
Showing posts from January, 2013

Bar On Letter Latex Code Example

Example: latex bar over text in equation $\overline{\text{height}}$

Android - Movable/Draggable Floating Action Button (FAB)

Answer : Based on this answer for another SO question this is the code I have created. It seems to work nicely (with working click functionality) and isn't dependent on the FAB's parent layout or positioning... package com.example; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; public class MovableFloatingActionButton extends FloatingActionButton implements View.OnTouchListener { private final static float CLICK_DRAG_TOLERANCE = 10; // Often, there will be a slight, unintentional, drag when the user taps the FAB, so we need to account for this. private float downRawX, downRawY; private float dX, dY; public MovableFloatingActionButton(Context context) { super(context); init(); } public MovableFloatingActionButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { supe...

Get File Size Of File In Windows C Code Example

Example 1: how to check the size of a file c If you have the file stream ( FILE * f ) : fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_END ) ; // seek to end of file size = ftell ( f ) ; // get current file pointer fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ; // seek back to beginning of file // proceed with allocating memory and reading the file Or , # include <sys/types.h> # include <sys/stat.h> # include <unistd.h> fd = fileno ( f ) ; struct stat buf ; fstat ( fd , & buf ) ; int size = buf . st_size ; Or , use stat , if you know the filename : # include <sys/stat.h> struct stat st ; stat ( filename , & st ) ; size = st . st_size ; Example 2: size of file in c // C program to find the size of file # include <stdio.h> long int findSize ( char file_name [ ] ) { // opening the file in read mode FILE * fp = fopen ( file_name , "r" ) ; // checking if the file exist or not if ( fp == NULL ) { p...

How To Convert A Char To An Int C++ Code Example

Example 1: convert char to int c++ char a = '6' ; //bounded by 0 and 9 int n1 = a - '0' ; int n2 = a - 48 ; int n3 = std :: stoi ( & a ) ; Example 2: char to int c++ int x = ( int ) character - 48 ; Example 3: char* to int in cpp int x = std :: stoi ( "42" ) Example 4: converting char to integer c++ int x = '9' - 48 ; // x now equals 9 as an integer Example 5: convert char to int c++ int x = character - '0'

154 Cm To Foot Code Example

Example 1: cm to foot 1 cm = 0.032808399 foot Example 2: cm to foot # 1 cm = 0.0328084 foot # Divide the cm value by 30.48 def cm_to_foot(cm): return cm/30.48 print(cm_to_foot(1)) # Result- 0.0328084

Can I Disable Updatedb.mlocate?

Answer : It can be killed with: sudo killall updatedb.mlocate Or: sudo kill -9 <PID> It runs every day by cron. Disable it with: sudo chmod -x /etc/cron.daily/mlocate And if you want to re-enable it: sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/mlocate I did not want to totally eliminate the process but I did want to make it happen less frequently so I worked out how to set it to run weekly instead of daily. This is based on the accepted answer above but probably best listed as its own answer as it's not disabling it. That said... It's rather simple and appears to work just fine. sudo chmod -x /etc/cron.daily/mlocate sudo cp /etc/cron.daily/mlocate /etc/cron.weekly/mlocate sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.weekly/mlocate The first one disables the cron job. The second moves it to the weekly tasks. The third command sets the permissions so that it is enabled. Daily, hourly, weekly, and monthly are all options. I never used locate , so I removed it. sudo dpkg -P mlocate Se...

Angular 5: "No Provider For ControlContainer"

Answer : The ControlContainer is a abstract class which is extended by the AbstractFormGroupDirective inside the ReactiveFormsModule . The error is thrown if you're using the ReactiveFormsModule and a <form> -element without a FormGroup bound to it via [formGroup]="myForm" . To fix this error you have to create a FormGroup and bind it to your form: <form class="container" [formGroup]="myForm" (ngSubmit)="update()"> Also make sure you have both the FormsModule and the ReactiveFormsModule added to your module imports. For Me its turns out that i imported just ReactiveFormsModule but not FormsModule. you need to import both. Turns out that the error had nothing to do with form not being bound to a formGroup , but me naming the receiving variable also formGroup . That confuses the heck out of Angular. Just renaming this variable solves the issue. That is okay now: <form class="container" (ngSubmit)=...

