extract...

Cherry Mx Red Vs Gateron Yellow Code Example

Example: cherry mx blue vs gateron blue If you like concrete and less wobling, go cherry. Otherwise to save cost go gateron. For me cherry has way better typing feel.

Android Studio Doesn't See Device

Answer : I recently had trouble with this, and regardless of what I did(restart adb, edit adb_usb.ini, restart computer+device+swap usb port, reinstall studio etc. etc.) I just couldnt get it to work, and could not even detect my device using 'adb devices'. Finally after about 2 hours of googling and testing, someone suggested switching to PTP instead of MTP on my device. When I did this I got a popup on my device asking me to allow my mac access and suddenly everything worked(had to restart studio for it to show up there as well though). I might be bumping this thread now, but it is the first result on google search, and I had a lot of trouble finding an answer for this problem, so I thought this should be added as a solution. On your device: Go to settings/ developer settings/ allow USB debug mode If 'allow USB debug mode' option is disabled. Then you might have the device currently connected to your PC. Disconnect the device and the option should now...

Animation Loader Library Website Github Code Example

Example: css animation library /* Answer to: "css animation library" */ /* There are an awful lot of libraries that want to help you animate things on the web. These aren’t really libraries that help you with the syntax or the technology of animations, but rather are grab-and-use as-is libraries. Want to apply a class like “animate-flip-up” and watch an element, uhhh, flip up? These are the kind of libraries to look at. 1. Animista (personal favourite) 2. Animate.css 3. Tachyons 4. Infinite 5. Motion UI 6. Micron 7. Vivify 9. Hover.css 10. AllAnimationCss3 11. Magic Animations CSS3 12. It's Tuesday 13. CHS 14. ReboundGen 15. CSShake 16. Motion CSS 17. 18. WickedCSS 19. Woah.css 20. Obnoxious.css 21. Hexa 22. Mimic.css For more information and direct links to the website of these libraries, go to: */

Angular2: Web Speech API - Voice Recognition

Answer : Finally I solved creating an interface !! export interface IWindow extends Window { webkitSpeechRecognition: any; } And: const {webkitSpeechRecognition} : IWindow = <IWindow>window; const recognition = new webkitSpeechRecognition(); In Angular 9, it worked me but using const speechRecognition = window['webkitSpeechRecognition']; note that the window 'w' is lowercase.

Gfg Online Ide Code Example

Example 1: Best online compiler onlinegbd . com is one of the best online compilers use it pls or DIE Example 2: gfg ide class A : def hello1 ( self ) : print ( "Super" ) class B ( A ) : def hello1 ( self ) : print ( "Child1" ) class C ( B ) : def hello ( self ) : print ( "Child2" ) ob = C ( ) ob . hello ( ) ob . hello1 ( )

Bit Vs. Boolean Columns

Answer : Personally, I would use the BOOLEAN for a boolean value. But keep in mind the caveat that in MySQL, BOOLEAN is just a synonym of TINYINT(1) [src]. This, of course, means you can have values other than 0 or 1 if you are not careful. To avoid this, you can use the aliases TRUE and FALSE when inserting and updating data, as those map to 1 and 0 respectively. For the sake of being complete, prior to 5.0.3, BIT was also a synonym of TINYINT(1) .

7-Zip Command Line: Extract Silently/quietly

Answer : 7-Zip does not have an explicit "quiet" or "silent" mode for command line extraction. A similar question over at Stack Overflow, Extracting a 7-Zip file "silently" - command line option , gives a possible solution using Python scripting code: One possibility would be to spawn the child process with popen, so its output will come back to the parent to be processed/displayed (if desired) or else completely ignored (create your popen object with stdout=PIPE and stderr=PIPE to be able to retrieve the output from the child). And then a similar question here on Super User, Redirect 7-Zip's command-line output to /dev/null on Windows when extracting a .7z file reports that the issue is mostly the output, and that by sending the output to NULL, you make the system run essentially silent: Try doing this: %COMSPEC% /c "%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" ... Yes, it does support command line use. Open a command prompt and n...

Axios Delete Request With Body And Headers?

Answer : So after a number of tries, I found it working. Please follow the order sequence it's very important else it won't work axios.delete(URL, { headers: { Authorization: authorizationToken }, data: { source: source } }); axios.delete does support a request body. It accepts two parameters: url and optional config. You can use to set the request body and headers as follows: axios.delete(url, { data: { foo: "bar" }, headers: { "Authorization": "***" } }); See here - Here is a brief summary of the formats required to send various http verbs with axios: GET : Two ways First method axios.get('/user?ID=12345') .then(function (response) { // Do something }) Second method axios.get('/user', { params: { ID: 12345 } }) .then(function (response) { // Do something }) The two above are equivalent. Observe the params...

Angular Http Params Code Example

Example 1: angular http request query params request(query) { let params = new HttpParams().set("keyword", query); return this.http.get(`Your_URL`, {params}); } Example 2: angular httpclient query params not working getLogs(logNamespace): Observable { // Setup log namespace query parameter let params = new HttpParams().set('logNamespace', logNamespace); return this._HttpClient.get(`${API_URL}/api/v1/data/logs`, { params: params }) } Example 3: router params angular // Navigate and send Params this.router.navigate(['/users/edit/',]);

Adminlte 3 Download Code Example

Example: adminlte npm install admin-lte@^3.0 --save

Change Directory Command In Docker?

Answer : To change into another directory use WORKDIR. All the RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT commands after WORKDIR will be executed from that directory. RUN git clone XYZ WORKDIR "/XYZ" RUN make You can run a script, or a more complex parameter to the RUN. Here is an example from a Dockerfile I've downloaded to look at previously: RUN cd /opt && unzip && mv treeio-master treeio && \ rm -f && cd treeio && pip install -r requirements.pip Because of the use of '&&', it will only get to the final 'pip install' command if all the previous commands have succeeded. In fact, since every RUN creates a new commit & (currently) an AUFS layer, if you have too many commands in the Dockerfile, you will use up the limits, so merging the RUNs (when the file is stable) can be a very useful thing to do. RUN git clone http://username:password@url/example.git WORKDIR /folder RUN make

Acer Swift 5 Amazon Code Example

Example: acer swift 5 /* As long as it's Ryzen 4000, I'll allow it... */

C Operator Precedence

The following table lists the precedence and associativity of C operators. Operators are listed top to bottom, in descending precedence. Precedence Operator Description Associativity 1 ++ -- Suffix/postfix increment and decrement Left-to-right () Function call [] Array subscripting . Structure and union member access -> Structure and union member access through pointer ( type ){ list } Compound literal (C99) 2 ++ -- Prefix increment and decrement [note 1] Right-to-left + - Unary plus and minus ! ~ Logical NOT and bitwise NOT ( type ) Type cast * Indirection (dereference) & Address-of sizeof Size-of [note 2] _Alignof Alignment requirement (C11) 3 * / % Multiplication, division, and remainder Left-to-right 4 + - Addition and subtraction 5 << >> Bitwise left shift and right shift 6 < <= For rela...

Btn-toggle Bootstrap 4 Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap buttons Toggle states Add data-toggle="button" to toggle a button’s active state. If you’re pre-toggling a button, you must manually add the .active class and aria-pressed="true" to the < button > . < button type = " button " class = " btn btn-primary " data-toggle = " button " aria-pressed = " false " > Single toggle </ button > Example 2: btn-default class in bootstrap 4 < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " integrity = " sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm " crossorigin = " anonymous " > < div class = " container m-3 " > < a class = " btn btn-outline-secondary " > outline-secondary link </ a > < button type = " button " class = " btn btn-outline-...