
Showing posts from October, 2015

Can EXE Generated By Cx_freeze Be Completely Decompiled Back To Readable Python Code?

Answer : In general - no. CX Freeze and py2exe store the PYC version of your code, the bytecode compiled from the PY files. Currently, if I am not mistaken, there are no working viable PYC decompilers. Some give you a more-or-less readable byte code with annotations, but none will give you the actual Python source code. So in that regard - no, it cannot be decompiled. You can also consider going the full native way and use Shed Skin It seems that the current accepted answer is no longer true. Here is how to recover the original source code from a project frozen with cx_freeze . Note: it is done here on a "Hello world" project, but, using the same method, I've been able to decompile a 1000+ lines-of-code source code from a project of mine frozen with cx_freeze , and recover nearly the original source code! 1) Use cx_freeze Create a file containing import time print('hello') time.sleep(2) print('world') Then create the executable with cxf...

Apply Svn Patch To Git Repository

Answer : I've had a few issues applying SVN generated patches with git. I'd recommend applying any subversion patches directly with patch command, and use git to verify that said patch was successfully applied. $ patch -p0 < xxx_parser.patch $ git diff @emcconville answer works if you have patch as an executable command in the command line. For others: Go to the svn repo svn diff --git >> gitFormat.patch From your (Copy this file to the) git repo git apply gitFormat.patch

Angular Material Mat Icon Module Code Example

Example 1: properly import mat icon angular 10 // In Angular in style.css @import ''; Example 2: material icons angular < mat-icon class = " mat-icon-rtl-mirror " svgIcon = " thumb-up " > </ mat-icon >

Class Object Array Java Code Example

Example 1: array objects java obj array [ ] = new obj [ 10 ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < array . length ; i ++ ) { array [ i ] = new obj ( i ) ; } Example 2: array object java class ObjectArray { public static void main ( String args [ ] ) { Account obj [ ] = new Account [ 2 ] ; //obj[0] = new Account(); //obj[1] = new Account(); obj [ 0 ] . setData ( 1 , 2 ) ; obj [ 1 ] . setData ( 3 , 4 ) ; System . out . println ( "For Array Element 0" ) ; obj [ 0 ] . showData ( ) ; System . out . println ( "For Array Element 1" ) ; obj [ 1 ] . showData ( ) ; } } class Account { int a ; int b ; public void setData ( int c , int d ) { a = c ; b = d ; } public void showData ( ) { System . out . println ( "Value of a =" + a ) ; System . out . println ( "Value of b =" + b ) ; } }

AWS Glue Pricing Against AWS EMR

Answer : Yes, EMR does work out to be cheaper than Glue, and this is because Glue is meant to be serverless and fully managed by AWS, so the user doesn't have to worry about the infrastructure running behind the scenes, but EMR requires a whole lot of configuration to set up. So it's a trade off between user friendliness and cost, and for more technical users EMR can be the better option. @user2889316 - Did you check my question wherein I had provided a comparison numbers? Also please note Glue is roughly about 0.44 per hour / DPU for a job. I don't think you will have any AWS Glue JOB that is expected to running throughout the day? Are you talking about the Glue Dev end point or the Job? A AWS Glue job requires a minimum of 2 DPUs to run, which means 0.88 per hour, which I think roughly about $21 per day? This is only for the GLUE job and there are additional charges such as S3, and any database / connection charges / crawler charges, etc. Corresponding inst...

AWS Elasticsearch Service IAM Role Based Access Policy

Answer : When using IAM service with AWS, you must sign your requests. curl doesn't support signed requests (which consists of hashing the request and adding a parameter to the header of the request). You can use one of their SDK's that has the signing algorithm built in, and then submit that request. See: You can find the SDKs for popular languages here: First, you said you can't login to an EC2 instance to curl the ES instance? You can't login? Or you can't curl it from EC2? I have my Elasticsearch (Service) instance open to the world (with nothing on it) and am able to curl it just fine, without signing. I changed the access policy to test, but unfortunately it takes forever to come back up after changing it... My policy looks like this: { "Version": "2012-10-17", ...

Can't Install Kali Linux From USB, Fails To Find CD-ROM Drive

Answer : You could resolve the error by repeating the steps : Run the installer. Open a shell ( ALT + F2 ). Create the directory cdrom directly on the root of the file system: mkdir /cdrom Note : If you got problems making the directory /cdrom, disable the CD-rom player in BIOS or disconnect the cable Mount the USB as if it is a CD-ROM: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /cdrom Where sdb1 is your USB device. You could carry on installation now After executing mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /cdrom , cd into the /cdrom directory and do an ls to see if the files are there. Then press ALT - F1 to go back, continue and re-select "detect CDROM" Source :ubuntu and debian Another layman solution was : when the Window shows CDROM couldn't be mounted , Unplug your USB from system and re insert it wait for mount/ detection (usb LED glow) Hit Continue You could do what I did. Hit escape, type install, hit enter, skip CD drive. If you ...

Source Code Of Printf Function In C Code Example

Example 1: How to make a printf in c # include <stdio.h> int printf ( const char * format , . . . ) ; int main ( void ) { int nb = 20 ; printf ( "Hello World !\n" ) ; printf ( "%d\n" , nb ) ; printf ( "%s/%d\n" , "Nice" , 20 ) ; return ( 0 ) ; } /// output : /// /// Hello World ! /// 20 /// Nice/20 /// Example 2: printf c # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { int ch ; for ( ch = 75 ; ch <= 100 ; ch ++ ) { printf ( "ASCII value = %d, Character = %c\n" , ch , ch ) ; } return ( 0 ) ; }

Android Studio Sql Query Code Example

Example: sql for android ms sql for android

Attack On Titan Season 4 Episode 6 Code Example

Example 1: Attack on titan U can Watch it on Example 2: attack on titan Podes ve-lo em goyabu aproveita.

Access Data Attribute Jquery Code Example

Example 1: jquery get data attribute value /* html */ < a data - id = "123" > link < / a > /* js */ $ ( this ) . attr ( "data-id" ) // returns string "123" $ ( this ) . data ( "id" ) // returns number 123 (jQuery >= 1.4.3 only) Example 2: jquery data attribute /* html */ < a data - number = "123" > link < / a > /* js */ $ ( this ) . attr ( "data-number" ) // returns string "123" $ ( this ) . data ( "number" ) // returns number 123 (jQuery >= 1.4.3 only) Example 3: find element with data attribute jquery $ ( "ul" ) . find ( ` [ data - slide = '${current}' ] ` ) Example 4: jquery get data attribute < a data - id = "123" > link < / a > var id = $ ( this ) . data ( "id" ) ; // Will set id to 123 Example 5: jquery data attribute data attribute in jquery For setting attribute data to the element ...

Arrays Left Rotation Hackerrank Solution In Python Code Example

Example: arrays left rotation hackerrank solution int n , d ; cin >> n ; int a [ n ] ; cin >> d ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; cin >> a [ i ] , i ++ ) ; d = d % n ; for ( int i = d ; i < n ; i ++ ) cout << a [ i ] << " " ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < d ; i ++ ) cout << a [ i ] << " " ; return 0 ;

Bootstrap 5 Animation For Carousel Multiple Items Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap 4 carousel multiple items responsive <!-- Top content --> < div class = " top-content " > < div class = " container-fluid " > < div id = " carousel-example " class = " carousel slide " data-ride = " carousel " > < div class = " carousel-inner row w-100 mx-auto " role = " listbox " > < div class = " carousel-item col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 active " > < img src = " assets/img/backgrounds/1.jpg " class = " img-fluid mx-auto d-block " alt = " img1 " > </ div > < div class = " carousel-item col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3 " > < img src = " assets/img/backgrounds/2.jpg " class = " img-fluid mx-auto d-block " alt = " img2 ...

Bold In Latex Overleaf Code Example

Example 1: latex bold text \textbf{text} Example 2: bold text latex \textbf{accident} Example 3: latex italic \emph{accident} Example 4: bold italic text in latex \textit{\textbf{text}} Example 5: bold italic text in latex \textbf{\textit{text}}

Bridged Vs. NAT: A Virtualbox And VMWare Comparison

Answer : This all looks normal to me. Anything under (and also are perfectly normal NAT addresses. When you put your VMs in NAT mode, the software is essentially acting as it's own dhcp server for the guest machines and will do translations to the host network, so that all the guests on a particular host share an IP with the host. Anything in any of those ranges are fair game for NAT. It appears that VMWare uses a range by default, and VirtualBox uses a range. Both are just fine, and neither is better than the other (though I personally prefer ranges because there are 255 times more addresses available). It sounds like maybe you expected NAT mode to use the NAT between your host network and the internet, but that just doesn't happen. In fact, that is what bridge mode does. Switching to bridged mode means your VM guests are now connected directly to your home router's dhcp server for addresses. VirtualB...

Android Set Margin Programmatically Code Example

Example 1: android studio linearlayout set margin LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout ( this ) ; ll . setOrientation ( LinearLayout . VERTICAL ) ; LinearLayout . LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout . LayoutParams ( LinearLayout . LayoutParams . MATCH_PARENT , LinearLayout . LayoutParams . WRAP_CONTENT ) ; layoutParams . setMargins ( 30 , 20 , 30 , 0 ) ; Button okButton = new Button ( this ) ; okButton . setText ( "some text" ) ; ll . addView ( okButton , layoutParams ) ; Example 2: set layout margin programmatically android int sizeInDP = 16 ; int marginInDp = ( int ) TypedValue . applyDimension ( TypedValue . COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP , sizeInDP , getResources ( ) . getDisplayMetrics ( ) ) ; setMargins ( view , sizeInDP , sizeInDP , sizeInDP , sizeInDP ) ; void setMargins ( View view , int left , int top , int right , int bottom ) { if ( view . getLayoutParams ( ) instanceof ...

C# Tostring Currency Code Example

Example: c# tostring currency amount.ToString("C", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)

Boolean C Programming Code Example

Example: c bool # include <stdbool.h>