ChartJS Timeline With Images Code Example
Example 1: chartJS Timeline with images < script src = " " > </ script > < canvas id = " chart " height = " 28 " > </ canvas > Example 2: chartJS Timeline with images const img = new Image(16, 16); img.src = ''; var ctx = document.getElementById('chart').getContext('2d'); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { datasets: [{ data: [ { x: "2020-03-22", y: 0 }, { x: "2020-04-01", y: 0 }, { x: "2020-04-02", y: 0 }, { x: "2020-04-03", y: 0 }, { x: "2020-04-08", y: 0 }, { x: "2020-04-12", y: 0 }, { x: "2020-04-15", y: 0 } ], pointStyle: img, borderWidth: 1 }] }, options: { legend: { display: false }...