
Showing posts from June, 2014

Using Map Arduino Code Example

Example 1: map arduino Syntax map ( value , fromLow , fromHigh , toLow , toHigh ) Parameters value : the number to map . fromLow : the lower bound of the value’s current range . fromHigh : the upper bound of the value’s current range . toLow : the lower bound of the value’s target range . toHigh : the upper bound of the value’s target range . Example : map ( val , 0 , 255 , 0 , 1023 ) ; Example 2: arduino map function long map ( long x , long in_min , long in_max , long out_min , long out_max ) { return ( x - in_min ) * ( out_max - out_min ) / ( in_max - in_min ) + out_min ; }

Avl Tree Calculator Code Example

Example: avl tree c implementation # include <stdio.h> # include "avltree.h" /* remove all nodes of an AVL tree */ void dispose ( node * t ) { if ( t != NULL ) { dispose ( t -> left ) ; dispose ( t -> right ) ; free ( t ) ; } } /* find a specific node's key in the tree */ node * find ( int e , node * t ) { if ( t == NULL ) return NULL ; if ( e < t -> data ) return find ( e , t -> left ) ; else if ( e > t -> data ) return find ( e , t -> right ) ; else return t ; } /* find minimum node's key */ node * find_min ( node * t ) { if ( t == NULL ) return NULL ; else if ( t -> left == NULL ) return t ; else return find_min ( t -> left ) ; } /* find maximum node's key */ node * find_max ( node * t ) { if ( ...

C Code To Print Name Code Example

Example: My name is c You Have Gone Mad

Check Node Version Windows Code Example

Example 1: check node version node --version //or node -v //v12.15.0 Example 2: how to check if you have nodejs installed Open CMD or Terminal on Visual Studio Code & type node -v. You should get something like: v12.10.0 Example 3: find node version node -v OR node --version

Cdn Popper.js For Bootstrap 3.3.7 Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap 4 cdn <!-- Bootstrap 4.5 CSS--> < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " integrity = " sha384-JcKb8q3iqJ61gNV9KGb8thSsNjpSL0n8PARn9HuZOnIxN0hoP+VmmDGMN5t9UJ0Z " crossorigin = " anonymous " > <!-- Bootstrap JS Requirements --> < script src = " " integrity = " sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj " crossorigin = " anonymous " > </ script > < script src = " " integrity = " sha384-9/reFTGAW83EW2RDu2S0VKaIzap3H66lZH81PoYlFhbGU+6BZp6G7niu735Sk7lN " crossorigin = " anonymous " > </ script > < script src = " " ...

Can't Enable Windows Hello - Some Settings Are Managed By Your Organization

Answer : I found the solution. The reason is that Windows Hello is managed differently on domain joined computers, starting with the anniversary update. To get it to work you have to follow these steps: 1) Setup a Group Policy Central Store (you should already have that) 2) Get Windows 10 Anniversary Update Group Policy Templates . You can do so by copying your files from PolicyDefinitions (in windir on a Win10 Anniversary Update machine) into the PolicyDefinitions of the central store. You might copy those files first to a file share, because of permissions your regular user should not have on the central store. 3) Setup a new GPO or add to an existing the following settings to enable Windows Hello: Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates .../Windows Components/Windows Hello For Business/ Use biometrics => Enabled .../Windows Components/Windows Hello for Business/ Use a hardware security device => Enabled (if you want to use TPM instead of k...

Cache Network Image Provider Flutter Code Example

Example: flutter cached network image not working Worked for me after searching all over the sites :=> 1. Install the latest dependency for cached_network_image: 2. Stop and Restart the app if you are debugging or running If not goahead with other steps: 3. Flutter clean 4. Quite from IDE 5. Reopen your IDE and run pub get Example: CachedNetworkImage( imageUrl: '', fit: BoxFit.cover, width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, placeholder: (context,url) => CircularProgressIndicator(), errorWidget: (context,url,error) => new Icon(Icons.error), ) ###### OR ###### Image(image: CachedNetworkImageProvider(''))

Bootstrap Horizontal Line Code Example

Example 1: how to change the color of the hr tag in html <style > hr { height : 1 px ; background-color : #ccc ; border : none ; } </style> Example 2: html horizontal line style <!-- HTML --> <!-- You can change the style of the horizontal line like this : --> <hr style= "width:50%" , size= "3" , color= black > <!-- Or like this : --> <hr style= "height:2px; width:50%; border-width:0; color:red; background-color:red" > Example 3: how to style an hr tag /* Red border */ hr .new1 { border-top : 1 px solid red ; } /* Dashed red border */ hr .new2 { border-top : 1 px dashed red ; } /* Dotted red border */ hr .new3 { border-top : 1 px dotted red ; } /* Thick red border */ hr .new4 { border : 1 px solid red ; } /* Large rounded green border */ hr .new5 { border : 10 px solid green ; border-radius : 5 px ...

