
Showing posts from December, 2009

Brew Install Node And Npm Code Example

Example 1: brew install npm brew install node Example 2: install node brew brew update # As a safe measure you should run brew doctor to make sure your system is ready to brew . Run the command below and follow any recommendations from brew doctor . brew doctor # Next , add Homebrew’s location to your $ PATH in your . bash_profile or . zshrc file . echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~ / . profile echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/bin:$PATH"' >> ~ / . profile # Next , install Node ( npm will be installed with Node ) : brew install node node - v Example 3: install nodejs via homebrew $ / usr / bin / ruby - e "$(curl -fsSL"

Best Way To Select Random Rows PostgreSQL

Answer : Given your specifications (plus additional info in the comments), You have a numeric ID column (integer numbers) with only few (or moderately few) gaps. Obviously no or few write operations. Your ID column has to be indexed! A primary key serves nicely. The query below does not need a sequential scan of the big table, only an index scan. First, get estimates for the main query: SELECT count(*) AS ct -- optional , min(id) AS min_id , max(id) AS max_id , max(id) - min(id) AS id_span FROM big; The only possibly expensive part is the count(*) (for huge tables). Given above specifications, you don't need it. An estimate will do just fine, available at almost no cost (detailed explanation here): SELECT reltuples AS ct FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'schema_name.big'::regclass; As long as ct isn't much smaller than id_span , the query will outperform other approaches. WITH params AS ( SELECT 1 AS min_id...

ByRef Vs ByVal Clarification

Answer : I think you're confusing the concept of references vs. value types and ByVal vs. ByRef . Even though their names are a bit misleading, they are orthogonal issues. ByVal in VB.NET means that a copy of the provided value will be sent to the function. For value types ( Integer , Single , etc.) this will provide a shallow copy of the value. With larger types this can be inefficient. For reference types though ( String , class instances) a copy of the reference is passed. Because a copy is passed in mutations to the parameter via = it won't be visible to the calling function. ByRef in VB.NET means that a reference to the original value will be sent to the function (1). It's almost like the original value is being directly used within the function. Operations like = will affect the original value and be immediately visible in the calling function. Socket is a reference type (read class) and hence passing it with ByVal is cheap. Even though it does perform a ...

78f To C Code Example

Example: 14 f to c 14°F = -10°C

Bootstrap Buttons Icons Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap 4 button with icon <!-- Add icon library --> < link rel = " stylesheet " href = " " > < button class = " btn " > < i class = " fa fa-home " > </ i > </ button > Example 2: font awesome in button < button > < i class = " fas fa-thumbs-up " > </ i > Like </ button >

2b2t Free Priority Queue Code Example

Example: 2b2t go code a hack client dumbass

What Is The Best Bastion Remnant In Minecraft Code Example

Example 1: types of bastions minecraft lol no i'm a speedrunner Example 2: types of bastion minecraft hey , are you into modding or something ?

Change Imageview Src Programmatically Android Code Example

Example: change imageview image programmatically android qImageView.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.thumbs_down);

Can I Restore Deleted Files (undo A `git Clean -fdx`)?

Answer : No. Those files are gone. (Just checked on Linux: git clean calls unlink() , and does not backup up anything beforehand.) git clean -fdxn Will do a dry run, and show you what files would be deleted if you ran git clean -fdx (of course this is only helpful if you know this ahead of time, but for next time) IntelliJ/Android Studio allows restoring files from local history.

Javascript Array Declaration Code Example

Example 1: javascript array //create an array like so: var colors = [ "red" , "blue" , "green" ] ; //you can loop through an array like this: for ( var i = 0 ; i < colors . length ; i ++ ) { console . log ( colors [ i ] ) ; } Example 2: javascript declare array var array = [ ] Example 3: javacript array [ element0 , element1 , . . . , elementN ] new Array ( element0 , element1 [ , . . . [ , elementN ] ] ) new Array ( arrayLength ) Example 4: how define array js var Names = [ "Arbab" , "Ali" , "Ahsan" ] Example 5: javascript get array value var array = [ ] array [ 0 ] = "hi" array [ 1 ] = "dude" var done = false while ( done == false ) { var valueToFind = "hi" ; var rounds = array . length ; if ( rounds < 0 ) { return false } if ( array [ rounds ] == valueToFind ) { done = true return rounds } rounds ...

Bootstrap Table W3school Code Example

Example: bootstrap 3 table Bootstrap Basic Table A basic Bootstrap table has a light padding and only horizontal dividers. The .table class adds basic styling to a table ------------------------------------------------------------ Striped Rows The .table-striped class adds zebra-stripes to a table Bordered Table The .table-bordered class adds borders on all sides of the table and cells ------------------------------------------------------------ Hover Rows The .table-hover class adds a hover effect ( grey background color ) on table rows ------------------------------------------------------------ Condensed Table The .table-condensed class makes a table more compact by cutting cell padding in half ------------------------------------------------------------ Contextual Classes Contextual classes can be used to color table rows ( <tr> ) or table cells ( <td> ) The contextual classes that can be used are : Class Description .active Applies the hover color to...

