
Showing posts from December, 2007

Angularjs Refresh Page Without Reloading Code Example

Example 1: how to refresh page angular refresh(): void { window.location.reload(); } Example 2: angular reload component reloadCurrentRoute() { let currentUrl = this.router.url; this.router.navigateByUrl('/', {skipLocationChange: true}).then(() => { this.router.navigate([currentUrl]); }); } Example 3: angular 6 reload current page import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common'; import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-refresh-banner-notification', templateUrl: './refresh-banner-notification.component.html', styleUrls: ['./refresh-banner-notification.component.scss'] }) export class RefreshBannerNotificationComponent { constructor( @Inject(DOCUMENT) private _document: Document ) {} refreshPage() { this._document.defaultView.location.reload(); } }

Bootstrap 3 Spinner Code Example

Example 1: circlular waiting icon bootstrap < div class = " spinner-border " role = " status " > < span class = " sr-only " > Loading... </ span > </ div > Example 2: bootstrap loader < div class = " d-flex align-items-center " > < strong > Loading... </ strong > < div class = " spinner-border ml-auto " role = " status " aria-hidden = " true " > </ div > </ div > Example 3: bootstrap loader < div class = " spinner-border spinner-border-sm " role = " status " > < span class = " sr-only " > Loading... </ span > </ div > < div class = " spinner-grow spinner-grow-sm " role = " status " > < span class = " sr-only " > Loading... </ span > </ div >

Arduino Map Function Example

Example: map arduino Syntax map ( value , fromLow , fromHigh , toLow , toHigh ) Parameters value : the number to map . fromLow : the lower bound of the value’s current range . fromHigh : the upper bound of the value’s current range . toLow : the lower bound of the value’s target range . toHigh : the upper bound of the value’s target range . Example : map ( val , 0 , 255 , 0 , 1023 ) ;

Cannot Pickup Gauldur Amulet Fragment In Geirmund's Hall

Answer : You can type player.additem 0002d753 1 to add the Gauldur Amulet fragment into your inventory. If your quest doesn't advance by adding the item to your inventory, you will need to advance the quest to next stage with the command setstage dunGauldursonQST 8 . Forbidden Legend Quest Details and Bug fixes I passed Geirmund's Hall before the others and this quest got bugged. This is how I completed it: After having the other two fragments (1 and 3) returned to Geirmund's Hall and at the place of the marker typed to console: player.additem 0002d753 1 This got me the second amulet fragment (no progress in the Journal, though). setstage dunGauldursonQST 9 (This had no visible result, so I'm not sure if it was necessary.) Went to Reachwater Rock (cave under a waterfall south of Karthspire). After opening a claw-locked door inside the quest suddenly advanced to 'Forge the amulet' or something like that. There weren't any problems till th...

Basis Of The Polynomial Vector Space

Answer : A basis for a polynomial vector space P = { p 1 , p 2 , … , p n } P=\{ p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_n \} P = { p 1 ​ , p 2 ​ , … , p n ​ } is a set of vectors (polynomials in this case) that spans the space, and is linearly independent. Take for example, S = { 1 , x , x 2 } . S=\{ 1,x,x^2 \}. S = { 1 , x , x 2 } . This spans the set of all polynomials ( P 2 P_2 P 2 ​ ) of the form a x 2 + b x + c , ax^2+bx+c, a x 2 + b x + c , and one vector in S S S cannot be written as a multiple of the other two. The vector space { 1 , x , x 2 , x 2 + 1 } \{ 1,x,x^2,x^2+1 \} { 1 , x , x 2 , x 2 + 1 } on the other hand spans the space, but the 4th vector can be written as a multiple of the first and third (not linearly independent), thus it is not a basis. The simplest possible basis is the monomial basis: { 1 , x , x 2 , x 3 , … , x n } \{1,x,x^2,x^3,\ldots,x^n\} { 1 , x , x 2 , x 3 , … , x n } . Recall the definition of a basis. The key property is that some linear combination of basis vec...

Break Js Loops Code Example

Example: javascript break out of loop //break out of for loop for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) { if ( i === 3 ) { break ; } }

Can't Import Soundfile Python

Answer : You need to install the needed library: On Linux, you need to install libsndfile using your distribution’s package manager, for example sudo apt-get install libsndfile1 . From PyPI handras answer (from 2019) is not working now (in 2020) so install libsndfile1 via ( as A.B.) sudo apt-get install libsndfile1-dev

Can Someone Explain In Simple Terms To Me What A Directed Acyclic Graph Is?

Answer : graph = structure consisting of nodes, that are connected to each other with edges directed = the connections between the nodes (edges) have a direction: A -> B is not the same as B -> A acyclic = "non-circular" = moving from node to node by following the edges, you will never encounter the same node for the second time. A good example of a directed acyclic graph is a tree. Note, however, that not all directed acyclic graphs are trees. dots with lines pointing to other dots I see lot of answers indicating the meaning of DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) but no answers on its applications. Here is a very simple one - Pre-requisite graph - During an engineering course every student faces a task of choosing subjects that follows requirements such as pre-requisites. Now its clear that you cannot take a class on Artificial Intelligence[B] without a pre requisite course on Algorithms[A]. Hence B depends on A or in better terms A has an edge directed to B. So...

