
Showing posts from July, 2006

Unity 2d Animation Package Code Example

Example: unity animation 2d c# using UnityEngine ; using System . Collections ; public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Animation anim ; void Start ( ) { anim = GetComponent < Animation > ( ) ; foreach ( AnimationState state in anim ) { state . speed = 0.5F ; } } }

Axios Pos Headers Code Example

Example 1: header in axios axios . post ( 'url' , { "body" : data } , { headers : { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json' } } ) Example 2: headers in axios.get const axios = require ( 'axios' ) ; // gives you the headers in the response // body ``. // See: const res = await axios . get ( '' , { headers : { 'Test-Header' : 'test-value' } } ) ; res . data . headers [ 'Test-Header' ] ; // "test-value"

Change Pdf To Word Ilovepdf Code Example

Example 1: pdf to word Go to the link below! Example 2: pdf to word Use, or Sejda

A Man Is Known To Speak Truth 3 Out Of 4 Times. He Throws A Die And Reports That It Is A Six. Find The Probability That It Is Actually A Six.

Answer : The difference in solutions comes in the estimation of the probability that the man reports six when six has not occurred. If the man randomly chooses a number to report when he lies (which seems like a reasonable statement), then the probability he chooses 6 is 1/5. If you multiply your calculation of P(E|S2) by this, you get your teacher's solution.

Can We Rely On String.isEmpty For Checking Null Condition On A String In Java?

Answer : No, absolutely not - because if acct is null, it won't even get to isEmpty ... it will immediately throw a NullPointerException . Your test should be: if (acct != null && !acct.isEmpty()) Note the use of && here, rather than your || in the previous code; also note how in your previous code, your conditions were wrong anyway - even with && you would only have entered the if body if acct was an empty string. Alternatively, using Guava: if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(acct)) Use StringUtils.isEmpty instead, it will also check for null. Examples are: StringUtils.isEmpty(null) = true StringUtils.isEmpty("") = true StringUtils.isEmpty(" ") = false StringUtils.isEmpty("bob") = false StringUtils.isEmpty(" bob ") = false See more on official Documentation on String Utils. You can't use String.isEmpty() if it is null. Best is to have your own method to check nul...

Chrome Extension: Execute Background Page Only Once When Chrome Starts

Answer : What you are using is an Event Page(background_page.js). Event pages are unloaded when the browser detects that the page is not doing anything. So what's happening is that when you open a new tab, the Event page is being reloaded and starts executing from the top again. This way chrome is able to have your app use less memory and speed up the browser. If you want to fix the problem simply use persistent:true which will make sure the page "persists" indefinitely or until the user closes the browser. If you would really like to keep your app efficient with memory, you should take a look at the runtime.onSuspend method which gets called each time your Event page unloads. This way you can save stuff before the page gets unloaded so that you can resume where you left off. UPDATE: According to current documentation you simply have to delete the persistent key (no need to change it to "persistent": true ). This is an event page : { "name...

Comments In Matlab Code Example

Example 1: block of comments in matlab % { Commented code here . % } Example 2: matlab comments % single line comment % Example 3: matlab comment % This is a one - line comment % { This is a multi - line comment % }

C++ Std Getline Code Example

Example: getline cpp //getline allows for multi word input including spaces ex. "Jim Barens" # include <iostream> # include <string> int main ( ) { string namePerson { } ; // creating string getline ( cin , namePerson ) ; // using getline for user input std :: cout << namePerson ; // output string namePerson }

Auto-increment A Value In Firebase

Answer : Here's an example method that increments a single counter. The key idea is that you are either creating the entry (setting it equal to 1) or mutating the existing entry. Using a transaction here ensures that if multiple clients attempt to increment the counter at the same time, all requests will eventually succeed. From the Firebase documentation (emphasis mine): Use our transactions feature when working with complex data that could be corrupted by concurrent updates public void incrementCounter() { firebase.runTransaction(new Transaction.Handler() { @Override public Transaction.Result doTransaction(final MutableData currentData) { if (currentData.getValue() == null) { currentData.setValue(1); } else { currentData.setValue((Long) currentData.getValue() + 1); } return Transaction.success(currentData); } @Override public void onComplete(Fi...

Abstraction Example In Java

Example 1: abstract class in java Sometimes we may come across a situation where we cannot provide implementation to all the methods in a class. We want to leave the implementation to a class that extends it. In such case we declare a class as abstract.To make a class abstract we use key word abstract. Any class that contains one or more abstract methods is declared as abstract. If we don’t declare class as abstract which contains abstract methods we get compile time error. 1)Abstract classes cannot be instantiated 2)An abstarct classes contains abstract method, concrete methods or both. 3)Any class which extends abstarct class must override all methods of abstract class 4)An abstarct class can contain either 0 or more abstract method. Example 2: abstraction in java Abstraction is defined as hiding internal implementation and showing only necessary information. // abstract class abstract class Addition { // abstract methods public abstract int addTwoNum...

Calculating Difference Between Two Timestamps In Oracle In Milliseconds

Answer : When you subtract two variables of type TIMESTAMP , you get an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND which includes a number of milliseconds and/or microseconds depending on the platform. If the database is running on Windows, systimestamp will generally have milliseconds. If the database is running on Unix, systimestamp will generally have microseconds. 1 select systimestamp - to_timestamp( '2012-07-23', 'yyyy-mm-dd' ) 2* from dual SQL> / SYSTIMESTAMP-TO_TIMESTAMP('2012-07-23','YYYY-MM-DD') --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +000000000 14:51:04.339000000 You can use the EXTRACT function to extract the individual elements of an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND SQL> ed Wrote file afiedt.buf 1 select extract( day from diff ) days, 2 extract( hour from diff ) hours, 3 extract( minute from diff ) minutes, 4 extract( second from diff ) seconds 5 from (select systimes...

Can't Mount NTFS Drive - "NTFS Signature Is Missing."

Answer : You are trying to mount whole Hard Disk drive instead of Partition on it. Try mounting /dev/sdc1 instead of /dev/sdc .

Android Pick Images From Gallery

Answer : Absolutely. Try this: Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setType("image/*"); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Select Picture"), PICK_IMAGE); Don't forget also to create the constant PICK_IMAGE , so you can recognize when the user comes back from the image gallery Activity: public static final int PICK_IMAGE = 1; @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == PICK_IMAGE) { //TODO: action } } That's how I call the image gallery. Put it in and see if it works for you. EDIT: This brings up the Documents app. To allow the user to also use any gallery apps they might have installed: Intent getIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); getIntent.setType("image/*"); Intent pickIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT...