
Showing posts from August, 2013

Anime Review Code Example

Example 1: anime Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well Example 2: anime review Watch One Piece, AOT , Erased , One Punch Man , Kingdom , Dr. Stone and then come to this page Example 3: anime review One Piece it is.The best fuckin' anime ever produced Example 4: anime print('Watch love is war, its lit') Example 5: anime I see ur part of the religon

Azure Data Factory V2: Activity Execute Pipeline Output

Answer : ExecutePipline currently cannot pass anything from its insides to its output. You can only get the runID or name. For some weird reason, the output of ExecutePipeline is returned not as a JSON object but as a string. So if you try to select a property of output like this @activity('ExecutePipelineActivityName').output.something then you get this error: Property selection is not supported on values of type 'String' I found that I had to use the following to get the run ID: @json(activity('ExecutePipelineActivityName').output).pipelineRunId The execute pipeline activity is just another activity with outputs that can be captured by other activities. If you want to use the runId of the pipeline executed previosly, it would look like this: @activity('ExecutePipelineActivityName').output.pipeline.runId Hope this helped!

Clear All Matlab Code Example

Example 1: how to clear matlab command window clc //clear command window clear //clears all variables from current workspace close all //closes all figures Example 2: clear all but matlab clearvars -except NAME Example 3: matlab clear all clear % Clears all variable data clc % Clears the command line window

Cannot Save Files To Desktop In Windows 10

Answer : The problem has been solved. It was happening because I once turned on the Controlled Folder Access in Windows Defender which was by default turned off. I just opened the Windows Defender Security Center >> Virus and threat Protection >> Virus and threat Protection settings >> "TURNED OFF" the Controlled Folder Access option and it did my job. The problem was driving me nuts bdw. :( Instead of disabling it completely. I just allow specific applicatons through. Click the windows button Type "Windows Security" and click on "Windows Security App" Click "Virus &Threat protection" Scroll down (if necessary) and click "Manage ransomware protection" Click "Allow an app through Controlled folder access" Click "Yes" when the user account control pops up Click "Add an allowed app" Choose between "Recently blocked apps" or "Browse all apps". ...

Button Border Shadow Bootstrap Code Example

Example: give boodstarp card shadow <div class= "shadow-none p-3 mb-5 bg-light rounded" >No shadow</div> <div class= "shadow-sm p-3 mb-5 bg-white rounded" >Small shadow</div> <div class= "shadow p-3 mb-5 bg-white rounded" >Regular shadow</div> <div class= "shadow-lg p-3 mb-5 bg-white rounded" >Larger shadow</div>

C++: Printing ASCII Heart And Diamonds With Platform Independent

Answer : If you want a portable way, then you should use the Unicode code points (which have defined glyphs associated to them): ♠ U+2660 Black Spade Suit ♡ U+2661 White Heart Suit ♢ U+2662 White Diamond Suit ♣ U+2663 Black Club Suit ♤ U+2664 White Spade Suit ♥ U+2665 Black Heart Suit ♦ U+2666 Black Diamond Suit ♧ U+2667 White Club Suit Remember that everything below character 32 in ASCII is a control character . They have a meaning associated with them and you don't have a guarantee of getting a glyph or a behavior there (even though most control characters to have glyphs, although they were never intended to be printable). Still, it's not a safe bet. However, using Unicode needs proper font and encoding support which may or may not be a problem on UNIX-likes. On Windows at least some of the above code points map to the ASCII control character glyphs you're outputting if the console is set to raster fonts (and therefore not supporting Unicode or anything else th...

Add Field Separately To Firestore Document

Answer : Build a DocumentReference to the document you want to update, then use the update() method on the DocumentReference to indicate only the fields to be added or changed. Pass it an object with only properties that match the fields to add or change.

Std Swap C++ Code Example

Example: swap in cpp int a { } , b { } , temp { } ; cin >> a >> b ; //===================== METHOD-1 temp = a ; a = b ; b = temp ; //===================== METHOD-2 ( XOR ^ ) // example: a^b = 5^7 a = a ^ b ; // 5^7 b = a ^ b ; // 5 ^ 7 ^ 7 //5 ( 7 & 7 dismissed) a = a ^ b ; // 5 ^ 7 ^ 5 //7 ( 5 & 5 dismissed) //===================== METHOD-3 ( swap() ) swap ( a , b ) ; cout << "a " << a << endl ; cout << "b " << b << endl ;

ClassNotFoundException: Org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

Answer : Better to always download as your first try, the most recent version from the developer's site I had the same error message you had, and by downloading the jar from the above (slf4j-1.7.2.tar.gz most recent version as of 2012OCT13), untarring, uncompressing, adding 2 jars to build path in eclipse (or adding to classpath in comand line): slf4j-api-1.7.2.jar slf4j-simple-1.7.2.jar I was able to run my program. Try downloading jar from here You can find, it holds the class you need. EDIT Seems like the website has changed its structure. You need to choose which jar file you need for your project. For slf4j-api jar file for latest version as of now, please visit this link For slf4j-simple jar file for latest version as of now, please visit this link For a bit more explanation: keep in mind that the "I" in "api" is interface. The slf4j-api jar only holds the needed interfaces (actually LoggerFactory is an abstract class). You als...

Benchtop Power Supplies: Linear Vs Switching?

Answer : Get whatever meets your needs for voltage, current, readouts, size, price, etc. Don't worry about whether it is a switcher or linear. In general, linears are less efficient. However, this matters little to a bench supply. The few watts or even 10s of watts it might occasionally draw more than the equivalent switcher is irrelevant. It will get hotter, but presumably since you are buying a whole box this has been designed in. Unless perhaps you have a very specific physical spot in mind for this box and there is little room for ventillation, the extra heat of a linear won't matter. Switchers will have some switching noise on their output. Again, this shouldn't matter. Check the ripple spec, but the ripple of any finished-box commercial lab supply really shouldn't be that high, a few 10s of mV at most. What exactly is the problem with ripple? Not much in a bench setting. Things like relays, motors, LEDs and even the occasional LEB (light emittin...

Chess Math Is Fun Code Example

Example 1: chess so you play chess and code, you are really a man or woman of many talents Example 2: chess.js var board2 = Chessboard('board2', { draggable: false, dropOffBoard: 'trash', sparePieces: true }) $('#startBtn').on('click', board2.start) $('#clearBtn').on('click', board2.clear)

Space In Equation Latex Code Example

Example 1: latex space in math mode \ ; - a thick space . \ : - a medium space . \ , - a thin space . \ ! - a negative thin space . Example 2: space latex math Spaces in mathematical mode . \begin { align * } f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 \ ! + 3 x\ ! + 2 \\ f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 + 3 x + 2 \\ f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 \ , + 3 x\ , + 2 \\ f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 \ : + 3 x\ : + 2 \\ f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 \ ; + 3 x\ ; + 2 \\ f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 \ + 3 x\ + 2 \\ f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 \quad + 3 x\quad + 2 \\ f ( x ) &= x ^ 2 \qquad + 3 x\qquad + 2 \end { align * }

Any Non-whitespace Regular Expression

Answer : In non-GNU systems what follows explain why \S fail: The \S is part of a PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions). It is not part of the BRE (Basic Regular Expressions) or the ERE (Extended Regular Expressions) used in shells. The bash operator =~ inside double bracket test [[ use ERE. The only characters with special meaning in ERE (as opposed to any normal character) are .[\()*+?{|^$ . There are no S as special. You need to construct the regex from more basic elements: regex='^b[^[:space:]]+[a-z]$' Where the bracket expression [^[:space:]] is the equivalent to the \S PCRE expressions : The default \s characters are now HT (9), LF (10), VT (11), FF (12), CR (13), and space (32). The test would be: var='big' regex='^b[^[:space:]]+[a-z]$' [[ $var =~ $regex ]] && echo "$var" || echo 'none' However, the code above will match bißß for example. As the range [a-z] will include other char...

Change Text Spacing Css Code Example

Example 1: letter spacing css div{ letter-spacing: 2px; } Example 2: letter spacing css .some-class { letter-spacing: 3px; } Example 3: how to create space inbetween text css < div style = " letter-spacing : 1 em ; " > It's a wide wide word! </ div > < div style = " line-height : 1.5 ; " > < div style = " text-indent : 50 px ; " >