Java + Convert Long To Int Code Example

Example 1: java long to int public class LongToIntExample2 { public static void main ( String args [ ] ) { Long l = new Long ( 10 ) ; int i = l . intValue ( ) ; System . out . println ( i ) ; } } Example 2: java long to integer // auto-unboxing does not go from Long to int directly, so Integer i = ( int ) ( long ) theLong ;

How To Remove Filmora Watermark For Free 2020 Code Example

Example 1: how to remove filmora watermark Here How To Get Filmora 9 For Free WITHOUT Watermark [ Filmora X is Available Also ] 0. Disable Anti Virus Cuz You Gotta Install . DLL Files 1. Download and Setup Filmora 9 2. Watch The Video Video 3. Downlaod The Files in Desc Do as it Says 4. Login or Sign up and Make a Filmora Account 5. Enjoy Your Filmora WITHOUT The Watermark YouTube Video : https : // Cracked Files : https : // Thank me On Discord : Rigby# 9052 Example 2: how to remove filmora watermark for free thanks my dude it worked

<= Assignment Operator In Verilog

Answer : "<=" in Verilog is called non-blocking assignment which brings a whole lot of difference than "=" which is called as blocking assignment because of scheduling events in any vendor based simulators. It is Recommended to use non-blocking assignment for sequential logic and blocking assignment for combinational logic, only then it infers correct hardware logic during synthesis. Non-blocking statements in sequential block will infer flip flop in actual hardware. Always remember do not mix blocking and non-blocking in any sequential or combinational block. During scheduling process of simulator: There are four regions and order of execution of commands as follows 1) Active region --Blocking assignments --Evaluation of RHS of non-blocking assignments(NBA) --Continuous assignment --$display command --Evaluate input and output of primitives 2) Inactive region --#0 blocking assignments 3) NBA(non-blocking assignment up...

Microsoft Flight Simulator Nosteam Code Example

Example 1: Microsoft Flight Simulator. open your pc and add some chicken you've successfully turned your pc into an oven Example 2: microsoft flight simulator Your computer will perish at the hands of this game , I played 4 k I know.

Bash Script Compare String Code Example

Example 1: bash scripting string comparison #!/bin/bash VAR1="Linuxize" VAR2="Linuxize" if [ "$VAR1" = "$VAR2" ]; then echo "Strings are equal." else echo "Strings are not equal." fi Example 2: test string equality bash strval1="Ubuntu" strval2="Windows" #Check equality two string variables if [ $strval1 == $strval2 ]; then echo "Strings are equal" else echo "Strings are not equal" fi #Check equality of a variable with a string value if [ $strval1 == "Ubuntu" ]; then echo "Linux operating system" else echo "Windows operating system" fi Example 3: bash compare two strings if [ "$s1" == "$s2" ] then stuff fi

Css Fontawesome 4 Icon Code Example

Example: font awesome css < span style = "font-size: 3em; color: Tomato;" > < i class = "fas fa-camera" > < / i > < / span > < span style = "font-size: 48px; color: Dodgerblue;" > < i class = "fas fa-camera" > < / i > < / span > < span style = "font-size: 3rem;" > < span style = "color: Mediumslateblue;" > < i class = "fas fa-camera" > < / i > < / span > < / span >

Time Complexity Of Sorting Algorithms Code Example

Example: what is time complexity of insertion sort Time Complexity is : If the inversion count is O ( n ) , then the time complexity of insertion sort is O ( n ) . Some Facts about insertion sort : 1. Simple implementation : Jon Bentley shows a three - line C version , and a five - line optimized version [ 1 ] 2. Efficient for ( quite ) small data sets , much like other quadratic sorting algorithms 3. More efficient in practice than most other simple quadratic ( i . e . , O ( n2 ) ) algorithms such as selection sort or bubble sort 4. Adaptive , i . e . , efficient for data sets that are already substantially sorted : the time complexity is O ( kn ) when each element in the input is no more than k places away from its sorted position 5. Stable ; i . e . , does not change the relative order of elements with equal keys 6. In - place ; i . e . , only requires a constant amount O ( 1 ) of additional memory space Online ; i . e . , can sort a list a...

Hello World Cobol Code Example

Example: cobol hello world $ vim helloworld IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. HELLO-WORLD. * simple hello world program PROCEDURE DIVISION. DISPLAY 'Hello world!' . STOP RUN.

Before Deployment, Is There Tool To Compress HTML Class Attribute And CSS Selectors?

Answer : If you really want to rename class names (keeping in mind what Madmartigan said) Google Closure Stylesheets does that. It's an overkill, and YUI Compressor or any other minification + gzipping tool should give you enough performance boost, but it can do it. You'll have to use other Closure tools to make appropriate changes to your .js files and html templates. There is also a project called "rename-css-selectors" if you handle the code with node: There are plugins for nearly every build tool (webpack, parcel, gulp, ...): This will minify all CSS selectors in HTML, JS and CSS files (actually any file you want). I saved 20ish% of the CSS filesize at the end. This is amazingly short-sighted. Step 1: Turn on GZip or Zlib compression in web server Step 2: All text gets compressed, often by 70% or more Step 3: There is no step 3. Step 4: PROFIT ...

Wordpress - Category Archive By Year With Permalink Support /category/YYYY

Answer : What you're looking for is an endpoint. There are already several of these built in: /feed/some-feed/ for feeds or /trackback/ on posts. Those are both endpoints. Fortunately, WordPress provides a handy function makes adding your own endpionts really easy. add_rewrite_endpoint This is all the code you need to make your yearly category archives work: <?php add_action( 'init', 'wpse31422_init' ); function wpse31422_init() { add_rewrite_endpoint( 'year', EP_CATEGORIES ); } As a plugin: It works exactly like Stephen Harris' answer, and you can reach a yearly, category archive by visiting . Adding an endpoint creates a query variable with the same name as the first argument of the add_rewrite_endpoint function. In this case, year . Because this query var already exists in WP (to take care of the data-based archives), we don't really have to...

Are All Groups Of Order 175 Abelian?

Answer : Your questions: 1) This is not enough: it must be also that both sbgps. are normal in G 2) Because they're abelian, too. 3) Lots more, as anyone else...but not for this particular question, imo.

What Is Class In Oops Code Example

Example: class in oops // DEFINITION /* In object-oriented programming, a class is an extensible program-code-template for creating objects, providing initial values for state (member variables) and implementations of behavior (member functions or methods). */

Among Us Hack Pc Code Example

Example: among us hacks you giant bastard fucker

Audiotag In Html Example

Example: audio html tag MIME Types for Audio Formats Format MIME-type MP3 audio/mpeg OGG audio/ogg WAV audio/wav If simply audio ' < audio > ' tag is written then audio controls will not appear on the web page. and for showing audio controller we need to write controls attribute in audion tag ' < audio controls > '. Example < audio controls > < source src = " horse.mp3 " type = " audio/mpeg " > </ audio >

Attack On Titan Anime Wiki Code Example

Example: Attack on titan U can Watch it on

ASP.NET MVC 4 - Cannot Perform Runtime Binding On A Null Reference

Answer : OK I am posting the full answer here - Try @ before if(@ViewBag.Stats[index] == null){ and remove @ from @ViewBag inside the if so that it look like this - @if(ViewBag.Stats[index] == null){ You are setting index = 0 , inside foreach , so it is initialised in every loop. Initialise it outside foreach like this var index = 0; foreach ... if you are facing problem for the scope try this - @{ var index = 0; foreach (....) { ....... index++ } }

Clear Interval Js Code Example

Example 1: Javascript stop setInterval var myInterval = setInterval ( function ( ) { console . log ( "mmk" ) } , 2000 ) ; clearInterval ( myInterval ) ; //stop that interval Example 2: how to reset interval javascript function myFn ( ) { console . log ( 'idle' ) ; } var myTimer = setInterval ( myFn , 4000 ) ; // Then, later at some future time, // to restart a new 4 second interval starting at this exact moment in time clearInterval ( myTimer ) ; myTimer = setInterval ( myFn , 4000 ) ; Example 3: stop a setinterval let myVar = setInterval ( ( ) => { console . log ( 'bop' ) , 1000 ) ; clearInterval ( myVar ) ; Example 4: javascript clear interval const delay = 2 ; const limit = 2 ; let i = 1 ; console . log ( 'START!' ) ; const limitedInterval = setInterval ( ( ) => { console . log ( ` message ${ i } , appeared after ${ delay * i ++ } seconds ` ) ; if ( i > limit ) { clearIn...