
Showing posts from May, 2006

Blurred Decoration Image In Flutter

Answer : You could do something like this, by blurring the container child instead. class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new MaterialApp( home: new Container( decoration: new BoxDecoration( image: new DecorationImage( image: new ExactAssetImage('assets/dog.png'), fit: BoxFit.cover, ), ), child: new BackdropFilter( filter: new ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 10.0, sigmaY: 10.0), child: new Container( decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: Colors.white.withOpacity(0.0)), ), ), ), ); } } Screenshot Screenshot: Using Stack : SizedBox( height: 200, child: Stack( fit: StackFit.expand, children: [ Image.asset('chocolate_image', fit: BoxFit.cover), ClipRRect( // Clip it cleanly. child: BackdropFilter( filter: ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 10,...

Leap Year Program In C Using Logical Operators Code Example

Example: leap year c program # include <stdio.h> int main ( ) { int year ; printf ( "Enter a year: " ) ; scanf ( "%d" , & year ) ; // leap year if perfectly visible by 400 if ( year % 400 == 0 ) { printf ( "%d is a leap year." , year ) ; } // not a leap year if visible by 100 // but not divisible by 400 else if ( year % 100 == 0 ) { printf ( "%d is not a leap year." , year ) ; } // leap year if not divisible by 100 // but divisible by 4 else if ( year % 4 == 0 ) { printf ( "%d is a leap year." , year ) ; } // all other years are not leap year else { printf ( "%d is not a leap year." , year ) ; } return 0 ; }

Appending To The Same List From Different Processes Using Multiprocessing

Answer : Global variables are not shared between processes. You need to use multiprocessing.Manager.list : from multiprocessing import Process, Manager def dothing(L, i): # the managed list `L` passed explicitly. L.append("anything") if __name__ == "__main__": with Manager() as manager: L = manager.list() # <-- can be shared between processes. processes = [] for i in range(5): p = Process(target=dothing, args=(L,i)) # Passing the list p.start() processes.append(p) for p in processes: p.join() print L See Sharing state between processes¶ ( Server process part). Falsetru's answer worked. But still, the list was not accessible beyond the with Manager() as manager: two changes were needed: adding L = [] in front of the if __name__ == "__main__": statement. Must be added as for some reason the last print(L) (the one outside of if ) is ex...

Maxint In C Code Example

Example: C largest unsigned int The sizeof function will help you here . sizeof ( data type ) returns a size_t //Number of bytes whatever the input for sizeof takes Example : //This statement will return 2 or 4 (depending on your system) return sizeof ( int )

Big Chungus Wikipedia Code Example

Example 1: big chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Big Chungus Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Chungus, Big Chungus Big Big Chungus Example 2: big chungus Big Chungus refers to an image of the cartoon character Bugs Bunny, usually captioned with the phrase "Big Chungus" and presented as a game for PlayStation 4 console. The word "chungus" was coined by video game journalist Jim Sterling several years before the mem...

39inch To Cm Code Example

Example: inch to cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm

Batch - If, ElseIf, Else

Answer : @echo off title Test echo Select a language. (de/en) set /p language= IF /i "%language%"=="de" goto languageDE IF /i "%language%"=="en" goto languageEN echo Not found. goto commonexit :languageDE echo German goto commonexit :languageEN echo English goto commonexit :commonexit pause The point is that batch simply continues through instructions, line by line until it reaches a goto , exit or end-of-file. It has no concept of sections to control flow. Hence, entering de would jump to :languagede then simply continue executing instructions until the file ends, showing de then en then not found . @echo off set "language=de" IF "%language%" == "de" ( goto languageDE ) ELSE ( IF "%language%" == "en" ( goto languageEN ) ELSE ( echo Not found. ) ) :languageEN :languageDE echo %language% This works , but not sure how your language variable is de...