How To Print Out A Boolean In C Code Example

Example: how to print boolean in c printf ( "%s" , x ? "true" : "false" ) ; Emmet And Jsx

Answer : Open Atom -> Preferences -> Packages -> Emmet Scroll down a bit and you'll see a note about this particular issue. From there you just need to grab the correct context, which in my case was source js jsx and add it to your Keymap configuration. # Auto expanding for emmet @ 'atom-text-editor[data-grammar="source js jsx"]': 'tab': 'emmet:expand-abbreviation-with-tab' OR (with a more relaxed selector) # Auto expanding for emmet @ 'atom-text-editor[data-grammar*="js"].not:[mini]': 'tab': 'emmet:expand-abbreviation-with-tab' As of the latest version you can hit cmd + shift + e. I assume for windows or linux it would be ctrl + shift + e (Although I have not verified windows and linux one)

AsReversed() Vs Reversed() In Kotlin?

Answer : In Kotlin, both reversed and asReversed have their own unique functions. The Reverse function returns a list with elements in reversed: order. Reversed Function Whereas, the asReversed function returns a reversed read-only view of the original List i.e., all changes made in the original list will be reflected in the reversed one. asReversed Function The difference between the two are that once the asReversed() function has been used, any changes in the original list will be reflected in the reversed list as well. But the same doesn't hold valid or true when the reversed() function is being used. It's merely used to reverse a list. Example: val list = mutableListOf(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) val asReversed = list.asReversed() val reversed = list.reversed() println("Original list: $list") println("asReversed: $asReversed") println("reversed: $reversed") list[0] = 10 println("Orig...

C Clean Buffer Code Example

Example: c clear buffer void clearBuffer ( ) { char c ; do { c = getchar ( ) ; } while ( c != '\n' && c != EOF ) ; }

Change Status Bar Color With React-navigation

Answer : I don't think there is any conflict between react-navigation and the StatusBar , but I think you should use the <StatusBar> component rather than the imperative API. There's a high chance this is due to a re-render of your app and it just switch back to the default, with a component declare, you ensure it won't happen. <StatusBar backgroundColor='blue' barStyle='light-content' /> You can even have multiple ones per route, to change it depending on the path. If you want to change it depending on the user and using redux , declare it in a connected component and pass the backgroundColor . Like Aperçu said no conflict between react-navigation and the StatusBar. Each screen should be able to set properties on the device's status bar, and the container defined in createNavigationContainer should get the options on state change, and apply them natively. try this for StatusBar for entire App. const AppContent = StackNavigator({...

Automatic Text Slider In Html Css Code Example

Example 1: html auto slideshow < html > < head > < style > #slider { width : 100 % ; height : 100 % ; margin : 0 auto ; border : 10 px solid transparent ; padding : 0 px ; z-index : 100 ; overflow : hidden ; white-space : nowrap ; box-sizing : border-box ; } #slider > li { width : 100 % ; height : 100 % ; position : relative ; display : inline-block ; overflow : hidden ; font-size : 15 px ; font-size : initial ; line-height : normal ; transition : all 0.5 s cubic-bezier ( 0.4 , 1.3 , 0.65 , 1 ) ; /* Slide css animation */ background-size : cover ; vertical-align : top ; box-sizing : border-box ; white-space : normal ; } </ style > </ head > < body > < ul id =...

Boto3 Nodejs Aws Code Example

Example: AWS JavaScript SDK node // install aws js sdk npm install aws - sdk

Aos Github Code Example

Example 1: animate on scroll github < script src = "" > < / script > < script > AOS . init ( ) ; < / script > Example 2: animate on scroll github < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" / > Example 3: aos js CSS < link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" > JS < script src = "" > < / script > INITIALIZE AOS : < script > AOS . init ( ) ; < / script > Example 4: aos css animation < div data - aos = "zoom-in-left" > < / div >

Cannot Start XAMPP On Ubuntu 11.10

Answer : This is a peculiar error you will get if you run XAMPP in LINUX. Assumption : XAMPP is unzipped @ /opt/ folder. If you get the error "XAMPP: Another web server daemon with SSL is already running" when you run ./lampp start . Simply follow the steps below to get rid of this error: Open the file /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf . Search the Listen 80 and change it to some other port (e.g. Listen 2145 ) (Line No. 40). Open the file /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-ssl.conf . Search the Listen 443 and change it to some other port (e.g. Listen 16443 ) (Line No. 39). Open the file /opt/lampp/lampp Search for the port testport 80 and replace it to testport 2145 . Also change the testport 443 to testport 16443 . (Happens to be the Line No. 197, 214) Now go and run /opt/lampp/lampp start . It should work now. Note: Line numbers may be different. I have similar problem and found the issue caused another service already running on port 443 (SSL). Check running l...

Change Push Notifications Programmatically In Swift

Answer : There isn't any way you can change push notifications permission status from program. Also, prompt asking user to allow push notifications can not be shown again and again. You can refer this The first time a push-enabled app registers for push notifications, iOS asks the user if they wish to receive notifications for that app. Once the user has responded to this alert it is not presented again unless the device is restored or the app has been uninstalled for at least a day. So using UISwitch to toggle permission status doesn't make any sense unless you use switch status to turn on/off remote notifications from your server. Updated with swift 4 : func switchChanged(sender: UISwitch!) { print("Switch value is \(sender.isOn)") if(sender.isOn){ print("on") UIApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications() } else{ print("...