Answer Incoming Call Using Android.telecom And InCallService

Answer : How do you get notified about, and acquire instances of GSM Calls First, the user will need to select your app as the default Phone app. Refer to Replacing default Phone app on Android 6 and 7 with InCallService for a way to do that. You also need to define an InCallService implementation the system will bind to and notify you about the call: <service android:name=".CallService" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_INCALL_SERVICE"> <meta-data android:name="android.telecom.IN_CALL_SERVICE_UI" android:value="true" /> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.telecom.InCallService" /> </intent-filter> </service> There you should handle at least onCallAdded (set up listeners on Call , start your UI - activity - for the call) and onCallRemoved (remove listeners). How does one answer these calls If the user wants to answer the...

Bootstrap 3 Cdn Responsive Code Example

Example 1: bootstrap cdn < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" > Example 2: bootstrap cdn CSS < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" > JS < script src = "" > < / script > JQuery < script src = "" > < / script > Example 3: bootstrap cdn link < ! - - Latest compiled and minified CSS - -> < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" integrity = "sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin = "anonymous" > < ! - - Optional theme - -> < link rel = "...

Bootstrap 4.6 Sticky Footer Code Example

Example: sticky footer bootstrap 3 <style > .footer { position : fixed ; left : 0 ; bottom : 0 ; width : 100 % ; background-color : red ; color : white ; text-align : center ; } </style>

ArithmeticException: "Non-terminating Decimal Expansion; No Exact Representable Decimal Result"

Answer : From the Java 11 BigDecimal docs: When a MathContext object is supplied with a precision setting of 0 (for example, MathContext.UNLIMITED ), arithmetic operations are exact, as are the arithmetic methods which take no MathContext object. (This is the only behavior that was supported in releases prior to 5.) As a corollary of computing the exact result, the rounding mode setting of a MathContext object with a precision setting of 0 is not used and thus irrelevant. In the case of divide, the exact quotient could have an infinitely long decimal expansion; for example, 1 divided by 3. If the quotient has a nonterminating decimal expansion and the operation is specified to return an exact result, an ArithmeticException is thrown. Otherwise, the exact result of the division is returned, as done for other operations. To fix, you need to do something like this : a.divide(b, 2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) where 2 is the scale and RoundingMode.HALF_UP is rounding mode For mor...

Align Bottom In Stack Flutter Code Example

Example: align bottom flutter // Use Align if have only one child, if have multiple: return Column( crossAxisAlignment:, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, children: < Widget > [ //your elements here ], );

Yt1s Youtube To Mp3 Code Example

Example 1: yt to mp3 Youtube - DL works great . Download from https : // To use, type youtube-dl <url> --audio-format mp3 Example 2: youtube to mp3 online This man is doing gods work

Absolute Difference Of Two NumPy Arrays

Answer : If you want the absolute element-wise difference between both matrices, you can easily subtract them with NumPy and use numpy.absolute on the resulting matrix. import numpy as np X = [[12,7,3], [4 ,5,6], [7 ,8,9]] Y = [[5,8,1], [6,7,3], [4,5,9]] result = np.absolute(np.array(X) - np.array(Y)) Outputs : [[7 1 2] [2 2 3] [3 3 0]] Alternatively ( although unnecessary ), if you were required to do so in native Python you could zip the dimensions together in a nested list comprehension. result = [[abs(a-b) for a, b in zip(xrow, yrow)] for xrow, yrow in zip(X,Y)] Outputs : [[7, 1, 2], [2, 2, 3], [3, 3, 0]] Doing this becomes trivial if you cast your 2D arrays to numpy arrays: import numpy as np X = [[12, 7, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] Y = [[5, 8, 1], [6, 7, 3], [4, 5, 9]] X, Y = map(np.array, (X, Y)) result = X - Y Numpy is designed to work easily and efficiently with matrices. Also, you spoke about subtracting mat...

All Bees In Bee Swarm Simulator Code Example

Example: Bee swarm simulator description [ To celebrate the first anniversary of Bee Swarm Sim, you can use the code "AnniversaBee" for 48 hours of x2 Pollen and Conversion Rate (this weekend only)! Sorry the update wasn't finished in time - it's almost there though and I expect to release it next weekend. You can use the code to save up honey for upcoming items. ] Grow your own swarm of bees, collect pollen, and make honey in Bee Swarm Simulator! Meet friendly bears, complete their quests and get rewards! As your hive grows larger and larger, you can explore further up the mountain. Use your bees to defeat dangerous bugs and monsters. Look for treasures hidden around the map. Discover new types of bees, all with their own traits and personalities! Join Bee Swarm Simulator Club for free Honey, Treats and Codes!:

-56f To C Code Example

Example: convert fahrenheit to celsius import java . util . Scanner ; public class Main { public static void main ( String args [ ] ) { Scanner sc = new Scanner ( System . in ) ; int far = sc . nextInt ( ) ; int cel = ( far - 32 ) * 5 / 9 ; System . out . printf ( "%d Fahrenheit is %d Celsius" , far , cel ) ; } }