AngularJS Add Value Of Checkboxes To An Array

Answer : ng-true-value only accepts strings so you'll need to use a workaround. This has been a feature request for some time. In the meantime, you can do this: Create an ids object in the controller like: $scope.ids = {}; and change ng-model to reference a key in that object. You can use the default true/false checkbox values: <td><input type="checkbox" ng-model="ids[doc.provider.Id]"></td> Then you can loop over the keys in ids checking for true . Here is a fiddle I found that this directive provided the functionality I was looking for. The main problem I ran into with the more common solutions is that I have two arrays which I needed to store data compatible with a multi select list. The checklistModel directive provides this very basic functionality and works with multiple models. I will start by saying that I really don't like the options for doing this in angular. I can't even say that this is better than th...

An Elegant Way To Define A Sequence

Answer : I believe your sequence continues forever but grows quickly. If n n n is large, the density of primes around n n n is log ⁡ n \log n lo g n . Since log ⁡ n \log n lo g n is so much smaller than n n n , the chance a random n n n has k k k arrows is about 1 ( log ⁡ n ) k + 1 \frac 1{(\log n)^{k+1}} ( l o g n ) k + 1 1 ​ . The expected number of sequences of length k k k above 1 0 12 , 10^{12}, 1 0 12 , say, is then ∫ 1 0 12 ∞ d n ( log ⁡ n ) k + 1 \int_{10^{12}}^\infty \frac {dn}{(\log n)^{k+1}} ∫ 1 0 12 ∞ ​ ( l o g n ) k + 1 d n ​ . This diverges because ( log ⁡ n ) k (\log n)^k ( lo g n ) k becomes less than n n n for n n n large enough and we know the integral of 1 n \frac 1n n 1 ​ diverges. Each subtraction is only of order n log ⁡ n \frac n{\log n} l o g n n ​ , which is small compared to n n n and the log will not change much. If we ask what length of sequence we expect to find among the 12 12 12 digit numbers, we note that the log of these numbers ...

"Chrome Extension Throws CRX File Error "CRX_REQUIRD_PROOF_MISSING"

Answer : In recent versions of Chrome only CRX3 format is supported: Instructions for Repackaging Please see the following article for detailed instructions on how to repackage Chrome apps and extensions into the CRX3 format. If you use an open source library to build extensions please verify CRX3 support with that vendor. In addition you can use to check the version of your extension and let your vendor know. If you are unable to repackage or cannot use the CRX3 format, you can enable the ExtensionAllowInsecureUpdates policy. Note that this is only a temporary workaround, all extensions must move to the CRX3 format! M76 (July 2019) By default, CRX2 will be disabled and everyone should move to CRX3. As a temporary workaround, ExtensionAllowInsecureUpdates can be used to re-enable CRX2. (from Your options are: Repack the extension in CRX3 format in some way or another, f...

Call An Overridden Method From Super Class In Typescript

Answer : The key is calling the parent's method using super.methodName(); class A { // A protected method protected doStuff() { alert("Called from A"); } // Expose the protected method as a public function public callDoStuff() { this.doStuff(); } } class B extends A { // Override the protected method protected doStuff() { // If we want we can still explicitly call the initial method super.doStuff(); alert("Called from B"); } } var a = new A(); a.callDoStuff(); // Will only alert "Called from A" var b = new B() b.callDoStuff(); // Will alert "Called from A" then "Called from B" Try it here The order of execution is: A 's constructor B 's constructor The assignment occurs in B 's constructor after A 's constructor— _super —has been called: function B() { _super.apply(this, arguments); // MyvirtualMethod c...

50 Cm In Inches Code Example

Example: cm to inches const cm = 1; console.log(`cm:${cm} = in:${cmToIn(cm)}`); function cmToIn(cm){ var in = cm/2.54; return in; }

Chevrons Or Angle Brackets Latex Code Example

Example: chevrons or angle brackets latex $\langle$ for the left angle bracket ( chevron ) $\rangle$ for the right angle bracket ( chevron )