Background Eraser Online Code Example

Example 1: remove background from image Use this one its best linK: Example 2: remove background from image Most useful: Example 3: background remover free is the best one Example 4: background remover This is very good website for remove background and convert img into png format both Example 5: background remover This one provides unlimited free full-resolution PNGs Example 6: online background removal i am genuinely unbiased - is good (you don't have to download to your device, just right click and copy)

Auto Activate Virtual Environment In Visual Studio Code

Answer : You don't need this line at all. Just remove it and switch your Python interpreter to point to the one within your venv . Here's a relevant documentation (italicized emphasis mine): To select a specific environment, use the Python: Select Interpreter command from the Command Palette ( Ctrl + Shift + P ). ... and opening a terminal with the Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal command. In the latter case, VS Code automatically activated the selected environment. Once you switch the interpreter VS code should create a .vscode folder within your workspace with a settings.json indicating the python interpreter. This will give VS code the direction of where to locate the venv . This is how I did it in 2021: Enter Ctrl + Shift + P in your vs code. Locate your Virtual Environment: Python: select interpreter > Enter interpreter path > Find Once you locate your virtual env select your python version: your-virtual-env > b...

MATLAB Custom Legend Code Example

Example 1: add manual legend matlab h1 = plot ( [ 1 : 10 ] , 'Color' , 'r' , 'DisplayName' , 'This one' ) ; hold on ; h2 = plot ( [ 1 : 2 : 10 ] , 'Color' , 'b' , 'DisplayName' , 'This two' ) ; h3 = plot ( [ 1 : 3 : 10 ] , 'Color' , 'k' , 'DisplayName' , 'This three' ) ; legend ( [ h1 h3 ] , { 'Legend 1' , 'Legend 3' } ) Example 2: automatic legend matlab str = { strcat ( 'z = ' , num2str ( z ) ) } % at the end of first loop , z being loop output str = [ str , strcat ( 'z = ' , num2str ( z ) ) ] % after 2 nd loop % plot your data legend ( str { : } )

Bootstrap Form Listbox Code Example

Example: bootstrap radio button <div class= "form-check" > <input class= "form-check-input" type= "radio" name= "exampleRadios" id= "exampleRadios1" value= "option1" checked> <label class= "form-check-label" for= "exampleRadios1" > Default radio </label> </div> <div class= "form-check" > <input class= "form-check-input" type= "radio" name= "exampleRadios" id= "exampleRadios2" value= "option2" > <label class= "form-check-label" for= "exampleRadios2" > Second default radio </label> </div> <div class= "form-check disabled" > <input class= "form-check-input" type= "radio" name= "exampleRadios" id= "exampleRadios3" value= "option3" disabled> <label class= ...

Alter Table Modify Column Sql Server Code Example

Example 1: sql change column types ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype; -- Example ALTER TABLE product ALTER COLUMN description VARCHAR(250); Example 2: sql add column ALTER TABLE Customers ADD Email varchar(255); Example 3: append column sql ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype; --example ALTER TABLE Customers ADD Email varchar(255); Example 4: sql server alter column ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name new_data_type(size); Example 5: sql alter column size ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype; Example 6: sqlserver add column to table ALTER TABLE dbo.doc_exa ADD column_b VARCHAR(20) NULL, column_c INT NULL ;

Clear Terminal Command Code Example

Example 1: clear terminal windows cls = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = will clear the windows terminal Example 2: windows clear terminal Type in "cls" and press enter Example 3: clear terminal clear # only clear visible screen clear && clear # clear buffer as well tput clear # same as clear but by sending escape seq reset # clear + reset internal terminal state + 1sec delay tput reset # same as reset but without 1sec delay stty sane # don't clear screen but reset some terminal options echo - e "\033c" # same as tput reset but hardcoded escape seq printf "\033c" # same as tput reset but hardcoded escape seq setterm - reset # same as tput reset, setterm has friendlier commands Example 4: clear terminal on windows ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Cntr - L should clear scre... Mvc How To Add Placeholder For Html.dropdownlist

Answer : You could try this: @Html.DropDownList("country", new SelectList(ViewBag.countries), "-select- ", new { @class="chzn-select", @style="width:160px;" }) In your collection ViewBag.Countries just insert a dummy record at the from of the collection with the name "-select-". You should be able to force the selected item with an alternate constructor like this: @Html.DropDownList("country", new SelectList(ViewBag.countries as System.Collections.IEnumerable, "name", "name", "-select-"), new { @class="chzn-select", @style="width:160px;" } ) A quick and (not so) dirty solution involving jQuery. Instead of adding a dummy item at the start of the list, prepend a new option that is disabled. The main advantage is that you don't have to mess with a dummy item in your list , and most important, you won't be able to select that dummy item in the page : ...

Facebook Icon Font Awesome For Web Code Example

Example: fa fa-facebook < i class = "fa fa-facebook-square" aria - hidden = "true" > < / i >

Cast Object To Interface In TypeScript

Answer : There's no casting in javascript, so you cannot throw if "casting fails". Typescript supports casting but that's only for compilation time, and you can do it like this: const toDo = <IToDoDto> req.body; // or const toDo = req.body as IToDoDto; You can check at runtime if the value is valid and if not throw an error, i.e.: function isToDoDto(obj: any): obj is IToDoDto { return typeof obj.description === "string" && typeof obj.status === "boolean"; } @Post() addToDo(@Response() res, @Request() req) { if (!isToDoDto(req.body)) { throw new Error("invalid request"); } const toDo = req.body as IToDoDto; this.toDoService.addToDo(toDo); return res.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).end(); } Edit As @huyz pointed out, there's no need for the type assertion because isToDoDto is a type guard, so this should be enough: if (!isToDoDto(req.body)) { throw new Error("invalid...